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My CPA Mobile Marketing Journey - Come and Join Me!


Hey everyone!

For a long time I thought about start actively participate in here, K's challenge will be my excuse for that to start now...

My story quickly (skip if you're in a hurry):
For a few years I thought on starting my own online business. My Warrior forum account was created on 2009 lol... Last year, I took the authority site free traffic path, but it wasn't for me and I stopped promoting my sites.

Then, I came across the CPA model. I started to read and learn EVERY written word exist about CPA marketing on the Web, courses (Counting only the legit pros), blogs, forums, you name it...

After a while, I decided that I'm finally ready and took my first step on POF promoting desktop dating niche sites.

I learned how to setup campaigns, split test correctly, making creatives and ripping and fixing landing pages.

I created many campaigns and even made conversions and profit, but I realized that POF can't be a long term business model. So I started looking again. after considering PPV and Media buys, I decided to land into the Mobile CPI/L/S world.

Some conclusions so far:
  • Information is SUPER IMPORTANT, taking action EVEN MORE.
  • Learn from your competition. On the contrary to what that everybody says, there's many secrets in that industry. Your competition can be invaluable if you wanna uncover some of them.
  • Network: don't be shy. talk. A lot. Ad reps, AM, build relationships. It worth the efforts in cash.
  • Focus: Choose the way you're going to work, and go for it. Don't over-think and get into info-overload (Like I did...)

Tips for Newbies:
  • Allocate Budget ONLY for advertising! At least $5000, so you won't be stressed with every dollar that go away (personally I am....)
  • Minimize the other expenses:
  • Tracker: Voluum, free (you'll make money till passing their monthly quota)
  • Hosting: No shared hosting, No VPS hosting. Use CDN! create push zone (connect with Cloudflare DNS service) and you're good to go! Super cheap, and the best technology there is today! all the scripts you need to get started available in JS, and passing tokens with Voluum. (I recommend KeyCDN)
  • VPN: download OpenVPN and use VPNgate, it is free and go even through POF's defenses (I know what you think...)
  • Forum: Affiliatefix
  • Blogs: All Free info
  • The only thing in the beginning you pay for is traffic, and time.

My Business Goals (in profit):
  • steady positive profit
  • $100
  • $500
  • Assembling a media buy team - $3000+
  • Even the skies isn't a limit :)

My CPA Networks:
I have account on MANY CPA Networks, the top of them are:



Forums I watch:

Blogs I read the top list (Using Feedly of course):
CharlesNgo - I wanna meet the man himself someday!
MalanDarras - Awesome guy, creative thinking, both in marketing and music
IamAttila - Another great affiliate, I wanna assemble a team like you do!
FinchSells - Thanks man, learned a lot! - made me start with POF, thanks man! - Great Affiliate Overview for the Mobile CPA World - thanks! - Thanks for your tips, and keep writing!!

Thanks for the contributing guys from the forum:
@K - obvious :)
@cashmoneyaffiliate - inspiring!
@tjtutor - thanks for the motivation kick :)
@servandosilva - learned a lot from your posts

What I'm going to do now:
Kind of offers:
Mobile CPL and CPS - Whatsapp wallpaper, antivirus, sweepstakes
Traffic Source: Pop traffic

Going to set up a few popunder campiagns, PM me if you have insights
Ad rep and affiliate managers - PM me if you have lucrative offers

What I'm asking from you Guys:
Help me out Guys, with tips and consulting. I'm not a newbie anymore, but I'm not profitable either (yet!). PM me and we can exchange Ideas through Skype/email/Fackbook Messanger.
If anyone wanna setup a Mastermind group, I am in!
From the experienced affiliates in the forum, if anyone can help my with my first few mobile campaigns, you'll have my gratitude forever!
Your Feedback is really important for me Guys! For the most of us, we don't have people in the family that understand what & why we're doing this...

Thank you!!
Hey guys!

Wanted to keep you updated but i just had very tough days working really hard.

the only thing i can say for now is that finding the right traffic source and the right offer can bring you VERY FAST to 4 figures profit daily.

any serious mobile affiliate that wanna share insights is welcomed to Pm me.

Happy grinding guys ;)
@Ruann William's course was my course to get started with media buying.

POF is great to learn the basic, building campaigns, landers etc.

But ireally hated POF, I know super affiliates that made big money and never could succeed with POF lol.

Mobile is my focus now, you can scale to huge volume very easily, one campaign is better than 50 small niche dating sites campaigns.

@williamrs do you make mobile focused mentoring? I really grateful for your POF training, the dual link Cta was a cool idea :)
I am about to start this journey too but just waiting for my CPA application approval. Second of all, what market shall I get involve as a complete newbie? Just have to start somewhere instead of keep procrastinating ( wasted a lot of precious time). Please share and guide me for a start. I need a mentor to show me the way especially in the beginning...

(Your Feedback is really important for me Guys! For the most of us, we don't have people in the family that understand what & why we're doing this...) ........1000% agreed with this statement ....

Your guidance is highly appreciated... Thank you once again...

Hey @Derrick! First of all read all of the blogs I mentioned above. All of the post, I mean it!

Then choose Desktop vs Mobile, Which Vertical to concentrate on and choose the traffic source. Pick only one. Apply to all big Affiliate Networks. PM me if you want advice on that.

Then do a thorough manual spying. Rip many landers. See the order they show up and their angles.

After you finish, talk with your AM and find the goldden nugget offer. ask for top 10 by volume and revenue, not only EPC.

Now launch and optimize.

Good luck buddy!
Big thanks to you.
I spent much money at ad networks: airpush, leadbolt but got poor install. I hope more learn from you :)
It's been about 4 months since the last update and I hope this journey isn't dead yet. What's the status on this? I guess you're banking so hard now, you don't have time to stay on the forum, you're getting 4 figures per day already :)

Well, the thread started strong, interestingly, but it died fast :(
It has been a long time indeed...

Long story short - worked hard on launching campaigns, had a great success on mobile and now I'm looking to evolve to the next level.

@ppcnewbie I was super busy on that time and you won't find all of the good stuff on forums, only by acquiring intel - both from people, making a proper research and launching campaigns.

If you have any questions regarding affiliate marketing and other stuff I would be glad to answer.
COC Im a year into AFFmarketing and i have been working on Mobile, esp banners 320x50 in several different Geos, I would like to exchange notes when you have time, Im sure you can help me more than vs versa but either way its 1500$ in experience and data. Scottybolo@skype
It has been a long time indeed...

Long story short - worked hard on launching campaigns, had a great success on mobile and now I'm looking to evolve to the next level.

@ppcnewbie I was super busy on that time and you won't find all of the good stuff on forums, only by acquiring intel - both from people, making a proper research and launching campaigns.

If you have any questions regarding affiliate marketing and other stuff I would be glad to answer.

what do you mean by "now I'm looking to evolve to the next level."?

I saw you started with app installs, but I assume you didn't limit yourself only to this vertical. Did you also try SOI sweepstakes and vouchers? I guess that's the next step after CPI. How did they work for you?

Thanks and good luck with your current campaigns
what do you mean by "now I'm looking to evolve to the next level."?

I saw you started with app installs, but I assume you didn't limit yourself only to this vertical. Did you also try SOI sweepstakes and vouchers? I guess that's the next step after CPI. How did they work for you?

Thanks and good luck with your current campaigns

Starting with CPI and then adding SOI/DOI is good decision. In our platform we chose exactly this way.
I believe that installing app is pretty easier then submitting your phone number. So it's just step ahead.