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My Final Affiliate Journey (with Bing!)


Well-Known Member
AffKit Ninja
How are you guys?
decided to do one last affiliate SEO journey thread
but this really is the last time . . .

lets start with why
why am i doing this thread? money
several reasons actually -->
1. every time i do a thread i earn commission
2. every time i stop a thread i lose commission
3. the updates keep me focused
4. give something back to this community

plan to run this thing until christmas
then sell my affiliate site & take a long vacation
a lot of work & sleepless nights ahead
6 months of non stop hustle
first report incoming
June 18, 2024


daily earning $0
daily target $100
daily average (last 30 days) $0.16
30 day forecast $0.48
30 day target $3000

i hate the new google analytics ga4
its the worst software update in internet history
absolute power corrupts absolutely

running 1 blog its about outdoor fashion clothing
commission target is $100 daily $3000 monthly by christmas
content 90% deranked by in the last S.E.O. update
now targeting S.E.O. traffic from --> guidelines
removed 99% of affiliate ads & building out content
started actually praying to god for help focusing

June 28, 2024

daily earning $0
daily target $100
daily average (last 30 days) $0.22
30 day forecast $6.63
30 day target $3000


Bing Webmaster Tools

im using BWT now
cos most of the traffic is from Bing
its more basic than Google products
but its also more simple as an interface

Google Data Deletion
GSC is still reliable
but GA4 is a joke
they sent me emails couple days back
sayin all UGA data will be erased soon
--> yeah its to save you money in the data centers!
smart tho
Google gained market share by doing this
they are brutal but they arent dumb
better backup all my old UGA data

got a couple sales
one was $5 commission other was few bucks
see whats interesting is my traffic --> its transactional intent searches
they are looking for product information
--> even if they arent consciously thinking about a purchase
i can get 20 clicks & expect at least 1 conversions
way above industry average but 100 visits can get 20 clicks
why? ALL my content is about products
every post have the clear CTA links

blog traffic goin up fast
usin all the tools from Neil Patels Ubersuggest
i dont care about how bad the commission is
--> quality content + smart advertisements = commission
commission target $100 daily by christmas

been studying Bing search engine guidelines
its much easier to get ranked there
not so draconian as Google search
around 4% global market share of search
thats from round 5.4bn internet users
so over 200million people

every now and again i find a cool video
no bs no waffle no bling
this is about content marketing & S.E.O. & affiliate income
15 mins out of your busy day -->

Last edited:
July 2, 2024

Traffic (new)
30 day sessions 1350
30 day page views 3250
30 day session time 1m 15s

daily earning $0
daily target $100
daily average (last 30 days) $0.22
30 day forecast $6.63
30 day target $3000

i know this is fairly word heavy
gonna work on the format guys
just been real busy
@azgold any design suggestions?
think screenshots might help
im gonna look thru old posts
got a lot goin on right now
more updates & better info soon

slowly re inserting my ads
--> but only in the high quality content
ad clicks are back into double figures today
1st time this year
i know commission actions are coming
its everything i learnt here since 2020
1st --> content
2nd ---> impressions
3rd --> visits
4th --> ad clicks
5th --> ad actions
6th --> commission

GOAL --> $100 commission daily by Christmas

blog traffic goin up fast
got a real foothold in Bing search
given up on Google for now
my new home is real cosy -->
Bing search engine guidelines
July 2, 2024

ive tripled daily traffic
gone from 50 to 150 overnight
simply by going to BWT admin
& performing a deep site scan
i did the web page crawl 1st
next i will perform a X.M.L. site maps scan probably daily
guys this is for real
got 7 users online right now
thats from being a dead blog 1 month back
btw my site has 3 random backlinks
thats total
& they are all spam sites
& my site is carpet deranked from Google
so its a blog getting trafffic from Bing and has zero legit backlinks
gotta keep 1 eye on the overall objective

Bing rankings may be a lot more stable as compared to Google.
Well, traffic is meaningless unless a reasonable amount of it can be monetized.
Time will tell on that point (as usual).
July 2, 2024

ive tripled daily traffic
gone from 50 to 150 overnight
simply by going to BWT admin
& performing a deep site scan
i did the web page crawl 1st
next i will perform a X.M.L. site maps scan probably daily
guys this is for real
got 7 users online right now
thats from being a dead blog 1 month back
btw my site has 3 random backlinks
thats total
& they are all spam sites
& my site is carpet deranked from Google
so its a blog getting trafffic from Bing and has zero legit backlinks
gotta keep 1 eye on the overall objective

How many articles/posts do you have on your blog? I lost interest in blogging with all the google updates and Gen AI take over. I am now on paid traffic sent to ecommerce store.
You need to consider what Bing and OpenAI are doing and how internet search may be influenced by AI.
Microsoft seems all in on that.
That is one reason I use LINUX and Firefox.
My search engine is duckduckgo 99%+ of the time.
I am not free food for either Google or Microsoft.

But I may eat at their table ;)
How many articles/posts do you have on your blog? I lost interest in blogging with all the google updates and Gen AI take over. I am now on paid traffic sent to ecommerce store.
do you mean total?
its in the hundreds
mainly used AI
but Googles last update hit hard
so i stopped using AI content writer
i dont have a set daily amount of posts
watch specific brands on insta tiktok fb etc
only post when theres something trending
if its its not trending on Google Trends
or not likely to trend down the line
its not worth the time
my posts can take 4 hours research
then 2 hours content creation
maybe another hour double checking & tweaking things
one post could take all day
only got 10 or 12 hrs each week
ive learned to target transactional searches
but Google is making life very difficult for SEOers
one of the many reasons why I quit SEOing. I just buy traffic for now.
this is Googles strategy
give ppl free things
get them hooked
create a paid version
clutter free version with ads & other garbage
ppl get frustrated & use paid version
they did it with search
doin it with You Tube
destroyed Analytics
Search Console and Drive ok for now
but just a matter of time