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My Final Affiliate Journey (with Bing!)

found my old commission reporting charts
gonna take a bunch of edits

Search Traffic & Affiliate Commission
--> 30 days

This chart shows the overall matrix from search engine impressions to affiliate commission
The data is based on the last 30 days to create a prediction for the next 30 days
Commission equations are temporary

Search impressions​
Search clicks​
Ad interactions​
Ad actions
Per sale250001000201$5
15 million​

Affiliate Commission

--> 30 days

The target affiliate commission ^ is $100 each day so its around $3000 affiliate commission each month
This chart shows the data from the past 30 days ^^ and uses it to create a forecast ^^^ of what is likely to happen in the next 30 days

Commission 30 days
Commission 7 days
Commission day
Goal %
Target ^
Results ^^----
Forecast ^^^$0$0$00%-

Affiliate Networks

--> 30 days

The target affiliate commission is $100 each day total across all affiliate networks
This chart shows interactions such as clicks with affiliate advertisements in the past 30 days
Actions means a purchase or a sign up or a survey
Commission means money received for actions
The search impressions and clicks are just from

Search impressionsSearch ClicksAffiliate Network 1Affiliate Network 2Affiliate Network 3Affiliate Network 4Affiliate Network 5Affiliate Network 6TOTAL

Problems & Solutions
--> 24 hours

This chart shows challenges with my affiliate business
The problem and the solution are shown along with any software I used

Organic traffic & affiliate ad clicks but no affiliate commission​
Make list top 10 traffic pages & create affiliate links​
Google Drive - Search Console - Bing Webmaster Tools - Amazon Associates​
Losing users on empty category pagesMake list top 10 most popular empty category pages & create blog post about trending topicGoogle Drive - Google Trends - Ubersuggest
Blog posts taking too long to createMake list post types & steps to create each post then use Chat GPT to create skeleton of each postGoogle Drive - Chat GPT
Main pages top of Bing - Yahoo - Duck Duck Go - Ecosia - but not indexed by Google?Check Core Web Vitals and Google documentation for solutionsCore Web Vitals - Google Search Central

Affiliate Learning

This chart shows things i learned about affiliate marketing & how i used it to help my affiliate business & where you can read more about it

Things i learned
How i used the information
Where i found it
Last edited:
that would really disappoint me:

120/50000 = 0.0024 0.024%

You need to use branding better. I know you cannot use 'amazon' but can you incorporate the product's brand name into you verbiage (copy)? That would probably double, (or a much greater gain), your CTR from search, considering your copy is appealing ... If you are already doing that sort of branding effort, then your site ranking is not good enough.
Many many things to consider
yesterday more visits from than Google!!!!!!
that last algo update really hit hard
getting desperate now
my day job is a real bitch
earn round about $200 for a full day
pays the bills & some left
but its the graveyard shift
i fuckin hate it
would take half that to be an affiliate

Grocery Store GIF by Travis

am considering affiliate machine gun approach
--> pop up a heap of affiliate sites
maybe 10 or 20 different angles of the same niche
keep them all updated & see which gets traction
then hammer on those

Machine Gun Laughing GIF by The Bear

problem is now my health getting bad again
with it motivation all time low
need that boost to get back on track've never heard of them before, interesting find. I actually wasn't sure what to make of it.

but its the graveyard shift
i fuckin hate it
Crying Face Understandable. But it's temporary, a means to an end.

would take half that to be an affiliate
Keep going and probably you will be. already are an affiliate but I know what you mean.

problem is now my health getting bad again
No you don't! Don't make me come there and make you drink chicken soup and take vitamins! Because you know I will! :rofl

daily traffic is 100/150 avg all bing yahoo and duckduck
google has completely disowned me !!
avg daily affiliate clicks into double figures
1 affiliate commission last week
new fashion product review post less than 1 week old​
native call to action in text​
visitor action was $90 for 1 item​
so i earned $9 commission​
yea ok its only $9 but the model works​
just need to keep posting product reviews​
got a v good relationship with affiliate network
started 2021 on 5% commission tier
promoted 2022 into 10% on request
--> after i grossed for them $20k in affiliate actions
traffic & actions way down past year
worried the network would cancel my contract
but the network stuck by me

been doin 3 main things past wk
  • working my graveyard job
  • updating affiliate site
  • & sleeping
--> weekends are for fun!

beach day running GIF
Traffic went up & up toward 200 daily
ad clicks went up also 15-20 daily
finally got an action $100 earned $10
then I got really ill with an infection
then traffic dropped again
so did ad clicks
considering a switch from affiliate to web design but nothing decided
anyhow im pausing it atm
cos my vision is blurry
doctor says best avoid screen time
on lots of meds
back soon
Traffic went up & up toward 200 daily
ad clicks went up also 15-20 daily
finally got an action $100 earned $10
then I got really ill with an infection
then traffic dropped again
so did ad clicks
considering a switch from affiliate to web design but nothing decided
anyhow im pausing it atm
cos my vision is blurry
doctor says best avoid screen time
on lots of meds
back soon
I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well, hope your infection heals and your eyes are better soon!
Oh dear STI
hope it doesnt become STD
immune system gone wild

meanwhile .....
have decided to keep affiliate fashion blog going until Christmas
2 main goals
  1. help visitors
  2. improve analytic stats
any affiliate commission just a bonus
Google ranking would be a miracle

im not doing it for the money any more
just enjoy blogging and helping folk