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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

My First Affiliate Marketing Journey in Fashion.

Now, Would it be better to upload the video directly to my site so it can be indexed? Or would it be beneficial for the channel to use the youtube embed?
Strongly recommend that you embed rather than upload
  1. Better to use You Tube's bandwidth/space than your own
  2. It's also easier to index You Tube videos in Google than direct uploads, because You Tube is owned by Google, and despite what Google might say, it favors its own software
Having said that I also recommend that you download your videos to your computer in case you ever get locked out or banned from You Tube, in this scenario you could upload everything to another video sharing platform like Vimeo
Strongly recommend that you embed rather than upload
  1. Better to use You Tube's bandwidth/space than your own
  2. It's also easier to index You Tube videos in Google than direct uploads, because You Tube is owned by Google, and despite what Google might say, it favors its own software
Having said that I also recommend that you download your videos to your computer in case you ever get locked out or banned from You Tube, in this scenario you could upload everything to another video sharing platform like Vimeo

I had thought about bandwidth with uploading and indexing videos on my site. They say its unlimited bandwidth, lol

I've noticed youtube videos are given the first pick, always. I just figured I'd throw them in the pile of things search engines can dig through that I'm creating.

Also, I do have all of my videos saved.
@Honeybadger This is what I was thinking by uploading to the site as well. More instances of this.

You can always try it and see what happens
I just think that with the Google Core Web Vitals update anything that slows your site down won't help SEO (or your users)
Since 2 identical videos are essentially duplicate content I cannot see Google indexing both on a regular basis
Social media is a much better option, but again variation is your best tactic
There is an option on the page setting you can disable the title I think it's better to remove homepage title (attached image).
The new logo is super cool, but I actually didn't like the new homepage. A bit messy. I'd like it more if the height of images were lower, the newsletter form wasn't full width (also the button wasn't red) and I'd put a short one line introduction below the header "Coolest Hoodies. The Coolest Hoodies, ever!" and remove the long introduction or put another carousel slider above the introduction, for example "Featured hoodies", that's just personal idea xd.

I got a question, how could I get accepted by Amazon with a newbie blog?


  • Screenshot (374).png
    Screenshot (374).png
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I got a question, how could I get accepted by Amazon with a newbie blog?

The simple answer is --> Apply !! ;)
Your application will be automatically accepted for a trial period
Make sure you fill out all of the information requested
After 3 sales they send someone to look at your site
My educated guess is they have a checklist, if you pass it then you get accepted, if you don't pass they simply delete your account and you'll need to submit new application
Before I applied to Amazon Associates, I worked on my site for 30 days, 10 hours a day
So when I finally joined Amazon as an affiliate publisher the sales were immediate and my site was "complete"
Having said that, I got rejected 1st time, accepted 2nd time
.. which is great, because now I can share that information with you
The simple answer is --> Apply !! ;)
Your application will be automatically accepted for a trial period
Make sure you fill out all of the information requested
After 3 sales they send someone to look at your site
My educated guess is they have a checklist, if you pass it then you get accepted, if you don't pass they simply delete your account and you'll need to submit new application
Before I applied to Amazon Associates, I worked on my site for 30 days, 10 hours a day
So when I finally joined Amazon as an affiliate publisher the sales were immediate and my site was "complete"
Having said that, I got rejected 1st time, accepted 2nd time
.. which is great, because now I can share that information with you
Got it, it's a 7 day one but going to apply for it soon, thanks.
I really need to apply for etsy but as I should register on Awin and they don't accept users from my country (so strict) I'm going for Amazon.
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Got it, it's a 7 day one but going to apply for it soon, thanks.
I really need to apply for etsy but as I should register on Awin and they don't accept users from my country (so strict) I'm going for Amazon.

My advice is try ONE network/program first
Yes, you can do multiple at once but from my experience it was a mistake
Better would have been to master Amazon Associates first
This is the most reliable + trustworthy imho
@SEOBlogPosts which network are you getting most clicks from?
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My advice is try ONE network/program first
Yes, you can do multiple at once but from my experience it was a mistake
Better would have been to master Amazon Associates first
This is the most reliable + trustworthy imho
@SEOBlogPosts which network are you getting most clicks from?

@Honeybadger I'm using products from amazon, eBay, ShareASale, and Impact. I started Amazon AFTER the others so I've been using it about 10 days less than the others.

Shareasale right now has 38 clicks, eBay had like 2 the last time I checked, and impact had 1 click on the 31st, and amazon currently has 30 since 4-01.

I would say that amazon and ShareASale are both performing the same. I do think this is due to the button text as we discussed before. Share a sale had the original text used and amazon has the new text and receives more clicks I think.

I have been going through the products with the original button text and changing them to the new text and I am seeing my clicks increase through my share a sale products which tells me the button text change is working.

I suppose I won't know which provides more clicks yet because there are still two variations of the button text.

I do wonder tho. How would I make sense of which network provides more clicks if the design for each different affiliate is the same. The only identifier is a tag I use to keep track of them such as "amazon hoodies" but that is the only thing people can see.

I guess what I'm getting at is I'm not saying "check this out on Amazon" or "ebay" or whatever so I can't tell if people are more prone to click amazon or ebay.

@rezasys Thanks. I like the logo too. I'll move things around and see what happens. I ended up having to make an addition to the header file, for now, to be able to show page titles throughout the site because my theme for some reason doesn't show it. so, because of that, the homepage will have the page title of the page I am using for the homepage.

See, this is why it's good to write things out and talk about them because after I just said that It made me think, why don't I just remove the damn page title for the page I'm using for the homepage. I never published a page without a title before so I gave it a shot and removed the title and it worked. No more page title on the homepage
and, because I have yoast plugin taking care of the custom SEO data the page still shows a title in the results.

So, took care of that one, thanks!

edit* Yoast still interferes with this idea. The page title is back... I'll have to keep working on it lol
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@Honeybadger I'm using products from amazon, eBay, ShareASale, and Impact. I started Amazon AFTER the others so I've been using it about 10 days less than the others.

Shareasale right now has 38 clicks, eBay had like 2 the last time I checked, and impact had 1 click on the 31st, and amazon currently has 30 since 4-01.

I would say that amazon and ShareASale are both performing the same. I do think this is due to the button text as we discussed before. Share a sale had the original text used and amazon has the new text and receives more clicks I think.

I have been going through the products with the original button text and changing them to the new text and I am seeing my clicks increase through my share a sale products which tells me the button text change is working.

I suppose I won't know which provides more clicks yet because there are still two variations of the button text.

I do wonder tho. How would I make sense of which network provides more clicks if the design for each different affiliate is the same. The only identifier is a tag I use to keep track of them such as "amazon hoodies" but that is the only thing people can see.

I guess what I'm getting at is I'm not saying "check this out on Amazon" or "ebay" or whatever so I can't tell if people are more prone to click amazon or ebay.

@rezasys Thanks. I like the logo too. I'll move things around and see what happens. I ended up having to make an addition to the header file, for now, to be able to show page titles throughout the site because my theme for some reason doesn't show it. so, because of that, the homepage will have the page title of the page I am using for the homepage.

See, this is why it's good to write things out and talk about them because after I just said that It made me think, why don't I just remove the damn page title for the page I'm using for the homepage. I never published a page without a title before so I gave it a shot and removed the title and it worked. No more page title on the homepage
and, because I have yoast plugin taking care of the custom SEO data the page still shows a title in the results.

So, took care of that one, thanks!

edit* Yoast still interferes with this idea. The page title is back... I'll have to keep working on it lol
Are you going to do content marketting?
I struggle with writing contents for a niche that isn't my favorite but it's trend and money making! My fav niches are so compititive.
Thanks. I'm getting that viewers could handle longer videos since they view each of the shorts to the end. BTW, I watched a video in my dashboard on YouTube about shorts so I started using #shorts and it brings a good percentage of views.
The past few days I've been trying to make a better appearance with the videos. I think I've got a decent template to go with. It does take much longer tho to do it that way and go back and post to everything but the videos look much nicer. People seem to be alright though for the most part with videos that I made with the facebook feature.

Here is the progress on the youtube channel. The average per day is increasing and staying steady. I figure I should be able to keep a large, steady average of views per day if I keep posting. Each video seems to jump 1-600 views per day depending on how it landed in the results. I aim for long tails with volume and no "competition" once I land that I usually land that same video for shorter related keywords.


I have been keeping up with the others like facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, twitter. I have been seeing traffic maybe 2-5 from facebook and Instagram and youtube. Most of my traffic is direct type ins. @rezasys you're right I just need to find the right combo that looks good. @Honeybadger I like that findbuytool site's homepage but have no idea what to use to create that in Wordpress but that is a nice layout.

Right now, I've increased my total clicks on amazon to 71 and 47 on shareasale, 6 total on ebay, and 2 on impact. No Sales yet.

I'm really in need of doing something with the front page of the site.
Right now, I've increased my total clicks on amazon to 71 and 47 on shareasale, 6 total on ebay, and 2 on impact. No Sales yet.
Impressions and clicks ultimately lead to sales
I recommend that you look for hoodies popular right now
What's trending? What's going to trend?
Have you considered prepping for the Olympics?
Team USA hoodies?

I'm really in need of doing something with the front page of the site.
Which are the most popular pages on your site?
Focus on improving pages that get the most eyes