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My first breakeven journey


You can observe that people never click and scroll on my pre-landing page. One of them have stayed on my page for 522 seconds, which is crazy. There is not that much thing to read there. I guess ~15 seconds is enough, then they should click on something and be redirected to the offer page.

I really doubt the quality of propellerads (I increased the bid to 0.1). I'm gonna sleep now. I'll let it run this whole night, and let's say what we got.

Do you know how PropellerAds hide the referer?
I'm so excited. No matter whether I can sell this offer or not, I'm very happy with what I learned from this campaign. Let's see what I got now.


Do you think there's something wrong with UserAgent and ASN?
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I can't stress the importance of testing an offer before you spend too much time and effort building a funnel around it.
Best to buy a few thousand popunders and make a fast landing page, count the click outs to the offer and see if you get much action on the concept (of the nature of the offers) --sample test first. This way will lose less than $10 and a few hours with of time.

It's very easy to subjectively sell yourself on an idea for the reason it might meet your goals --I have done this too many times and paid the price. When you buy something: do you care about what the seller is getting? Of course not, your thoughts are WIIFM (what's in it for me) --your traffic, viewer, potential buyer sees it that way too.

Don't worry about a ROI on $10 see if there is any real user affinity (interest, acceptance, like) for the offer itself --don't beat a dead horse and lose more money.

A sample of 500-1000 will begin to trend --when it doesn't I walk away. If you don't own/control the end play (the conversion) there may very well be a problem you can't fix on that end. I like to use several ad networks sourcing the traffic --that can vary --generally it hasn't --if those networks quality is similar.

Crappy offer and crappy traffic --you will always lose money getting your "data."
I have two funnel:
prelanding -> offer -> conversion
prelanding -> email -> offer -> conversion
Nobody submit email so far, as for the first funnel:

The conversion rate (cr1) between prelanding to offer is 3 / 98 * 100 = 3%
I made a tool to calculate what the CR (cr2) should be between offer to conversion to make me profitable:

I use ClickBank VSL, I'm not sure if it can reach 3.26% or not.
If we consider only traffic with more than 0.1 recaptcha score as real human:

evadav human rate: 50%
propellerads human rate: 55%

There is moderation traffic from propellerads, that's why it's greater than 74.

The CTR is too hight for Evadav, too high than average and PropellerAds.
One of the most important tools in this process is the use of network and campaign tokens.
In fact, I have recorded every micro from traffic sources, among them are and trafficSource.campaignId. Since there is only one campaign by far, so you didn't see campaignId.
You are getting a very high bounce rate see maxScrollPercentage chart
I think I should modify my landing page a little bit (I got it from the offer owner, and in fact, I didn't think it would work well, but I wanted to do a quick test on my whole tracking system, My bad English, I'm still struggling to write a good copyright)

Let me repost the engagement data and split them by


Page Engagement raw data:

There's something I want to explain:
1. only click target with CSS class .js-a are valid clicks, they will direct people to the offer page.
2. The article is pretty short, I don't think people stay there more than 30 seconds are human.
3. As you mentioned, if they didn't scroll at all, then it's suspicious.
4. from the raw data, you can have an idea, what a real human should do.

I'm going to learn FB ads, and rewrite my landing page, and see the bot rate there in the next week.


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You're back :)

This is only a suggestion I found at clickbank

I am going to try using it as just an ad for a new platform I am developing. Looks legit --but IDK at this point.
Does your implementation of recaptcha 2.0
I use v3, and it's hidden in the background and will be executed immediately after the page is ready.
Keep trying 110 clicks is too little to tell really 500 to 1000 would be a reasonable sample. So, you would have to eat $70 to prove your initial opinion right based on the first 100. But with the data you are getting --it's not very decent traffic or your landing page sucks :p Try fixing your landing page better and try another 100 clicks as a test of the landing page to see if there is an improvement. Then try 100 clicks of the Facebook Ads traffic and compare the same landing page to see if there is a traffic response improvement with the page metrics you have established.
That's exactly what I'm gonna do. It seems Facebook ads have a learning curve (nothing is hard for a programmer though LOL).

From the screenshot of some Youtubers running Facebook ads. It costs them $0.2 - $1 per click. It starts to make me think push is not worth my time :rolleyes: . But I'll try and see if it's for real.
Consider native ads see if they (ad networks you use) have those available to you. Supposedly better quality.
Do you mean native ads other than those big brands (like outbrain, taboola, revcontent)?

EvaDav has it, but they don't have (almost don't have) mainstream traffic.

Can you recommend some?
I IM'd them to ask the % of that that is available as mainstream No answer yet.
I asked Evadav and RichAds how many mainstream traffic they have. Both of them didn't answer my question directly.

I guess they just don't have it (or, veeeery little). If you look through the inventory of Exoclicks who claim to have both traffic, you'll find out most of them are adult.

My guess is ad platforms with adult traffic, especially those small ones, just don't focus on mainstream traffic at all.

For the data you shown here, you get the avg CTR 476 / 827719 * 100 = 0.05%, which equals to EvaDav. But in real life, the CTR of EvaDav is 1.10%. I won't trust those garbage traffic any more :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

But I can test mainstream-only traffic sources.
Nutra is problematic with Facebook ads too (moderation for a new user).
I just have one Facebook account and also use it for my online business (can't risk to lose it). I always heard people got banned by FB, but don't have an idea what they did exactly. I saw the offer owners promote the offer page directly on Facebook, does that mean I won't get banned if I promote it indirectly (through blog, pre-landing)?
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Following is what I'm gonna do this week:

1. take 2 days off :rofl
2. integrate Google Tag Manager into my website (Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Google Ads Conversion Tracking). No matter I use Google Ads and Facebook Ads or not, I'll send Pagement Engagement events to them so that I might be able to use them in retargeting or build a lookalike audience.
3. I'm gonna refractor my data structure in my database to use some common names like utm_*.
4. rewrite my whole landing page
Hi everybody,
After collecting info everywhere, and also opinions given by friends both online and offline, I decide:

1. Keep on developing my power tracker, and split the code into several parts, so that:
a. I can integrate it into two full-stack projects I already developed, and promote them instead of offers from others
b. Make it possible to be used by others, so that I can be a member of a big team (I'd like to be CTO, interesting? PM me)
2. I'm gonna make a YouTube video on how to use this tracker

There is a lot of work to do. I'll keep on updating this post.
why no in all of them?

if JavaScript does not work that is in the headers and the access.log if it's sent.

No recapta triggered is probably definitive.
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So, instead of breaking-even you limited your losses --not being critical here
Nope, I only spend $15 so far, and it will still be a break-even journey, but I'm gonna promote my personal offer.
I have been reading articles about email marketing these days, it seems my previous projects are the best suited for this traffic, and I can easily send a daily newsletter without pissing off users. It won't be a problem to use FB either. I'm still working on rescuing my FB account. :rofl
However, offering a new tracker in a very competitive market will not be easy either.
I'm not gonna offer a new tracker, I want to be a member of a team, so that, I only deal with technical staff and do not need to care about copywriting, etc.

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