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“AdsEmpire”/Direct Affiliate

My first breakeven journey

If you think 90% of this traffic is questionable that $0.11 CPC in reality may be $1.00 CPC.
I usually get a visitor to the "money" page for $0.22 - $0.44 through my own pre-lander LP similar to what you are doing. The pay-out is usually $20 to $70 and it loses money with this type of traffic. Once long ago it broke even with cam porn. So I stopped.

Keep trying 110 clicks is too little to tell really 500 to 1000 would be a reasonable sample. So, you would have to eat $70 to prove your initial opinion right based on the first 100. But with the data you are getting --it's not very decent traffic or your landing page sucks :p Try fixing your landing page better and try another 100 clicks as a test of the landing page to see if there is an improvement. Then try 100 clicks of the Facebook Ads traffic and compare the same landing page to see if there is a traffic response improvement with the page metrics you have established.

Does your implementation of recaptcha 2.0 require and used input or it is totally hidden in the background (as it should be)? recaptcha needs to be in the background for this --a pass/fail filter only or a challenge only if the score is below average (suspicious)
I have been looking at these people --no first hand experience

Nutra is scammy and a problem with many publishers (website media placement).
Nutra is problematic with Facebook ads too (moderation for a new user).
I saw the offer owners promote the offer page directly on Facebook, does that mean I won't get banned if I promote it indirectly (through blog, pre-landing)?
When the chicken crossed the road how long did it take?
You'll have to see. They (Facebook's ad moderators) make the rules up as the go (it seems).
So, instead of breaking-even you limited your losses --not being critical here

I world needs a better tracker --maybe.

A better solution is drop-shipping a product that you will not face so much resistance from quality ad placement media (like Facebook, et. al).

But what product and from where? That part is not easy.

However, offering a new tracker in a very competitive market will not be easy either.

One of the biggest problems with a tracker that would be used by non technical users (a GUI interface); is integrating the post-back s2s that every network uses, many different, and getting those network's cooperation to interface properly with your new tracker --that has no user base. Good luck with that.
but I'm gonna promote my personal offer.
I have a pebble on my desk <<How many grams does it weigh?
You gained something on your first try and now it's time to pivot ..
You gained building a tracker (that may work with modification) but the offers you were using were bogus [2]

1/4 win is better than no win --I can relate to that :)
It sounds like you're diving into affiliate marketing, and I admire your ambition. Creating your own tracker is a great idea, and starting simple before adding features is smart.

Regarding the affiliate network, Zeydoo's requirement seems a bit tough for newcomers. You might want to explore other networks that don't have such strict entry criteria, giving you more options to work with.

Using Adplexity for spy tools is a solid choice. It can help you see what's working in the affiliate world. Just remember to analyze the data carefully and adjust your strategy based on what you find.

I wish you the best of luck with your $100 budget goal! Keep us updated on your progress, especially when you finish your tracker.

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