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My First Campaign with Adcash

Sounds good. Its always about testing. Hope you can make it working this time.
@internalsoul : Hey!! Thanks for asking :)

I have been running similar offers and collecting data. I have blacklisted and whitelisted some placements and now i am running traffic only from these placements which gave me conversions. I will be running the traffic for a while and see if i get more conversions or not.
In the meanwhile trying to know more about the traffic source. Right now i am using Popads and Adcash.

Since the cookie period of the offers are 30 days, will have to wait for a month to see whether the campaign is a success or not.
first of all, thank you for this detailed thread and case study, could you please provide us with a few information, like your affiliate network, your offer(if it's a mobile offer or ....)
again thanks a lot for this informative thread, already bookmared it :)
hmm.. its interesting whatever is going here! eagerly waiting to hear more on this. Wish you luck dear.. you are a courageous person after all
After 3 months of learning AM basics, I finally took the step to take an Action.

After a lot of confusion of choosing a vertical, traffic source, offer, geo.

I finally decided to go with Pops on web. I chose Adcash as a traffic source as my AM from the aff network recommended it.

So, i put $100 in the account as that is the minimum to start with. I had a lot of doubts in creating my first campaign post backs/pixels. I was not assigned any rep with whom i can solve my doubts.
I created few tickets for it but didn't receive any response.

I read their FAQ's, manuals but it didn't help.

I want to share some pointers while creating a campaign:

1) The first thing which i didn't like was the budget part, they say that you can start with as low as $100 but your minimum budget/day should be $50. That's too much for a newbie who wants to start with $5-10/day. I wanted to start slow as i don't want to spend too much in my initial days and $50/day is too much for a newbie. I wanted to gather data for the whole week.
There is a saying that " You should not spend more than 3-5x the offer payout when testing out a campaign."

If $50/day is the minimum budget then how can i test offers with low payout?

An advice to the admin/moderators of this group, in the traffic source section please mention the minimum budget/day which traffic source allows as it would help us (newbies who are tight on budget)whether to go for the traffic source or not.

2) Do the traffic sources with self serve platform assign an account rep or not?

I have registered with Adcash 10 days back. I tried connecting them with skype ( not yet accepted my request), with support tickets but no response as of now.

3) Pixels/Postbacks : I believe this is the most important part whenever you create a campaign because without this you can't track your conversion. I tried every possible way i could to create a pixel but didn't get success as there was an option to create a pixel.
Here Adcash says " Get your postback URL for the campaign directly from your account manager".

4) Campaign Validation : Finally i decided to create the campaign without postback.

They've mentioned that it will be reviewed within 48 hours and once it gets reviewed the campaign will start automatically, so i thought it might take some time for validation.

Next day, when i checked whether it got approved or not. To my surprise, it was approved 16 hours back. My campaign got 60k impressions and $48 was spent without any optimisation. I got 2 conversions though (I came to know about the conversions from the aff network's data,it was not tracked in adcash as there was no postback :( ) .

I was shocked that my $48 was spent while i was asleep. After that i paused my campaign because i didn't want to spend more on the campaign and wanted to analyse the data.

My first campaign gave me good and bad experiences.

Good Experience
1) I launched my first campaign finally, Taking this step was very hard.

2) I am more confident on tracking part as i did it myself without any assistance.

3) I got 2 conversions :)

4) Now i got a gist of how this whole thing works.

Still a lot of areas to cover and to work on.

Bad Experience

1) I didn't get much support from Adcash.

2) The data i received from Adcash is garbage as they didn't track the conversion.

3) I was not able to optimise the campaign. I would have saved few $$ if I would have checked my mail on regular intervals.

My Questions to you all (My Perspective)

1) Wouldn't it be good if Adcash gives an option to us to start the campaign once it's gets validated instead of auto-start. This way we can track our data from the start (i don't know whether you came across this issue or not ).

2) Wouldn't it be good if they mention the postback URL like other Ad network such as Decisive does.

3) Wouldn't it be good if they gives us the option to put whatever amount we want to spend per day instead of $50.

4) Should i continue with this campaign or try another offer?

5) What should be min. impressions one should look for before start cutting placements for pop traffic?

It feels bad when you your $48 is spent in a single day in your first campaign. The data which you got is garbage as you can' do much with the data.

Next Step of Actions:

1) I'll try to work on the data which i got from Affiliate network.

2) I'll try not to repeat these mistakes in my future campaigns.

3) I'll make sure i get all my doubts cleared before putting in the money in any traffic source.

For those who want to work with Adcash, I hope you might get some useful tips from this.

For those who have worked with Adcash please help me in knowing where i went wrong and how to work with Adcash in a better way.

Your suggestions/feedback are most welcome :).

Disclaimer: I didn't use a tracking platform as i thought the data collected from traffic source and affiliate network would be enough.
Thank you for such a detailed and constructive feedback.
I will shortly contact you privately to ask additional questions and try to solve some of the raised questions.

Kind Regards,
Adcash Team
Idk why i am not getting any conversation`s are you having bot traffic ?