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My First PPV Campaign

I have replace the original offer with a new dating offer and am waiting for the ad to be approved. Directcpv take ages to approve ads.

I will look at rotating offers as you suggested, need to learn how this is done in Prosper202.

Thanks again

For split testing offers with cpv, use cpvlab. It'll spit out a link for you to use and you can swap out offers within that link. This leaves the ability to swap out links on a fly without having each link approved by directcpv. I don't personally use directcpv anymore but when I did, I also noticed they take ages to approve your keywords.
And to add, directcpvs newer interface is horrible compared to before. Ive noticed campaigns still running even though I had them on pause. Keep a close eye out on their system.
Dating Campaign running again. Good results this time!

362 views 120 click and 4 conversions.
Spent 5.43 and profit 14.57

Funds ran out so waiting to add more.

I was a bit worried the traffic from DirectCPV as I read a lot of
negative reviews but this proves it works.

Thanks david15923 for you suggestion to change the offer. It worked!

Be careful about DirectCPV's traffic, make sure ur LP could track referurl, cos I have made test and got almost 90% fake traffic from fake referurl, and their customer support is suck, never get back to u on time. Dont waste ur money on DirectCPV, and try LeadImpact for start.
Prosper 202 just got a new you-tube channel just type in prosper202 and you will find it ! Direct CPV is "REAL BAD TRAFFIC" Traffic Vance or Lead Impact you will just give your money away with Direct CPV! It's Bot traffic!!
Well I have $100 in my account at DirectCPV that I have not used and since I added it I've heard nothing but bad reports about their traffic, their interface and their speed of approval. I still intend to use the $100 as I doubt very much I will get a refund, and it will help me get my feet wet with CPV/PPV in the future, just like 7Search is helping me to try out PPC for the first time.
Well I have $100 in my account at DirectCPV that I have not used and since I added it I've heard nothing but bad reports about their traffic, their interface and their speed of approval. I still intend to use the $100 as I doubt very much I will get a refund, and it will help me get my feet wet with CPV/PPV in the future, just like 7Search is helping me to try out PPC for the first time.

I think they allow refunds... If they don't that's another reason for people to complain about them :)
you are on nice track brother.. keep in mind .. track all your campaigns well with prosper .. find the profitable urls and scale it up .. by the way which network offers you promoting .. you must need to use your own pixel as well to track the conversion properly..
keep us posted
I think they allow refunds... If they don't that's another reason for people to complain about them :)

Yes, they do. Just got mine after non-activity for a few months. Wasn't getting good results, and after hearing bad news about them, decided to just ask for a refund. No problem, they refunded.

Got my $76 back after my initial $100, so didn't spend much in the end!
Trying 1 or 2 offers isn't enough sometimes. It's all about Testing and Opting, testing and Opting. You'll get to it in the end.

If the CTR is high but no conversions... Bad Lander
Latest update:

Views 337 Clicks 101 Leads 0

After how many click and no sales would you delete a target url?

You have to calculate your eCPC, say an offer pays 1$ and you would like to make 25cent profit and your CPC or in this case cost per view is 0,04$ then you would kill the url if it received 75 views without a conversion.

Hope that makes sense.
Hey Buddy,

I guess you are in the right path, just a few things to check on.
I also started ppv sometime back and met some hurdles here that I learnt the hard way through several tests.

1. I propose that you use the traffic to build a list which you can then use to test your offers. I cant imagine how many leads i must have lost by
direct linking to offers.
2. Use this list to test as many offers as possible, so you can slowly recover the amount you spent in buying ppv traffiic
3. I guess, the trick lies in testing testing testing until you find the gems. Personally i did use clicksor and spent around $50 to earn $15.
I just stopped as I realized that some of this traffic needs cleaning inorder to bump your earnings. (clean your traffic)
4. Make sure your lander also loads fast with single optin.

Otherwise, if you are interested in direct linking on your first ppv campaigns, I guess the experts will help.

Cheers and happy holidays

Sorry, should have updated this.

Stopped campaign. Overall very poor quality traffic from DirectCPV with wierd unrelated urls showing
up in Prosper202 stats.

Going to go with Leadimpact next!
Heard multiple BAD things about directcpv, I cannot comment as haven't ran enough PPV traffic myself, but I would stick to LI as you have said.