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My Instagram Journey

Which is the Best Instagram automatization software

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Hi :affiliatefix:! this is my first post in this forum, so i´m gonna start introducing me. My name is Federico and i´m from a small city from Argentina called Paraná. I´m 30 years old i´m a Lawyer and have been struggeling and procastinating for more time than I can be proud of, learning a lot of stuff but with a lack of taking action.. So.. I´m commited to achieve a BIG succeed, and i hope this Journey help me to keep me motivaded and help other newbies to do the same. I´m really excited right now! If you have some question don´t hesitate to post it here.

The milestones
I´m not sure but i suppose making something between $0.5 and $1 (per day/per account) is very reassonable and achieveble so with 10 accounts the minimum I should make is $5 per day so that will be my first Milestone

1.- $5/day
2.- $5/day 10 consecutive days
3.- $10/day
4.- $10/day 10 consecutive days
5.- $25/day
6.- $25/day 10 consecutive days
7.- $50/day
8.- $50/day 10 consecutive days
9.- $100/day
10.- $100/day 10 consecutive days

So... the plan:
Get 10 IG accounts +1 year old (done)
PVA the 10 accounts (10/10 done)
Create a Blogspot linking to the Lander (made 1 blogspot and 3 weebly)
Get 1 IG Proxy (done)
Get 5 "dedicated" proxies (done)
Get a MassPlanner or FollowLiker License (I´m open to recomendations)
(done/i bought FL Unlimited license at $98)
Sign to (really cheap Windows Virtual Pirvate Server) (done)
Sign Up to GreenCloudVPS (the more basic plan) to run MassPlanner or FollowLiker
Set up all together using 2 IG accounts per proxy and repeat the process

Update: I had troubles in the past with Instagress and "Fresh accounts" and I consider my IP was blocked (lost 5 accounts in a week or so) and now I´ve researching if I can use Instagress with proxies and I found they are not necessary, their use their own proxies. So, I´ll try with 2 accounts with Instagress to see what happens.

Update: I bought FollowLiker and I´m running 1 account without proxy and on my own PC, I choose CPA-Build instead of OG-Ads because their landing pages are not working (the support told me he knew and will fix that soon, I´ll give them a try then)

Next to do, chose 3 more niches make more landers buy some dedicated proxies and get a free year at AWS VPS and repeat
I´ll be editing and updating this thread regularly. Let me know if I missing something and if I am writing in a wrong way because english is not my first language and I never studied english before.
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Good look mate and keep it up!
Thanks pal, sure I will

Looking forward for your progress.
Thanks for your comment Game333, you actually were one of the users which inspired me to take action with this plan, I´m really overwhelmed with all the setup process (proxies, bot, bluestack, phone verification, etc)

So, between sunday and thuesday I only read some guides, doing some research and made 2 pre landers (blogger & weebly) and been approved on a new cpa network, tomorrow will have at least one account (to make sure I understood everything and make my first mistakes)
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Thanks pal, sure I will

Thanks for your comment Game333, you actually were one of the users which inspired me to take action with this plan, I´m really overwhelmed with all the setup process (proxies, bot, bluestack, phone verification, etc)

So, between sunday and thuesday I only read some guides, doing some research and made 2 pre landers (blogger & weebly) and been approved on a new cpa network, tomorrow will have at least one account (to make sure I understood everything and make my first mistakes)
Then should you be even motivated with your role model here. :)
Sounds like good plan. Best of luck and keep us updated.
Thanks guys, now i started working with only 1 account (I have 9 more to work) and Instagress, uploaded 1 pic and one video and scheduled 4 pics and 1 more video and i´m following slowly (approximately 75/125 follows and 90/150 likes per day)
My accounts are made 13 months ago so i´ll rise those numbers soon!

If anyone want to know theese are my settings on Instagress
Schedule.PNG targeting and speed.PNG
I stop Instagress when is time to upload media (I don´t know if it´s necessary to be safe).
Still without profits.
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If you run 10-20 accounts, you should use free vps (AMS vps) it's fair enought for 10 mby 20 accounts.
It will be (sometimes) slowly to be honest but there is no point to buy a vps for 10 accounts :)
Cheers and good luck with your journey.
Thanks pal! I´ve been considering use that specific VPS to start with. I didn´t put anything because I don´t use it still.
And did a research on how to run FollowLiker on Digital Ocean so I can scale the scheme when I buy more accounts, but for now I´m runing only one account with Instagress and nothing more (to get my feet wet)
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So after run Instagress slowly for a few days I bought FollowLiker. I´ve been playing with it to understand it with the same account I was using
My stats are a little confusing because I have been using both softwares, but doesn´t matter

Instagress Stats

stats journey.PNG

FollowLiker Stats
fl statsPNG.PNG

IG statsright now

4 posts, 73 followers, 607 following

CPA network stats
Earning: $0.68
Leads: 1
I don´t even count the impresions and clics from Argentina because are made by me
cpa build stats.PNG


  • I followed 895 people (it took me approximately a week, following +than 100 accs/day)
  • I unfollowed 63
  • I "should" be following 832 [895-63] but i´m following 607 o_O don´t ask me why.. I don´t know...
  • I liked 687 pics or videos
  • Made 1 lead
i´m aiming to follow 650 people and like 1000 posts per day on each account

Questions? Suggestions?
Seriously, are wellcome.. Regards!
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You've finally got your first lead!
Yes I did! and is pretty awesome I had one lead that soon!

The bad thing is I lost 2 accounts at the same moment, both had more than a year and didn´t have any spammy keywords, the first one was "warmed" for a week or something like that, and the other one only followed 1 account (no likes, no unfollows, no comments) so I´m sure is because the proxy I used, and already asked for a replacement

first one used with my own IP and then moved to the proxy, the seccond one start using it with the proxy and were banned instantly when I hit "start"... I hope this is clear, remember I don´t speack english very well, ask if you don´t understand
It could be some problem with the setup you've made earlier.
You should take a deep look to check what's happening.
I didn´t find anything wrong, I´ll check everything again just in case... but in your opinion, if 2 accounts were flagged is safe use that same proxy once again?
I´m starting a totally new project and will try to make it 100% safe
(deleting cookies, buying real sim cards, etc)
Hi fixers
Today I set up the 3rd account to follow only between 20/70 accounts per day and nothing else, the 2° day will upload one pic and rise the numbers of followings to 100/200, the 3° day 150/250 and upload a new pic so on..

I have 15 pics scheduled to be uploaded 1 per day, I changed the MD5 (and thename) of all the files. All pics will have a caption, just generic hashtags #photo #gym #dogs etc, I don´t care if is nothing related to the pic...

I blacklisted word like hack, free, followers, giftcard... so I must to not be following other spammy bots.

I verified the email with proxy enabled (after deleting all the history, cookies, cache, etc on Google Chrome) and deleted the cookies on FollowLiker..
Tomorrow will add a description to my profile and other day will add a link
After the 4° day, will be liking and unfollowing too. And will change the account name.

Day by day stats
1° Day: Following 57, Followers gained 4 (but i´m not sure is I´m following them) because the "Gains" Value is N/A
*The account had 2 followers and 16 following when I bought it

Today I will:

Configure 5 accounts just like this 3rd one.
Buy 5 more proxys (Dedicated this time instead of IG Proxys) and use only 1 account per proxy.
I´ll buy some real Sim Cards later (I have 4 right now) I know I can use other sevices cheaper or free, but my goal is keep all my accounts safe so I spend my time growing instead of making replacements, that have sense?
I hope to be ok with this settings :affiliatefix:


  • gains.PNG
    2.9 KB · Views: 51
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I made the migration to my VPS ( / €8 plan), everithing looks good, didn´t loose (almost) any information.

The only missing part is the people I followed each day,
and the Scrapped Photos list.

The the software added all the scrapped "followings" with the current date, and the settings I choosed is to unfollow after 3 days
That´s why have 0 Unfollowers and 0 Likes on 02.23.2017

Not big deal.

I configured 5 more accounts but Follow Liker can´t log in into those (I tried witout proxy using my VPS´s IP, maybe they had some restriction, I´ll buy more proxys to solve that today)
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Good day for me today, I realised I didn´t have 2 "bans" my accounts only were requiring Phone Verification (totally newbie mistake), verified one today and left the other one another day because both were on the same Proxy.
Other awesome new is today I realised I´m earning a recurring $44 commission on Clickbank so, more money to buy accounts! I signed up on GetSMSCode and add 5 dollars to my funds, because is insane to buy real sms (especially after realised I didn´t have any ban. I only pay 0.13 per sms.

I´ve learn is mandatory beeing organized, and keep everything easy find you should do smth like this if you are planning to follow this method

PNVPN means
BP means

This is how some of my accounts are doing it some of the accounts are only warming them up

The account with 875 "followings" is the one I recovered today (and the one made my first lead)
accounts summary.PNG

Are there any questions? feel free to ask anything, chears!
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