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My Journey to a 1 MILLION dollar exit

I guess a good idea would be to ask how long it took the founder of this forum or warrior forum to make a million..

I also had the same idea nearly 10 years ago.. it worked out fine for me in the end..

But I would expect you to be posting about your plan to make a million $ exit here for between 7/10 years..

Maybe Im wrong but time will tell..

Good luck anyway :)
1 million dollars... that sounds a bit bold, I never had so much money. But keep with me as I plan to reach that goal.


With this newsletter --->

^^^ subscribe to have an in-depth look of how I reach that goal ^^^

I read that article a few weeks ago about some very successful newsletters: Email Newsletters Are Serious Business

When I saw that they were sold for 20 million dollars, or even for more than 100 million dollars, I decided I wanted to get my share :ninja:

I know it's not going to be easy, but I believe with the right strategy it's all possible!

So what's going to be my strategy?
  1. High quality email newsletter (no spam and outstanding content)
  2. Consistency
Lately I have subscribed to a lot of newsletters to get some inspiration. I found one that stands out above the rest, it's a newsletter for business people called Morning Brew. I like a lot their sarcastic/funny tone.

I want to build a newsletter with the same sarcastic tone but targeted to affiliates/vendors who are active on forums like affiliatefix, warriorforum etc... mainly the ones selling and buying through jvzoo, warriorplus and clickbank.

I remember some years ago the warriorforum was sold for $1M to - I want an exit like that one.

I'll do my best to reach that goal, I'll post my progress here.

So, I've actually already started 3 weeks ago.

What I currently have:
  • A name: Marketeer Pulse
  • An optin page here ->
  • 2 writers
  • An emailing system with a custom made referral program (to help with the newsletter growth)
  • 2 social accounts (FB / twitter), but without any post yet
  • And I also have the 2 first emails scheduled to be sent tomorrow and after tomorrow (at 6am, in subscribers' timezone)
I have this referral program mentioned at the end of each email, I really hope that this referral program coupled with the high quality of the newsletter will help me grow the audience relatively quickly:

My next step:
  • Advertise on FB to bring traffic to the optin page

What I need from you:
  • Your support
  • Your feedback / comments on what I'm doing wrong/well
  • That you subscribe here to stay informed ->
This surely looks intertesting, and i'm following man!
Right now I'm in a phase where I try to find where I can get leads. I started with Facebook ads... but the result so far is... mmm, pretty bad.


My targeting is probably a bit off... I'll try to adjust! Any advice is welcome at this stage :p
Thanks, so just to be sure I understand your advice correctly, I should:

1. Advertise to get more page fans (instead of trying to get email leads directly from FB)
2. Post on that page with links to my blog (where I would have an optin box)

I actually already have the blog, as the emails are built from the blog posts. Here is an example:

At the bottom, I have an optin box.

Is that what you had in mind?

On a side note, do you now receive the emails or are they still ending up in your spam folder?
Really fascinating concept, it's something fresh, I love it! You've got my mind rolling and now I've come up with a few twists of my own to apply to a business model like this.

I see big potential in selling sponsored stories to your email newsletter.

Another thing to consider once you have some cash flow is to create a few of your own authoritative news sites/blogs and link to those from your newsletter. Perhaps create your own "business meme" site that you link to when sharing those memes in your newsletter. You will want to do this covertly, but promoting your own sites will keep your readers in your hands.
Membership in every affiliate agreement is NOT assignable or transferable. Affiliate programs or affiliate networks may, and usually do allow a new owner that qualifies in all regards: to open a new account and use it with a business purchase. Any assignment of reoccurring income of the account used by the past owner would have to be negotiated.

So, the only thing you could sell is the mailing list and the business 'systems' as well as other assets -- servers and service contracts used in the business would have to be renewed or assigned to the new owners by the party offering the services -- more negotiation if there is a sale.

If you had the persons subscribed to the email list grant you assignability in succession in your terms of service -- then that asset should be assignable in a business sale. CAN-SPAM, GDPR confuse email list obligations -- consult with a licensed attorney.
Assignment provisions in contracts - On Contracts
You might want to read this first ;)
Work on the presentation of the product -- the post engagement ratio is good.

I think Facebook and email are two separate silos -- people might want to add your email info to their Facebook feed.

Create a website for the post and ask for the email opt-it there.

Omni-channel marketing may work better.
Well, I don't like the page placement of the subscribe -- that should be a focal point.
"Get smarter" implies I am dumb :D
There is an old acronym in marketing and sales --- WIIFM.

To satisfy that; less detail and more structured information of what I might gain by taking 5 minutes of my day reading your newsletter that I subscribe to.

Don't bog people down with too many details (or reading time) on a landing page, or in this case a single purpose page -- to acquire a subscription to a newsletter.

People may like to learn to more effective methods and use a newsletter where someone else does the research on their topics of interest. Remember: Most people are basically lazy they want someone else to give them the answer so they can conserve their resources.

So --- What do you have to offer for my time and why is the information you furnish creditable?


So, the 2018 version of "The Man in the Chair" is very different. In today’s media saturated world;

  1. You don’t know who I am.
  2. You don’t know my company.
  3. You don’t understand my industry.
  4. You don’t know my needs.
  5. You don’t know who else I am researching.
  6. You don’t know who I have to collaborate with.
  7. You make it hard to get information from you.

Now – what was it you wanted to sell me?

^^^Quoted from:

This is intended for B2B marketing. However, what is said here is you didn't ask me the right questions to acquire enough knowledge about me and my needs. The buyer only cares how you will help him achieve his goals -- do you offer value?

Time is most people's least available commodity these days. To acquire that 5 minutes of daily time -- prove the value proposition and benefit to the potential subscriber.

Again ---WIIFM. Talking with people and not blasting text at people is an acquired marketing skill. In that page there is not a single ? but lots of ! <<< think about that.

With regard to the other question: I am not really sure how it got moved out of the spam box.
  • By me because I got tired of looking for it
  • By Gmail because I read it enough times in the spam box -- I think they may do that?