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My Journey to Success - FB2R Go - Mobile


New Member
Hello AffiliateFix'ers!

First I would love to say that I'm very glad to be sharing my process to becoming a succesful mobile marketer with all of you.

It has been a week since I opened my AffiliateFix account, you can read my introduction here.

Af term this first week many things have helped me. Therefore I decided to create this follow along thread.

I'm an introvert person, so it is quite challenging for me to be sharing with all of you my process on becoming a successful super affiliate ;-), but Im happy to do so because I know the kind of community AffiliateFix is (people helping each other) so I hope this will help some one in the future and me in the process.

I come form a country in Latin America country (you can tell English is not my first language). If you have never been to South America I can tell you life here is very fun, we are very nice people and we have the same fun with the little things life has to offer as we do with the big ones.

I grow up in a lovely home, with my parents, a little sister and my dog (Apolo).

I have a Batchelor degree on Product design, I love designing but sadly until know I do not know how to build a HTML5 Landing page, no doubt I will learn latter.

Why do I want to become a successful Mobile affiliate marketer?


Because of my family. Not only for my parents, but also for my future family (you know... wife, kids)

I used to be very good at my 8am - 6pm (48 hours work week) job. Until I realised everyone there hated waking up early, driving in the high traffic ours, and Monday's morning. After 2 years of been an employee I knew it would not last. An had to find my way out of been an employee

I joined a MLM company because they mentioned that that was the opportunity of the XXI century, I believed it. So far it has not been a bad decision and I have made some profit, best thing is I was able to quit my job.

I want REAL freedom and a better life. Thats why I needed to do something better, something bigger, something cooler-----> Mobile Affiliate Marketing.

Last week I started researching and followed Napoleon's Hill steps to success written in his think and grow rich book:

Step 1 & 2: Checked :)

Step 3: I have to give credits to some AffiliateFIx'ers

Mostly to @tjtutor who gives me great give advice:

1. Read
I have been reading many different threads that have helped me to at least understand this business better.

AffiliateFix Wiki (
Mobile Marketing (
Ask Me Anything - Generating conversions from Mobile Traffic
( from @cashmoneyaffiliate

2. Study
I have read several time the @cashmoneyaffiliate PDF (Mobile_Immersion_Mode_PDF)
I also watched his webinar

Invest (More on this in my next post)

4. Implement (More on this in my next post)

Make sure you complete the following first.

1. a plan
2. a schedule for research, learning, and execution
3. a budget.

Set of immediate goals:

1. Get a VPS
2. Select a vertical
3. Select a tracker
4. Select a couple of networks and get your approval
5. Select a traffic source
6. Create a schedule for researching, learning (training), and working. This is a business, treat it as such!

7. Create a budget for every expense (daily, weekly, monthly)

Right now things are like this:

1. I have decided to use a Bluehost VPS's:2GB of RAM, 2 CPU Cores, 30GB Storage, 1TB Bandwidth, CPanel, WHM, and a dedicated IP. 29.99/month

2. App Instal (gaming) Popup
3. Voluume

4. Today I will apply to some of the best (for me: Clickdealer, Yeahmobi, Matomy, Mobvista, Clicksmob) to see What happens. I know some of them (if not all) will reject me for been a newbie. But I prefer been rejected than not trying. If any of you guys can give me a hand on been accepted I really appreciated

5. I am deciding to master just one source. I am thinking of :Leadbolt (If you sugegst another one, please don't hesitate to comment it)

6. I'm working on it, For the camping around 330/month per 3 months for the fist offer I choose, only for 1 traffic source. (any opinion on this)

I know I will make a lot of mistakes during the process (is part of learning), but if you see something I can so better before making a mistake, or even affect i have done it I will be glad to hear it.

Thanks for reading, Have fun!

PS: I hope you have enjoyed reading (if you are a newbie it has helped you someway),I Would Love to see your comment.



You have a $330/month budget and want to pay $99/month for Voluum? If I were you, I would use this money for my campaign and use the AdsBridge tracker which is free for 100,000 clicks/month. If you hit these amount of clicks you can upgrade your AdsBridge account or switch to Voluum (Voluum is better but 1,000,000 events are visits + clicks on LP + conversions, so it's less than what you get on AdsBridge for $65/month).

For VPS I use DigitalOcean (unmanaged) and KnownHost (managed; search on for coupon codes) and very happy with both.

Good luck!
You have a $330/month budget and want to pay $99/month for Voluum? If I were you, I would use this money for my campaign and use the AdsBridge tracker which is free for 100,000 clicks/month. If you hit these amount of clicks you can upgrade your AdsBridge account or switch to Voluum (Voluum is better but 1,000,000 events are visits + clicks on LP + conversions, so it's less than what you get on AdsBridge for $65/month).

For VPS I use DigitalOcean (unmanaged) and KnownHost (managed; search on for coupon codes) and very happy with both.

Good luck!


Thanks for you reply, I had not taken a look at Adsbrige but right now I am on it.

I think you are right! I should Invest the most money I can in the campaign.

Hello AffiliateFix'ers!

First I would love to say that I'm very glad to be sharing my process to becoming a succesful mobile marketer with all of you.

I know I will make a lot of mistakes during the process (is part of learning), but if you see something I can so better before making a mistake, or even affect i have done it I will be glad to hear it.

Thanks for reading, Have fun!

PS: I hope you have enjoyed reading (if you are a newbie it has helped you someway),I Would Love to see your comment.



This is incredibly awesome @Ganoaffiliate and we all congratulate you on your actions. We are all interested in you future challenges and successes. Let's keep this going!
Hi guys,

I confess,

I drifted my last week thread! Truth is I dint accomplish the goal that I had for last week nor this week. I am running behind my schedule. :-(

It is hard to accept the truth but, as a newbie is hard to understand many, many things. And the worst part is that it doesn't matter how much you read or prepare your self, you will end up making the mistakes everyone warns you about.

My goals for last week where:
1. Apply to the best Affiliate Networks.
2. Create my first campaigng.

I did Apply for the best!

The RESULT: Rejected/Denied

As many of the Super Affiliate tell you, If you do not meet the minimum requirement the best Affiliate Networks will reject you. I did my homework and I can tell you it is true. by Friday I had Apply to 5 different Affiliate Networks,some of them had rejected me, other dint answered until this week but the result was the same.

I Inmideattly started to apply to some other affiliate networks which were not the top but that I least hear with their payments.

I will give you the ones I applied to just in case you are new to Mobile Marketing...

- Tapgerine
- Adzone Media Group
- Wap Empire
- ClicksMob

I was very happy to get accepted but ate that moment I dind't know what the next challenge would be.

What to hear about it?

I thought so.

The next challenge I had to face was picking the best offer to launch my first campaign.

I asked My Account Manager for the top offers based on revenue and volume, in some cases they did give me the list, in others they dint.

I looked in Appannie for the markets stats in the GEO I am focus on to see how any possible offer available was doing on the market, but it was hard to decide which offer to pick ( I was making a mistake I will tell you about latter, so keep reading).

Finally After giving it a lot of though I was able to pick an offer, It was a game that had done very well on 2014 in that GEO.

I was very exited so I read carefully the "10 mistakes every new affiliate does (or thinks) by @servandosilva 10 mistakes every new affiliate does (or thinks) - Servando Silva. I am still having some probles with mistake #7

Mistake # 7 is about setting up the tracker.

As suggested by @lorenzo I decided to go with Adsbridge so I could have more budget for my campaign.

So far for what I have read and experienced is not a bad tracker. (If you have any opinion on this pleas comment)

The problem I have had so far is that it is nor showing me all the stats, I still don't understand tokens, or S2S postback.

It is something I am trying to understand right now.

What Adsbrige is sowing me for what has happened since Monday is this.

Does any of you know how can i set it up to show me the ROI?



This is the report I am getting from my traffic source:




Today so far:


OK, now what I promise:The mistake I almost made

yesterday, when I was planing what to do to get better result, I was thinking to select different bankers and test the banners.

So I went to Charles Ngo and Iamattila blogs and read through their posts. basically every newbie makes the mistake I mentioned abobe.

What newbies do is, instead of testing angles they test banners and at the end the end up with -90% ROI and thinking the campaign doesn't work.

What SuperAffilaies do is they test Offers, for each offer they test different Angles and then for each angle they test varios banners and then the data do the talking.

here are some gems in angle creation that can help you as they helped me.

Charles Ngo:
Back to Basics: Mastering Angles
Steal 4 of My Profitable Headline Formulas

3 ways how to come up with angles for android app install campaigns

So for next week, my goals are:

1. Be able to set up the tracking the right way so it helps me get the data for all the testing.
2. Test 3 offers, with 3 angles each offer, with 3 banner for each angle

For testing I really suggest watching this video shared by @Morticai

If you are starting with mobile marketing I also highly recommend his guide: How Dominate Pop & Redirect Traffic in 2015 - Part 1

Do not overthink things,
- You can read a lot, but the only way to really understand what you read is applying what you read, no matter how hard you try, any way you will end up making mistakes it.

- If you are about to apply to Affiliate networks, do not apply for just 2 or 3 top Affiliate Networks apply for plenty of them as many will reject you and most of them will contact you after 24h or pull it can go even to 5 business day.

- Do not guess, Test your offers first (preferably the same vertical and geo if you are new), create 3 angles as mimimun for each offer and test them with 5 banners each so you can make a decision based on data.

PS: Dear fellow, please feel free to comment or to advise me.

Thanks for reading

You are pushing through obstacles instead of complaining about them. This is one of the marks of a business person! This posture will carry you through to the goals you seek to accomplish!

Your conclusions are right on the mark! Now that some of your infrastructure is in place, you've got a great foothold to leverage some great accomplishments.
You are pushing through obstacles instead of complaining about them. This is one of the marks of a business person! This posture will carry you through to the goals you seek to accomplish!

Your conclusions are right on the mark! Now that some of your infrastructure is in place, you've got a great foothold to leverage some great accomplishments.

Thanks @tjtutor

You know your words are very important for my, thanks for been there since the beginning.

Any comments form your side will always be welcome, any opinions on the CTR or advice to get the offer to convert or what is shown so far is normal?


Thanks @tjtutor

You know your words are very important for my, thanks for been there since the beginning.

Any comments form your side will always be welcome, any opinions on the CTR or advice to get the offer to convert or what is shown so far is normal?



The biggest thing that jumps out to me is your daily spend and number of impressions is too small.

What is the offer payout?
The biggest thing that jumps out to me is your daily spend and number of impressions is too small.

What is the offer payout?

Thanks for the reply,

Yes for what I have heard my daily budget is supposed to be 10 times the offer payout

The offer payout US$ 0.34 dollars.

I am paying $0.07 PPC with a max spend per day of $ 20

Is it wright? Or should I increase it?

Okay, it's a modest amount, but at those click costs I would blast $10 in the morning and $10 in the evening. Compare the results.

I've never promoted any low paying offers and I now the metrics for them are different than on higher payout offers. Given the low payout and the low ad budget, it seems to me that you would want to identify the best time of day. Thi smay exceed your current max spend.

At the moment, you need data, and the amount you are spending just isn't providing enough data from what I can see.

Is this actually PPC, or is this PPV, PPL, etc.? Are you actually paying per click, or are paying per impressions, etc.?

Also, I see you are doing all countries at once. Most run separate campaigns for each country. I highly recommend you do the same.
Okay, it's a modest amount, but at those click costs I would blast $10 in the morning and $10 in the evening. Compare the results.

I've never promoted any low paying offers and I now the metrics for them are different than on higher payout offers. Given the low payout and the low ad budget, it seems to me that you would want to identify the best time of day. Thi smay exceed your current max spend.

At the moment, you need data, and the amount you are spending just isn't providing enough data from what I can see.

Is this actually PPC, or is this PPV, PPL, etc.? Are you actually paying per click, or are paying per impressions, etc.?

Also, I see you are doing all countries at once. Most run separate campaigns for each country. I highly recommend you do the same.


As you mention I need to buy data and you are right, I have no bought enough data yet. :(
I would love to be able to gather data faster.

Yes I am paying per click, $0,07 each.

As you suggest I am running the campaign in just one country

@tjtutor Do you have any advice on how I can get more data?

What I had plan was to:
1. be able to set the tracking right for this campaign
2. pick 2 more offers to test
3. create 3 angles for each of the offers
4 get 3 creatives for each offer
5 run the 9 offers (3x3 =9) and se witch one converts better

But as you mention i need to gather data faster.

Thanks for ALL!


As you mention I need to buy data and you are right, I have no bought enough data yet. :(
I would love to be able to gather data faster.

Yes I am paying per click, $0,07 each.

As you suggest I am running the campaign in just one country

@tjtutor Do you have any advice on how I can get more data?

What I had plan was to:
1. be able to set the tracking right for this campaign
2. pick 2 more offers to test
3. create 3 angles for each of the offers
4 get 3 creatives for each offer
5 run the 9 offers (3x3 =9) and se witch one converts better

But as you mention i need to gather data faster.

Thanks for ALL!


The best way to get more traffic is buy more traffic!

The reason I brought up country is because your screen shts show the campaigns had run in all countries.

The rest of your plan looks good. If the traffic source you are using cannot provide more traffic, and you are bidding on keywords, maybe revisit your keyword strategy. Also , maybe use a second traffic source. We split test those too.
Weekly Update:

Hello Fixer's, This has been a learning week!

After my last post I have manage to set some things right and to find new challenges on the road.

As I poised last week, I was able to set up the tracker and to launch few campaigns here is the short story of last week results.

I was able to launch a 2d campaign.

The good thing was that I was able to set up a campaign a lot faster than that last Friday.
On that Monday,I set up 12 links 1 for each banner in order to be able to track each conversion.
the plan looked like this

1 Offer --> 3 angles --> 4 Banners for each angle

One good thing to mention was that I Named the campaigns in a way I could Identify them easily:


This made very easy to identify which banner was having a higher CTR.

I had a nice chat with AdsBrige Support, I have to tell you that this guys made an awesome job.

He was very patient with me and help me set up the links in a short talk in which I was able to understand better how the tracking works.

At the moment I am loving Adsbridge and hope soon the business is making money to buy a bigger plan.

After setting up the tracker I took a moment to look at data, I heard "let the data do the talking". It didn't took me long to understand what @tjtutor had mention... I need to buy more data and faster.

So I Contacted the people at LeadBolt, where I buy traffic form and hope to get an answer on how to get more traffic.


Each day brings it own rush!

I was really disappointed te get the news that the campaign I had set up on Monday had been paused by the publisher.

I got really frustrated, I had put a lot of effort to get the campaign launched but after a couple of minutes I understood that feeling bad a bout it would not make things any different.

I got in contact with my AM and asked her for some offer to promote.

I choose the Top Converting offer of the Affiliate Network and settled up everything to launch the campaign. I was really happy to see that I was able to set a campaign in about 3 hours.

Lead blot support had response my email and thy say I should launch my campaign with at leas1 banner of each of the following sizes:

- 320x480
- 480x320
- 320x568
- 568x320
- 768x1024
- 1024x768

I did as suggested.

And got very exited to see that now I was getting lot more traffic running through my campaign. Instead of getting up to 9 clicks out of 304 (which is what i got on Tuesday) to I was now getting 73 out of 1,161 impressions


As I had learned, I knew I had to test different offers.

I decided to run a new campaign with offer #2 it was the 3rd converting offer on the Affiliate Network and was the same vertical as offer #1 but on a different GEO.

I was able to set u every in order to launch the campaign a lot faster that i did on the day before

I got very happy to see I was getting better.

Now I was setting a campaign in a couple of hours. I was getting 1,979 Impressions (with both campaigns) and 175 clicks out of them.


I found a new challenge. I Know the data has to do the talking but all I had where 2 -100% ROI Campaigns.

Yes I was getting more clicks and finally spending my daily budget, but still 0 (ZERO) conversions.

As I am new, I am stilton sure if this is how it is supposed to be. or which is supposed to be the "right" way.

I had had campaign # 1 running for 3 days in order to collect some data but all the data was saying was -100% ROI


Campaign #2 running for 2 days and as well -100% ROI

I was confused, should I start optimising the campaign.... Was it enough data? or Should I delete the campaign as i had chosen a bad offer.

If you are new... how are you supposed to know?

I decided to keep running the campaign and read about what should I do next. I found this post that help me undestard (so I believe) that is NORMAL to start with -100% ROI: What Goes Through My Mind When I Optimize a Campaign

reading this post and several others I have got to understand that the key point where i am at is now optimising my campaign, Charles Ngo says it very clear: You don't find a winning campaign, you create it!

The stats for the las 7 days look like this:



I have no idea how to star optimising a campaign but any way my plan for this new week is:

- Launch 1st test for offer #1 (wifi vs carrier)
- Test the same offer but form a different Affiliate Network
- Launch test #1 for offer #2 (wifi vs carrier
- Find offer # 3 to launch a new campaign

- Make at least 1 conversion by testing as much as needed.

- You don't find winning campaigns, you create them.

Thanks for reading!

Please leave your comments :)