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My Journey with OgMobi

So last month I made $740 with OGMobi, this is my latest payment.
Coming of $200 payment next week. :)

Have an idea to scale up my IG but very headache is that you need to deal with ban and phone verify.
Redoing all the stuff over and over again.

Jan 6th - 280 Clicks, 65 CR, $29
Jan 7th - 330 Clicks, 65 CR, $30
Jan 8th - 400 Clicks, 101 CR, $40

100 Clicks = $10?

Don't be surprise, it's not the amount as I expected as on Jan 8th.
The EPC has dropped, hope OGAds can have burst week so this earning could be double.
Been testing a lot of method last month, I guess I will from now on! Stick to the first method that brings me solid gold.

IG is a really tough network, it crack account creator fairly quick.

Jan 9th - 276 Clicks, 50 Conversions, $21
Jan 10th - $30
Jan 11th - $24
Jan 12th - $18
Jan 13th - $22
Jan 14th - $25

One niche has been bringing me x5 the amount of work compare to others.
Niche selection is important I see.
You're doing great so far ! go ahead and fix what's broken :D :D
Thanks everyone for cheering, I know the earning been drop for awhile, maybe I'm not consistent about my initial method, so I keep getting stuck around $23. I push hard traffic on Jan 17th(16th on the picture) till 450 clicks, but the earning still stucks on $24. As you see the traffic been down for the past few days, it still maintain at $24, and pushing the traffic doesn't really helps. No idea, really no idea.


Jan 18th - 300 Clicks, 68 Conversions, $23

I've blocked all the offer that under epc of $0.10 under USA for a few weeks now, slightly improve the earning.

Use 15 IG accounts to mass F/UF(don't ask me what is this, decode it yourself) 2k a day(15k-30k per day), the earning are consistant at $4 per day.
So imagine if you want to earn $40 per day, you need to have 150 accounts, and of course when a niche is exposed, the earning will drop dramatically, so guess should have like $25 a day.

The expenses are cunning, account itself cost I guess around $150, proxy costs 3-5 account per IP, need about 50 of them and it costs $50, and then a server would cost you $25 to run, phone verify service, either you hire one or do it manually, we estimate this as $20, so total of $245 to earn $25 a day, do you think it's worth? What happen if your account get banned? Or IP ban.

Okay, so many of you might know I'm critic, well the case is that, I don't encourage blackhat(spaming) to everyone, so I decide to keep quiet here(and you will see why I keep saying, don't ask me, I decide not to say), or not I will be the root to spread all the ugly thing here, you see az_gold says, "congrats, although I don't encourage".

High cost, and the earning couldn't really balance it well now.
I want to reach $1,000 this month, so I will multiple my work, I don't care how much it cause, I just need to move forward!
Oh and I heard that Dec is the month that every developer promoted their apps and that causes my earning sky boom.

Well I need to send my thank token to OGAds, without this network, I might be still stuck at $10 +/- a day on CrakRevenue.
So for the last few days, my laptop been overheated and bye bye, the laptop serves me about 5 years now, fixed it a couple of times, but it's totally fused up. Bought a new PC but the USB WiFi is working faulty, and the ISP has been a trouble maker, and limited ISP , and very expensive...

Bought a new WiFi card the connection now seems to work, as it down for a few days Instagram introduce it's mass ban game, and couldn't catch up since I still need to recover and migrate the files from my Laptop to new PC and customize it a couple of Windows update, restoring license and all stuff. Making it a very big delay. Also my friend was emitted to hospital, so I need to visit him. Many negative thing comes in a sudden, couldn't focus on work at the moment.

My earning has steadily drop from $23 to $3 today.

Just few days ago I started the IG account creation, as soon as I add a website link, it get banned, 2 minute, efficient right?

And the coming week is the celebration of Chinese New Year I think I wouldn't have much time to reach $25 any soon now. Hopefully I can make it in a day.
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My friend passed away from the Hospital and I need to go for her funeral, it has been 4 days straight I did not access the PC, adding the down of my PC, it's a total of 14 days I did not really work for my goal.

Hopefully everything will be fined. :(
Bad bad, OGAds's landing page been down for 9 days long(hosting issue) and my earning are getting below $10.

Actproxy sucks, they don't support mail server, I am not going to use them for now.
I regret promoting them over my thread, now I take my words back, actproxy has bad customer service.
I get throttled and slow proxy connection sometimes timeout after opening a ticket about this issue.
I'm going to move to another proxy server since, no mail access, no password reset. -$60 gone.

There is nothing I can update at the moment, I just felt 2016 is a turn over point for me, as I enter the new year, I need to help my cousin and my PC down, and my friend passed away, then OGads lander down for almost 9 days now. There is no time for me to work, and when I started to work OGads down.

Will be updating soon.
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@ogads, can you help here?
Oh nevermind thanks for your offer, they have already fix the landers, I can work on it again.

Jan 20th - 290 Clicks, 55 CR, $28
Jan 21st - 260 Clicks, 52 CR, $20
Jan 22nd - 181 Clicks, 42 CR, $15
Jan 23rd - 251 Clicks, 54 CR, $19
Jan 24th - 302 Clicks, 72 CR, $27
Jan 25th - 276 Clicks, 69 CR, $23
Jan 26th - 208 Clicks, 36 CR, $13
Jan 27th - 142 Clicks, 39 CR, $18
Jan 28th - 109 Clicks, 20 CR, $8
Jan 29th - 121 Clicks, 40 CR, $12
Jan 30th - 150 Clicks, 30 CR, $11
Jan 31st - 147 Clicks, 36 CR, $11

Jan Earning = $687.85
Helping cousin, laptop fused, accompany my friend a few midnight comforting her about my friend which emitted to the hospital, traveling up and down to visit my friend. Server suddenly reset took whole of 2 days to fix it.

Don't have the time to work with.

Friend passed away, need to get on to her funeral for 3 days then the 7th, when I came back home, OGads landing page been down due to hosting issue(fixed). Instagram introduce the "Mass Ban", login and you will get banned in 2 minute no matter what account are yours.

Feb 1st - 126 Clicks, 33 CR, $9
Feb 2nd - 80 Clicks, 13 CR, $4
Feb 3rd - 153 Clicks, 46 CR, $14
Feb 4th - 150 Clicks, 38 CR, $13
Feb 5th - 130 Clicks, 28 CR, $12
Feb 6th - 80 Clicks, 21 CR, $7
Feb 7th - 125 Clicks, 35 CR, $12
Feb 8th - 156 Clicks, 42 CR, $15
Feb 9th - 68 Clicks, 15 CR, $5
Feb 10th - 110 Clicks, 31 CR, $9
Feb 11th - 205 Clicks, 54 CR, $20
Feb 12th - 224 Clicks, 58 CR, $18
Feb 13th - 222 Clicks, 72 CR, $26
Feb 14th - 149 Clicks, 40 CR, $15
Feb 15th - 170 Clicks, 48 CR, $17
Feb 16th - 185 Clicks, 53 CR, $18
Feb 17th - 46 Clicks, 10 CR, $3
Feb 18th - 166 Clicks, 50 CR, $15
Feb 19th - 200 Clicks, 55 CR, $19

It's 20th today and I have yet to reach 35% of my previous month earning, oh well.
I appreciate my friend than money, so I don't mind have lesser earning this year.
Respect is the thing I can do to her. :)

Although OGAds experience down time with their landers, they did tried many ways to save them, but somehow it failed.
It did not disappoint me, I stopped testing new method now and focus only on scaling up my current method.

Instagram is seriously strict at the moment, photo sharing, tagging, editing username, proxies, new account sign in, sign up too, follow unfollow get blocked pretty often, my only choice is just to warm up the account first for 5 to 10 days, then start mass tagging slowly.

I think I will stop update for awhile, I'm really exhausted.
I think I'm going to continue my OGAds journey sooner, as I feeling better a little bit now.
Stress and excessive of works caused my sickness.

So I don't work hard now, instead I change plan, I tried to work for a long term account.

I expose a little of my direction here, from now I will be creating like 100s of instagram account with niche name, supplying information or content of interesting pictures, so attract more followers. I want to build a million followers account by June, and no more reply of spamming and quick cash. ;)

Anyway I haven't update my earning for a while, I did not really work hard too due to my sick.

Feb 20th - 220 Clicks, 56 CR, $17
Feb 21st - 140 Clicks, 36 CR, $16
Feb 22nd - 139 Clicks, 33 CR, $11
Feb 23rd - 146 Clicks, 48 CR, $18
Feb 24th - 170 Clicks, 40 CR, $17
Feb 25th - 168 Clicks, 42 CR, $13
Feb 26th - 169 Clicks, 42 CR, $17
Feb 27th - 101 Clicks, 21 CR, $7
Feb 28th - 178 Clicks, 63 CR, $25
Feb 29th - 210 Clicks, 71 CR, $28
March 1st - 118 Clicks, 36 CR, $14
March 2nd - 64 Clicks, 22 CR, $6
March 3rd - 116 Clicks, 27 CR, $9
March 4th - 156 Clicks, 55 CR, $19
March 5th - 121 Clicks, 39 CR, $13
March 6th - 154 Clicks, 56 CR, $20
March 7th - 139 Clicks, 46 CRv, $16
March 8th - 118 Clicks, 33 CR, $13
March 9th - 111 Clicks, 30 CR, $8
March 10th - 162 Clicks, 48 CR, $15
March 11th - 122 Clicks, 32 CR, $16
March 12th - 121 Clicks, 46 CR, $13
March 13th - 105 Clicks, 46 CR, $11
March 14th - 149 Clicks, 62 CR, $18
March 15th - 123 Clicks, 42 CR, $14
March 16th - 132 Clicks, 49 CR, $15
March 17th - 56 Clicks, 16 CR, $5
March 18th - 136 Clicks, 46 CR, $15
March 19th - 138 Clicks, 46 CR, $18
March 20th - 226 Clicks, 96 CR, $35 (Weekend Burst)
March 21st - 186 Clicks, 54 CR, $18
March 22nd - 165 Clicks, 61 CR, $21

Estimate March Earning:
$450 from OGAds, $110 from CrakRevenue + Other Affiliate Network, $500 from AffiliateFix =
$1060.00 ... Estimate Earning