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Newbie to Master Journey - Step #1


New Member

Thank you all for support and feedback so far.

My first goal:
Read newbie helpdesk:

My takes so far:
1 - It seems that network approval is not easy :)
I need to get on-line identity (website, personal email address...)

2 - have a plan :ninja:
I don't have....yet

Anyone would like to share some ideas about:
on-line identity and/or have a plan

First, thank you guys... the forum is amazing. I've read maybe 100 threads or so, pure gold. :)

So, I will share my experience so far and maybe it can help someone (I am newbie, so very basic stuff)

But first you have to start here
What is Affiliate Marketing? (START HERE)

My first impression

A lot of research, only to find out that you know next to zero.

I've decided to:

Affiliate Network
Bing ad:
Because it's easy and in 10 minutos you have everything

Amazon Cloud:
It's free
There is a tutorial Host a static website, it takes 2 seconds

The problem related to VPS host is that you need to:
- Manage, and for this cPanel (14U$ month) :mad: or something free.
- But with something free, good luck to install on Ubunto 14.04 (may take a couple of days)

Some people use just ftp or something similar, but not sure how to do that. If you know, please post

It's cheap (but you can find some coupons, google), free whois protection
some domains cost 0.88 p.a :D


not sure yet

not sure yet

Landing Page

So far I think is pureland, there are lot, but usually you have to have Wordpress installed


Got some domains and put on amazon. Not sure if Domain extension is important for Bing

It takes up 72 hours for DNS propagation, so I think it is not good to start your campaign before that.
maybe you can see your site in 5 minutes, but someone else can't.

I would appreciate any insights, ideas, suggestions.

Thank you all