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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Seeking Help Sales

There is no such statistic that would demonstrate any form of value. There are affiliates in every spectrum of all businesses, in one form or another, and as they are so vastly different from one another you cannot derive that value or responsibly arrive at that value..
Is that per day or per hour :p

If they're good, as often as possible.

It's a question that has no answer.
Are you try to work out what you could earn, or what an affiliate is likely to earn for you?
14 sales a month each program - call it divine intervention - I just found out is the amount of sales an affiliate partner often makes statistically, on average. The lowest payout allowed from a commission percentage is 0.06 a sale, bringing you to 0.84 cents monthly and $10.08 a year. I have 6 programs: 6 payouts = $5.04 monthly and $60.48 a year. I need an additionl 10 programs to reach my goal of a payout in the amount of $160.00. I am looking to earn $80.00 a month - the cost of my country, Nicaragua's basic food basket - in the long run. At the lowest payout of 0.84 monthly each program, I will need 95 programs, that is where affiliate network(s') REFERRAL programs come in, they will pay me a commission percentage for each sale EACH affiliate I referred makes. I will need to refer 95 affiliates.
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14 sales a month, I just found out is the amount of sales an affiliate partner often makes statistically, on average. Call it divine intervention. The lowest commission is 0.06 cents a sale, bringing you to 0.84 cents monthly and $10.08 a year.

That is a load of crap! Those are not functional or reliable numbers for anyone's use.

Call it divine intervention.

There is 0% divinity in anything we do.

I have 4 programs and 2 networks:

You have these, or you are an affiliate for them? HUGE difference.

6 payouts = $5.04 monthly and $60.48 a year.

If those are your numbers, your earnings, I don't think you are ready to call yourself and established affiliate. If those are your earnings for the past year, you are an undeveloped and untrained newbie that has not yet earned the title of established affiliate. After one year in the business, you should be doing that per hour, at least! Hell, I've spent that per minute for 30 minutes of ads on FB when testing a funnel and I have spent more than double that per minute for 30 minutes on Google testing a funnel.

Where are you trying to get with this conversation. I don't see your point. As you can see from the posts here, you are getting a fair amount of appropriate sarcasm from the members because we see no point to your thread.

What do you need help with, we love to help, but you need to be posting with purpose and clarity to get that help.
That is a load of crap! Those are not functional or reliable numbers for anyone's use.

There is 0% divinity in anything we do.

You have these, or you are an affiliate for them? HUGE difference.

If those are your numbers, your earnings, I don't think you are ready to call yourself and established affiliate. If those are your earnings for the past year, you are an undeveloped and untrained newbie that has not yet earned the title of established affiliate. After one year in the business, you should be doing that per hour, at least! Hell, I've spent that per minute for 30 minutes of ads on FB when testing a funnel and I have spent more than double that per minute for 30 minutes on Google testing a funnel.

Where are you trying to get with this conversation. I don't see your point. As you can see from the posts here, you are getting a fair amount of appropriate sarcasm from the members because we see no point to your thread.

What do you need help with, we love to help, but you need to be posting with purpose and clarity to get that help.
A 0.06 cents sale just means that the sale was a small sale.
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I have 4 programs and 2 network
Which types of programs and networks are these?
14 sales a month, I just found out is the amount of sales an affiliate partner often makes statistically, on average. Call it divine intervention. The lowest commission is 0.06 cents a sale, bringing you to 0.84 cents monthly and $10.08 a year.
Are you talking about the affiliate sales for one particular product?
14 sales a month, I just found out is the amount of sales an affiliate partner often makes statistically, on average. Call it divine intervention. The lowest commission is 0.06 cents a sale, bringing you to 0.84 cents monthly and $10.08 a year. I have 4 programs and 2 networks: 6 payouts = $5.04 monthly and $60.48 a year. I need an additionl 12 programs or networks to reach my goal of a payout in the amount of $160.00.
I have 4 programs and 2 networks: 6 payouts

Do you onw this or working as an affiliate for these programs. I'd rather suggest trying some other programs with better payouts to improve your avg. sales
@$0.06 at least 1000 sales a day. Good luck with that!
Which types of programs and networks are these?

Are you talking about the affiliate sales for one particular product?
I have 4 programs and 2 networks: 6 payouts

Do you onw this or working as an affiliate for these programs. I'd rather suggest trying some other programs with better payouts to improve your avg. sales
0.06 cents a sale and $60.48 a year. Is it 1000 sales a year to earn that $60 :(

The OP is just not making any sense and has no purpose or intent any of us can speak to. They are spewing nonsense and not responding to any of our questions with sensible answers.

The OP is either a bot in development or some tweener trying to look smart. Not worth our time at this point. I suggest we all move on and ignore them.
The OP is just not making any sense and has no purpose or intent any of us can speak to. They are spewing nonsense and not responding to any of our questions with sensible answers.
I thought there might be a language barrier or translation issue, but it does look very bot-ish. We need a bot to block the bots :affiliatefix:
We need a bot to block the bots

We get hit by many hundreds of bots daily and our platform traps most of them, but a few do make it through sometimes.

The idea of bot prevention by using a bot (or bots) has been debated for years. In the end, a bot just can't carry the heavy load of prevention, detection, and remedy. Hence, most are using a SaaS or forms of internal platform development.
Sourced or `drifters`? Just scrapers and such + the SEO bots and `tools`; or,
wp and software sniffers exploits also random /23/24/25/67/00x crap?

Most of the bots we trap are in member registrations. Some are via purchased and aged Fix accounts that they turn into spam machines. Recently we have seen a few through spoofed email from XenForo support industry players we have relationships with. The spoofed emails have "update" links, and other similar triggers, to cause a click that then launches a bot on the opening device and seeks to lay in wait for access to the XenForo platform for "devious" reasons. They really are devious little devils.:mad:
