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If you are creating (or have now) a localized website, it's
recommended that you mention your geographical information
on your pages. That may seem overly simple (a "Duh!" statement),
but many webmasters will not target their specific ZIP codes
and such. Google Webmaster Tools has an option to associate
your site to a geographical location, and that's one great
point to stress if your audience is localized.

Todays SE's robot crawlers are looking for area codes, zip
codes, and even cities so they can bring more relevant searches
returned to their users.

So think about that when tweaking your localized sites.
Are country-specific TLDs enough for search engines, or should I have text in my UK-based guitar store saying that it's in the UK?!
I'd say TLDs are enough if you wish to market to an entire region, but if you want to
zero in on specific locales, then I'd opt for content explaining location and such.

Even a "How to get here" Google Map inserted on a page would be great for local searches.