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SEO For Sites Using Flash...Help


New Member
I have been asked to help with a site that is using some flash. Another issue with the site is that each page size is over 100K almost 175K. What do I need to be concered with as far SEO goes? Does Flash really have that much of a negitive effect on site SEO? There are still alot of HTML content and text. Please advise.
As long as you have html content, just do normal onpage and start a link building campaign.

Flash is just not read by Google, so it is not a negative unless the entire page is flash with no content.

There is a new flash program that Google can read. Just experiment with it. That is what the pro's do, they test, test, test!

But if you have regular content, you should have no problem other than the file size, which will make the site load slow for some users, but should not be too much of a problem.