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SEO Related Documents from Bing



Collection of SEO related documents from the Bing Ecosystem
by Duane Forrester, Bing

We have a lot of SEO related documents scattered around the ecosystem here at Bing and Microsoft, so I thought it would be nice to gather some of them into one location...

Helpful SEO-related Links:
SEO Site Reviews:
Performing site reviews is a critical part of determining what work needs to be done to help a website rank better organically. This five part series walks you through a detailed approach to performing an SEO review for any site.

I started to read through this, and was interested in the keyword research at their adCentre. Then I read, "It's quick and easy to sign up, and it's absolutely free. Your account is charged when someone clicks your ad." I'm getting confused! Is it a free service to non-advertisers?
Bing ads are like Google Adwords. Opening an account costs nothing. If you want to purchase ads, that of course is not free.
Thanks for the links. I read today that Bing is the UK's fastest-growing search engine. Should be interesting to see what they do to distinguish themselves from Google in foreign markets.
I believe April's statistics indicate that the Bing-Yahoo alliance now has a 30% share globally. Someone said recently that paying attention to optimizing for Bing as well as Google means potentially increasing your customer base by 50%.
Really there's no need to submit to any search engines - just give them a link somewhere to find you and they'll find you.

"But to answer your question, most of your traffic is going to come from Google and then Bing these days. Ask and AOL may add a bit here and there but not enough to worry about actually optimizing for.