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SEO That Works - Anyone can rank with hard work

Sure you can, in fact if you do not concentrate your efforts , the chances are that you will not get good results. I can write an article for distribution in about 1/2 hour, but takes me over an hour for a decent blog post at the bare min.

You have to research, validate the info, get the right affiliate links, images, layout and a few other things to make the post effective.

Then bookmarking the post, moderating comments. A professional blogger is a full time job, but a hig paying one if done right.
Am also glad that these all works for you, Hamncheese.That is true this forum really has a load of useful resource if you only know how to ask help from our senior members. Am on my starting phase with my online business and have just started my marketing campaign (SEO) just a few months ago. And the information I get from you guys here are really priceless.

Much success,
seo is time taking work as everyone know. continues working give you positive results but when we measuring time like four week. in my point of view four weeks are not enough for seo work but you got results from four weeks work congrats:D its depending on competition. anyway nice share there is lot of information in forum I appreciate admin group.
Hello Everyone,

I wanted to give another quick update. Since I created this thread rankings have gone up much much more.

Last week google seemed to have had a major update and I went from place 50-60 to the top 5 on google for all my Top 3 keywords.

Thanks to Jim and this forum I have learned now what it takes to rank. There is still plenty more to learn though... and lots of more work to be on #1

Although there has been a big boos in traffic from the increased ranking, it usually only pays to be on #1. People rather redefine their search than going down to spot #5 or 6 on google - IMHO.


Although there has been a big boost in traffic from the increased ranking, it usually only pays to be on #1. People rather redefine their search than going down to spot #5 or 6 on google - IMHO.

I don't thinks that's necessarily true. You definitely want to be on the first page of search results, and preferably in the top 5, but this is where your "snippet" comes in. If that is compelling, people will often click on it first, even though it's #2, 3, or 5.

And to ensure that the snippet is compelling, you need to have a great title which includes your most important keywords and great phrases in the on-page content which also include those keywords; and then try to do what you can to have similar phrases in the anchor text for incoming links to the page.

Sometimes #2 or #5 can beat #1, if it's done right. :)
I agree with minstrel on this one for the most part. it is a a common basic rule that number 1 gets a much higher CTR, but this can be manipulated if you know what you are doing as he stated.

WOW, I read the quote from the previous post. That is great news! Congratulations on your new found placement! And number 1 can be attained between updates with 5 or less positions left. Just keep pushing, just at a slower rate now.

I knew you could do it! Congrats again!