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Someone offered me $1.5K for my bid directory



I never really planned on selling but someone offered me $1.5K for my PR0 bid directory. Should I sell?

Take the money and RUN. I will sell, that is very very good money if the person is serious.
Still, I am not sure if I really should sell. It has the potential to become a PR5 on the next update or at the very least a strong PR4.


It's up to you,if you plan to promote the site,then don't sell it.

Tell me who he/she was and I'll sell mine to him/her.:cool:
I think you should sell, you need less than half of that money to start a new one and get it to where your current directory is.

I know its a difficult decision, but if I were in your shoes I will sell for that price :)
Thanks guys, I appreciate your advice. Its a really difficult decision, but I guess I will sell after all and start a new one :) Let me shop for a new bid directory name before I inform the buyer of my decision to sell.

Do not forget to make the new owner agree to leaving the links currently in the directory, if he remove all the existing link once he is the owner, people (including me me :) will be chasing you about asking for refund.
Menj i think you make the right decision, but be very careful, word is full of scammers.
Do not forget to make the new owner agree to leaving the links currently in the directory, if he remove all the existing link once he is the owner, people (including me me :) will be chasing you about asking for refund.

LOL, of course. I will make sure that your links stay intact.

@gkd and bagi: thanks guys, will let you know how the sale goes.
