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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Starting my first facebook ads campaign


Still in the creative testing phase, promoting a slimming capsule, I tested 5 different creatives with 5 different copys, I let it run for 4 days with a daily budget of 15 dollars, of the 5 initial creatives, 3 remained, both with CTR above 9%, however with a CPM of 65 dollars (I think it's a high cpm) I haven't made any sales yet but my intention at this stage of the campaign is to find the best copy with the best creative and scale.
What is your traffic source?

Have you got screen shots of your tracker?

I'm doing direct traffic, I send the lead to a pre-sell, I'm testing 2 different ones, one shorter and to the point and another more elaborate and persuasive and I'm analyzing which one performs better, I joined clickbank, I'm going to send some screenshots about the performance of the campaign so far


  • Print BM.png
    Print BM.png
    143.6 KB · Views: 197
  • Pixel exipure.png
    Pixel exipure.png
    104.1 KB · Views: 192
  • Print clickbank.png
    Print clickbank.png
    83.5 KB · Views: 196
good luck, what kind of landing page are you planning to use?
I send the ad lead to a pre-sell, I'm testing 2 different strategies, one straight to the point and a more elaborate one, and then the lead goes to the sales page, and I leave the VSL with delay for the sale button to appear along with the call to action in the video
I'm doing direct traffic

That doesn't tell us the traffic source. As well, you need to be able to modify your traffic so it fits the demographics of the target audience.

You need to use a tracker so we can see the details of your funnel in action. Using the stats from a CB report does not tell you anything about where the modifications in traffic need to be. Stuff like day parting, identifying bot traffic, etc.

CB provides data and scoring on the offers. Did you determine the offer(s) you are promoting by selecting offers based on their data and scoring system?
To make things easier for affiliates, ClickBank introduced several filters you should pay close attention to when researching products. Although gravity may seem like the most valuable one, others can help you out as well. These filters include:

  1. Average percent sale
  2. Initial dollar per sale
  3. Average sale
  4. Gravity
  5. Average rebill percentage
  6. Keyword relevance
  7. Average rebill total
others can help you out as well. These filters include:
$gravity = $i['Gravity'];
$avgearnsale = ($i['AverageEarningsPerSale'] *2);
$referred =$i['Referred'] ;
$grindex= ceil(($gravity+$referred)*$avgearnsale);
$id= $i['Id'];
this is the algo I used to sort and compare ;)
Além disso, você precisa modificar seu tráfego para que ele se adeque à demografia do público-alvo.
I selected a mass selling product, more specifically a slimming product, I left it open to the public to test the creatives at first, I established a budget of 1 product divided into 4 days in search of the best creative.
Você precisa usar um rastreador para que possamos ver os detalhes do seu funil em ação. Usar as estatísticas de um relatório de CB não informa nada sobre onde as modificações no tráfego precisam estar. Coisas como despedida do dia, identificação de tráfego de bots, etc.
I made a mistake in not putting a tracker on the landing page, I'll look for an article on the forum to help me solve this problem.
CB fornece dados e pontuação nas ofertas. Você determinou a(s) oferta(s) que está promovendo selecionando ofertas com base em seus dados e sistema de pontuação?
Regarding the offer I chose to start with, I took into account the severity of the product, which is 1,122.08, I prioritized mass sales niches based on the premise that a slimming product would probably solve the problem of many people, another thing I took into account consideration was that the product commission was 85% with an average conversion of 148.64 USD
BTW que 10.000 era R$ reais ou dólares?
Hits of what exactly? If it traffic network push or native it's not that good of quality.
native, cold public, after going through the landing page they go to the sales page with a delay vsl, the offer appears along with the first call to action in the video
If you have 200 clicks at ClickBank and no attempted orders or actual sales conversions

Perfect, when I get to these numbers I'll reevaluate, if I haven't made any sales I'll adjust the offer
BTW that 10,000 was R$ reals or dollars
this amount is liquid and exclusively for the project, I have an asset that is not liquid and is in a car (something around 4.5k USD) if necessary, which I believe will not happen, I can transform it into liquidity in a short time, I know that I still have a lot to learn but this value gives me a little peace of mind so that I don't get desperate for immediate results
I increased the budget to get to this sample faster, if I don't have any sales with 200 hits, should I redo the campaign?
Hits of what exactly? If it traffic network push or native it's not that good of quality.
What does the person need to spend to make a conversion for you?
BTW that 10,000 was R$ reals or dollars?
If you have 200 clicks at ClickBank and no attempted orders or actual sales conversions :
  1. You may be overselling on your pre-landing page
  2. The ClickBank offer looks bad so the conversions don't happen
  3. You have very low quality traffic that is clicking through.
Esse é um público muito cético IMO. Você realmente precisa de dieters motivados para comprar isso - suponho que algum * grande plano * - tipo de livro digital e?
Além disso, agora; a atual guerra e crise na Ucrânia afetariam qualquer tráfego na Europa. A Europa está recebendo uma dieta de austeridade gratuita agora, infelizmente.
I am sending traffic of this product only to the United States and Canada, regarding the product it is not a digital diet, it is a physical product, an encapsulated one and its only sales proposal is the possibility of losing weight quickly and without training, the product basically increases the level of BAT (also known as brown fat) and it has been proven that this accelerates fat burning, within clickbank it is the product with the highest gravity
Se você continuar agora --você precisa saber quais criativos estão funcionando e se você conseguir uma venda de qual criativo --seu link de sua página de destino deve ter um código de acompanhamento tid=.
I uploaded new creatives with new copys today and they are performing absurdly better than the ones I was testing previously, I'll let them run for another 2 days to have a larger sample and see if any sales come out but to get an idea the CPM has decreased by 81% and CTR remained at 9.5%
O URL de destino de cada criativo precisa criar um tid=
Perfect, I took a look at landing page tracking, from what I saw there is a software that facilitates this process "Bemob", it was recommended by a forum member, I saw a video explaining how to do the process, I'll run it now, when it's ready, I will update you on the performance!


Overall, thanks for sharing your opinion and experience!
premise that a slimming product would probably solve the problem of many people
That is a very skeptical audience IMO. You really need motivated dieters to purchase this --I assume some *great plan* --digital e book type?
Also, right now; the current war and crisis in Ukraine would effect any Europe traffic. Europe is getting a free austerity diet pan right now unfortunately.

If you will continue right now --you need to know what creatives are working and should you get a sale from which creative --your link from your landing page must have a tid= tracking code.

destination URL from each creative needs to create a tid=

?c=1 or 2,3

You can use 3 static pages or --smart way

$click_location = $_GET['c'];

$linkarr = array(
        "1001" =>"",
        "1002" => "",
        "1003" => ""
$page_location = $linkarr[$click_location];

//test //echo $page_location ;
/*redirect optional
print "<script>";
print " self.location= '$page_location';";
print "</script>";

or <a href="<?php echo $page_location ?>">click or button</a>

creative -> ->correct tid to clickbank
Hi guys, I haven't posted updates for a while, but after getting caught up in trying to promote nutra offers from clickbank I decided to change niche and I'm having some results, I'm promoting a treatment for premature ejaculation, only in Brazil, I validated a creative and I found it the best audience slices, I'm in the campaign optimization and budget increase phase!
Teste de publico.png
Are you making money on ED (penis pills) now?
One of the ways, I'm earning as an ED affiliate, I'm finishing an infoproduct that I created myself about extra income, and I'm providing traffic service for local companies in my city, I currently have 3 clients and I receive 4k per month in total for this service, but as I'm having a good result they are introducing me to new clients, I'm thinking about founding a traffic management agency and increasing the client portfolio, I still haven't hit something that changed my life but in general I'm earning some 5-6 Brazilian net minimum wages per month nothing to complain