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Starting my first steps in affiliate marketing - popads + mobidea


New Member
Hi All,

I've been browsing a lot here and the info is endless, thanks for all the contributors!

After intensive research, i've setup my tracker (, and launched my first 3 campaigns on popads, each very segmented angle (category, mobile, country). The first step for me is to exclude as much shitty websites as possible by bidding low and setting up a 5$ daily budget.

Did anyone manage to get positive ROI's out of popads? Any tips for beginners? How can I get a list of websites ids and url of popads websites other than paying tons of $$$ for this on similarweb?

Thanks in advance for any info...

Hi All,

I've been browsing a lot here and the info is endless, thanks for all the contributors!

After intensive research, i've setup my tracker (, and launched my first 3 campaigns on popads, each very segmented angle (category, mobile, country). The first step for me is to exclude as much shitty websites as possible by bidding low and setting up a 5$ daily budget.

Did anyone manage to get positive ROI's out of popads? Any tips for beginners? How can I get a list of websites ids and url of popads websites other than paying tons of $$$ for this on similarweb?

Thanks in advance for any info...


Which vertical are you running? What payout? Which GEO?
Hi All,

I've been browsing a lot here and the info is endless, thanks for all the contributors!

After intensive research, i've setup my tracker (, and launched my first 3 campaigns on popads, each very segmented angle (category, mobile, country). The first step for me is to exclude as much shitty websites as possible by bidding low and setting up a 5$ daily budget.

Did anyone manage to get positive ROI's out of popads? Any tips for beginners? How can I get a list of websites ids and url of popads websites other than paying tons of $$$ for this on similarweb?

Thanks in advance for any info...


Great to see you taking action :)

I would suggest staying away from the tier 1 GEO's such USA, CA, UK and AU because the traffic is expensive and those GEO's have the most volume of BOT traffic.

Take your time to go through mobidea's top performing GEO's list and focus on 2nd tier and 3rd tier.

Instead of blacklisting focus on creating a whitelist of targets and once you have enough targets create a sperate targeted campaign.
Totally agree with cashmoneyaffiliate
It would be hard to find better time to explore Europe and especially Asia, those have some of the hottest GEOs you can come across today.
Our team had a tremendous success pushing them to their absolute limit.
Which vertical are you running? What payout? Which GEO?
I have 3 campaigns, first one for the US, mobile users, offering freebies like doritos and papa jones. paying $2 per lead. Second is for the US, mobile users, offering email submit for $1.17.

Currently I bid very low on prime spots to build my blacklist website lists.
Take your time to go through mobidea's top performing GEO's list and focus on 2nd tier and 3rd tier.

Instead of blacklisting focus on creating a whitelist of targets and once you have enough targets create a sperate targeted campaign.


I also try Panama, but how do I whitelist? how do I get a list of good quality websites?

I also try Panama, but how do I whitelist? how do I get a list of good quality websites?

In order to see which parameters are performing better you need to gather a decent amount of statistics with numbers that will be relevant enough in order to make a conclusion. So, unfortunately, there is no other way to do it, than running traffic, spending a bit (but enough to get good quality), and then analyze your stats.

The advises you've got regarding the GEOs are right. But in terms of daily budget - I would suggest you to raise it a bit. In this end, affiliate marketing is all about testing, and if it's not easy for you to invest in tests, it's better to try working with free traffic.

Hope this helps! And good luck :)
I've just started with popads too and I didn't do well. I think it's because I made a mistake of trying to promote the offers in 1st tier countries. As long as I know, many users in the 1st tier countries have Popads blockers so your offers won't be seen. Maybe you should try 2 and 3rd tier countries because they are more likely to tolerate interruptive ads such as pop ups and pop unders in comparison to 1st tier countries.
Yep, trying now... though I think the magic begins when you find a gold mine like website with good traffic as there are a lot of shi**y traffic websites in popads... the question is how you find those websites? categories?
Yep, trying now... though I think the magic begins when you find a gold mine like website with good traffic as there are a lot of shi**y traffic websites in popads... the question is how you find those websites? categories?

You run traffic, and after receiving a relevant amount of data, filter by placements/websites. You should analyze then statistics of each website, and cut unprofitable ones.

Best of luck! :)
You run traffic, and after receiving a relevant amount of data, filter by placements/websites. You should analyze then statistics of each website, and cut unprofitable ones.

Best of luck! :)
Thanks for that, the problem is that i'm on 0 all the time, so all the data is wrong for me :( hoping for good...
As all are suggested, you should run the campaign for a few hours (I recommend, at least 24 hours) to get a good amount of traffic for each landing pages.

Yes, every traffic source has bot traffic, even ZP. The key to getting a find a good campaign is having a good starting budget (for testing) and fast & quality traffic (for that you should increase the bid a little more.)

As @Mobidea explained, drill down campaign reports to find out placements with negative or possible bot traffic sources. However, not every website with bot traffic won't be unprofitable. The best solution for it I think is running the traffic campaign a more time to get a good amount of data to take into decisions.
Firstly , the best of luck to you .
Second , When dealing with pop-ups think of the white list black list thing as a "hosts" file (if you are acquainted with the term).
With some of the more reliable ad networks this should prevent certain ips ,ids, and ips range....
So you can definitely put that into good use even BEFORE you start running the ads.
Third , Be very careful what offer you choose since most of the the offers are LIQUID SHIT .And since they such crap you would`nt be able to optimize or get any data.

What I mean by that > don`t `blame` the traffic all the time. sometimes the traffic is sweet but the offer is shit.

Choose an offer that looks good on all devices , that loads fast , that has a meaning , not something who looks like an African sting.

Fourth ,
I get tons of leads everyday from pop up traffic - but i use my pages , and then plant the links in them .
I found it very difficult to succeed with only the smart-links .

To conclude - 95% of the offers out there suck-ass.
Finding the right offer - is becoming an art form :)
sweepstake email submit offers (almost) never work without a prelander. Are you direct linking? If it is the case, you are throwing money in the air.

Second, if you are using tight targeting options, you will need to bid high in order to get quality traffic from the best placements.

And congrats on taking action.
Hey there pops, welcome to the forum, best of luck with any affiliate endevours :).

With that said, what in the holy fuck are you doing man? You already got advice from one of the most experienced guys in here (cashmoney) and you just went and did the total opposite? lol

I'm just gonna say this once, honestly do not fucking run usa email submits on Popads. Seriously, just fucking don't. Even if you get any leads is probably gonna be low quality ones, and you may get banned from that offer for bringing that weak sauce.

The problem with "tier 1 geos" in some ad networks is, it'll still be trash ass bot riddled tier 3 quality. One country may be rocking in one network and the same country will be absolute dog shit in other one.

I'm not saying "tier 1" traffic can't work in Popads, I'm just saying if you're a beginner, you may wanna stay the hell away from it. Then try to get your feet wet with low paying offers with better conversion rates. Way cheaper to test, way more likely to work when you're starting out. Not to mention all those conversions coming in will have a positive effect on the newbe psyche. Just don't go crazy on those bids and start a holy bidding war fiesta, cause I'll kill all of you motherfuckers if you do, j/k ;)

Peace and profits everyone.
