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“Adavice”/  “CPA

Starting My Journey! Steps Till Launch

Good to hear you got the ball rolling, keep the momentumn going.

Technically yes, does it matter, no :D just make sure you avoid any copyright infringement.

Just a quick heads up with hosting, if you're running WP I wouldn't suggest AWS and EC2 with Cloudflare, it's a massive ball ache. Amazon have another service called Lightsail and in comparison it's a breeze. You'll have hosting setup in about 15 mins and it's very fast. I checked the metrics and had a wordpress site with 12 pages of content loading in under a second.
Thanks so much! I'll have a look at the video. I'm actually using Wix to set up my site.
I am a little bit confused when it comes to "scraping content". I know it will lower your ranking and its against Google's guidelines, but if I need particular images for what I'm promoting, if I find them online isn't it technically scraped content then?

There are many ways to make a product image better than original image
For example save a picture I find online and edit it slightly?

  1. change file name (never put the s p a c e in file name, use _ or -)
  2. change dimensions
  3. save in correct format (gif/png/peg)
  4. adjust brightness < 5% >
  5. crop it so clear on your hand held
Small Update

I've been able to find my groove more when it comes to cranking out the content. I think that I have also found an angle for this particular niche. Upon analyzing the competition, I have looked at some things that they are not doing that I feel would make the customer's life easier in deciding which product to go for.

Simple example:

There are a bunch of companies that are offering very similar products in this niche, in fact, some are practically identical even in terms of how their websites look. You'd think they copied each other. So what would compel the customer to choose company A over company B? I found that my competition has not really touched on this part. There are small and subtle differences that I feel would help the customer choose one over the other. The content marketers I have come across have not really touched on what those subtle differences are..They will just write good copy on company A, B, C, D, E etc in the same niche but not provide enough info on what sets them apart from one another. As a result, I feel that the reader/customer will still be left with having to do more research on which company to go with from the wide array of options out there. At least I haven't come across such content yet..maybe it's out there.

This is where I feel I can come in and really magnify these differences and create copy that is really informative, yet still fun and exciting. Essentially doing the work on the customer's behalf and helping them choose which company best suits their needs.

I have Keywords Everywhere installed as a plugin on my Chrome and I looked up the articles on the top pg of Google for the keywords I'm interested in and I exported them to an excel spreadsheet to have as reference.

I'll be back with more updates!!!
Great to hear AmNovice
Sounds like you have a good plan there.
Just as a matter of interest, the keywords your currently targeting, would you consider them low, medium or high volume?
Thanks! I would say that they are low-mid. Maybe you could help me gague them, they usually get a few thousand searches per month so anywhere from like 1k-10k tops but 10K is very rare, most of the KW in this segment are getting 1K-3K.
They're low competition, which in my opinion is the perfect place to start, you might not get alot of traffic from them but you can see your pages getting ranked and moving up the serps, which is fun:)
Google are having issues with indexing at the moment, I have 7 articles that just aren't getting indexed, I know some other bloggers who have alot more. I have no clue whats going on I'm just waiting for someone else to figure it out and hopefully help me out. So don't worry if some of your content doesn't show up straight away.
I've been using this site to check my page rank
It's free and seems to be pretty accurate.
Good luck mate, look forward to your updates :cool: