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Stop Local Tax Laws Against Affiliate Mrktg

King Conga

Active Member
This is NOT...I repeat NOT a political statement, but simply a HUGE alert to the future viability of affiliate marketing, and the VERY great threat of state tax laws (AK, CA, CT, IL, NC, and RI) killing one of the best opportunities for low-income want-to-be-entrepreneurs to achieve the American Dream. If you are not aware of this issue, go look at Amazon's AM program (amongst no telling how many other sites) and notice that these states have prevented AM commerce due to new tax laws enacted. For any of you that DON'T live in these states don't think for one minute that this doesn't affect you because if this becomes a political trend, you can bet these greedy politicians will tax every penny they can.

Lynda, I sincerely apologize if I'm out of line AT ALL with any policies, however, I also know you are well aware of the consequences to this entire industry if this kind of thing catches on. I would hope you could use whatever clout you have in the industry to gather forces to mount a massive push back.

Thanks KC,

Have been blogging, forum posting, lobbying and helping to rally the troops about the tax issues for over
3 years or whenever it was that the 1st incident in NY started it all.

Pages and Pages and Pages of posts, but sort of lost steam and have not blogged about it lately.
Search Results tax - 5 Star Affiliate Blogs

So frustrating!
Thank YOU, Lynda. There you go folks. Do you need any better proof of the seriousness of this issue. DON'T BE SELFISH about this.

I'm assuming this means I can't do any biz at ClickBank, right? I went to their website to see if they had any stmts about this, but I couldn't find any. What suggestions would you make as for an alternate income strategy other than PTC?

Well, CB is all about affiliate marketing, is it not? Why wouldn't the same laws apply? I'm going to put a post on the CB unofficial forum, and see if I get any answers. Certainly, not that I don't trust you...just checking.

BTW, PTC Points-to-Click. It's a boring, cheap way to live, but I wasn't sure if I had any other AM options. I would love to get back into this game.

---------- Post added at 02:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:24 PM ----------


My bad. I finally found a blurb on CB's Help page that reassured their affiliates that they were still welcome to do biz with CB. I guess I'll have to hunt, and peck for any of the other ones that are still willing to do biz.
Well the tax law does not affect every affiliate program the same way AT ALL. There are all diff circumstances and many affiliate programs are not affected.

But don't listen to anyone on forums, not even me. :p Always go direct to the source and doublecheck.

This is what Google has to say and there are articles direct from CB about the tax issue saying it's a non issue, but again check with them to be sure that's the case currently and specifically for your state.