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The keyword tool showing $100-$200 CPC for lots of keywords, is it totally bugged?


New Member
1. When logged-in, adwords keyword tool doesn't show anything when clicking in the categories. If i do a search for a word first, it does output data for the word, but if i click on a category and do a search then, it doesnt output anything. You have to refresh and search the word again.
Seems that clicking in any category breaks everything.
It's just fine though when I'm logged out, but even then stops showing data from the categories after a while. But here comes the other problem

2.Outside it shows some crazy values for CPC for quite few keywods, like $180 CPC, when logged in it firstly showed $40 CPC, after few more searches it went up to $160
Right now the outside tool, the logged in keyword tool and the traffic estimate show between $160 and $180 for the same word.
Not just it's crazy high, even the temporally showed one of $40 is high, but now they all show the crazy high value with 10-20$ difference, which i guess is normal fluctoation.
It does show those crazy CPC for lots of keywords, what's going on? They can't be real.