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Tik Tok Ads !!! ???


How's it going guys, haven't posted in a while, was wondering if any of you folks are having success with tik tok ads lately ? Just started getting into it and wow, very easy to get traffic and they are much more lenient than facebook or google, cheap clicks to, tested bout 7 offers, some cpa offers, some software affiliate program so far this past week and will keep you informed on how it goes . Anyone here have success with tik tok ads so far ?
I'll leave a comment to stay tuned with other comments.
I heard TikTok ads are so effective

✿ Samira ✿
that is true, it doesnt seem to convert nearly as good as search traffic, obv, display never does but i suspect the audience is not as great but then I hear people killing it selling ecommerce, drop shipping and shopify, all the youtube tik tok video gurus, which i somewhat believe just cant quite figure it out yet, would prefer to sell digital products tho you know