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totally first beginner's journey


New Member
hi there,

as titled, this is my first journey of newbie in the world of IM specially with affiliation !

who ?
me, a 36yo man, skilled in web automation tasks, scraping, ruby, rails, html, css, seo, vseo, ...

why ?
because I am tired to take subway every day, waking up at 7h o'clock, and I believe that I can make my own job online !

how ?
using paid traffic (PPV) to drive people to affiliation offers (CTA), while keeping my actual job until making enough profits with IM

first step : signup onto affiliates programs,
- done => affiliaXe, 42leads (waiting for responses for the two)
- planned => maxbounty and two others
inspirationnal source : Resources | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix

next steps :
- choosing between pin submit and lead gen
- select offers and search which one drive main traffic
- search for PPV source and submit

edit 1 : I have also submit at G4Offers that just reply with accepted affiliation account, lets go browse their offers
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hi there,

as titled, this is my first journey of newbie in the world of IM specially with affiliation !

who ?
me, a 36yo man, skilled in web automation tasks, scraping, ruby, rails, html, css, seo, vseo, ...

why ?
because I am tired to take subway every day, waking up at 7h o'clock, and I believe that I can make my own job online !

how ?
using paid traffic (PPV) to drive people to affiliation offers (CTA), while keeping my actual job until making enough profits with IM

first step : signup onto affiliates programs,
- done => affiliaXe, 42leads (waiting for responses for the two)
- planned => maxbounty and two others
inspirationnal source : Resources | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix

next steps :
- choosing between pin submit and lead gen
- select offers and search which one drive main traffic
- search for PPV source and submit

edit 1 : I have also submit at G4Offers that just reply with accepted affiliation account, lets go browse their offers

This is great @conquering_lion79 ! Keep this going...
little update :

first step : signup onto affiliates programs

accepted => G4offers (quick)
rejected => affiliaXe (because I miss their phone call + not experimented)
awaiting response => 42leads

planned => f5media, mundomedia, peerfly, maxbounty, zeropark, cpatrend, taplinks (more informations needed about them)

I also crawl offers from agregators to find which network offers pin submit program

Same situation occurred with me also at affiliaXe.
I have submitted application yesterday and today i got mail that your application is rejected because you're not able to accept our phone call but i don't get any phone call and i have rejected.

Does they even call in really??

But anyway i tried with some other network and congratulated for your G4offers acceptance.
What stops you from calling them back? What they really looking for is that if you are a real person and can prove your experience or at least that you are motivated to make money. sometimes when I get rejected email, I try to find the email/skype of any AM and call/email them for explanation and try to prove that I am willing to work hard...

P.S. AM's are your best friends!!!
Hi there,

not really an update, nothing done since last time, lot of work in my main job :( (I am working in webanalytics & tag management)

and I am going to leave Paris for a week, I am bestman in a wedding in Boston

still looking for mobile offer with pin submit method ideally..

I am asking myself how to evaluate if an offer is promising :
- country (population estimation)
- offer (game vs download vs survey)
- payout CPA

I guess that contacting AM is the best way to know that, but I also read that AM will privilege top affiliate
any ideas ?

see you in one week :)

some news here !

I found some interesting offers on G4Offers like mobile subscription
and I register on airpush and inmobi, 50$ on each test

stay tuned, campaign begin soon !
What stops you from calling them back? What they really looking for is that if you are a real person and can prove your experience or at least that you are motivated to make money. sometimes when I get rejected email, I try to find the email/skype of any AM and call/email them for explanation and try to prove that I am willing to work hard...

P.S. AM's are your best friends!!!

Exactly! Don't just wait around for them, you call and speak to someone. They'll know that you're real and want to work with them.
Everyone above are right don't wait for them to you just call yourself and tell them that you are willing and hard working and you love to work with them so that they approve your application. It happened with me once on some other forum i called them and they within few hours released and accepted my application and now working there as well........
Hello all,

As I live in Paris, I was not in good mood since two week for IM .. but I'm back ! more motivated !

so :

I have two affiliate network that accept me : g4offers and adscend
I have 4 media buy network account : inmobi, phunware, airpush and popads

that is enough to begin !

- the offer I want to promote is a mobile game via pinsubmit
- I'm actually trying to adjust bid on inmobi to have impressions for the campaign I create, target to portugal 3G only

advice welcome to determine the minimum bid to get impression !

keep in touch
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May seem like a silly question but I'll ask anyway...

Is your ad/lander in Portuguese?

Re your lack of motivation during the past couple of weeks, perfectly understandable! Stay safe.

this wasn't a silly question, because for the moment I just use some screenshot found on google image.
I plan to split test using simple screenshot versus screenshot with CTA (like "play free"), and I didn't think to use portuguese wording in the CTA, so this was a good question !

Is this the best approach ? Just using a picture redirecting to the offers landing ? This method is the costless method (just taking picture and use a little gimp to add CTA)..

I am also still searching the lowest bid giving me some traffic. Have someone ideas about it ? The recommended bid in inmobi is 0.021 but I go to 0.15 without result. The CPA offers is 5.58 $.

Thanks for your support !
Two things that occur to me immediately...

1. Be careful about using other people's images unless they are in the Public Domain/Creative Commons
2. If you are sending offers to Portugal but your CTA is in English or French, will they know what it says? And if they don't understand it, will they trust it enough to click?

I've not used inmobi, nor done PPV, so can't help with that but there are a lot of threads about PPV here in the forum.
As it is screenshots from the game I promote, do you think it is risky ? There is not mentions about not to use screenshots..
maybe I have to install the game to use personal captures ..

You are right, I have begin to make picture with portuguese wording

I am still looking for the max bid to get impression .. increasing from 0.021 (recommended bid) to 0.5 now .. I will wait 2 hours to see if I get impression. I have also search in the forum onto "maximum bid" and stuff like that but didn't find thread about best bid calculation (I asked to the AM the CR to be able to calculate the max bid I can do)
As it is screenshots from the game I promote, do you think it is risky ? There is not mentions about not to use screenshots..
maybe I have to install the game to use personal captures ..

You are right, I have begin to make picture with portuguese wording

I am still looking for the max bid to get impression .. increasing from 0.021 (recommended bid) to 0.5 now .. I will wait 2 hours to see if I get impression. I have also search in the forum onto "maximum bid" and stuff like that but didn't find thread about best bid calculation (I asked to the AM the CR to be able to calculate the max bid I can do)

If your screenshots are from the offer you're promoting, you're probably okay but check the terms of the offer. I know that some of the offers I'm promoting do not allow ANY screenshots of their products, have to use only the supplied creatives. Which sucks but those are their rules.

I would search for PPV, rather than maximum bid. Lots of threads, I believe.
Hi there,

not mention in the offers about not using game screenshot :p

so yesterday I split test my capture, 3 different colors of CTA and one picture without CTA
I made this on two traffic sources, with for each source 4 different tracking links

still waiting to find the point to get impression :D

I also read many thread in ppc directory of the forum
Hi there,

not mention in the offers about not using game screenshot :p

so yesterday I split test my capture, 3 different colors of CTA and one picture without CTA
I made this on two traffic sources, with for each source 4 different tracking links

still waiting to find the point to get impression :D

I also read many thread in ppc directory of the forum

Sounds like you're good to go! Good luck, let us know how it goes.