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traffic junky journey

For adult dating you have to rotate landing pages and offers alot. Because the big guys always tries to ripped them and they will outbid you. Most huge a/d affs has 10k daily budget and teams of 10 people to run campaigns everyday. They launch 20 lp and 100 banners everyday. If you keep it rotating they will have a hard to figuring out the right lander/ offer/ banner combo. Its a way to protect yourself and prolong your campaign.
Thanks for the tip sleenirvana. Can you tell us more about how to rotate offers. I usually find a good offer to run, but after a couple of weeks I start to lose money with it. I have the same amount of clicks, but way much less conversions. Do you switch the good offer and keep the new one even if the CR and EPC are lower? For how much time do you run it until switching again to the former?
It all depends on what your angle is. Your angle should match with the lps and offers your running. You can always have your AM recommend you similar offers or use offers from different network. Even if cr is lower its worth it. I rather have a campaign average cr with 2 offer at 6% and 7 % rotating rather then a campaign with one offer at 8%. Because visitors would not sign up for the same offer twice. Also usually people that click on your porn ads are always on the same site clicking on different ads. I would try to monetize the same person twice as oppose to monetizing them once. That's 13% with 2 conversions for that person as opposed to 8% at 1 conversion.
Also you could test it out. Run 3 campaigns. 1) 6% only 2) 7% only 3) both offers. See what kind of revenue each brings in. When depending on your tracker you can rotate the 3 campaigns and add in offers and lp.
All these terms are not important at all, they are only indicators for how much traction the campaign has. What matter is Revenue- Cost= *Gross Profit*