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Traffic source for Dating Offers


Active Member
Hi, Atilla

I was wondering what type of traffic would you send to desktop dating offers that would result in average quality leads?

Traffic sources like pop traffic and streaming/torrent site would get us booted from the offer because of the low lead quality. Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks for the wonderful AMA
its not what type, its from what placement

and its hard to answer, it also depends on the offer
if its a dating offer for jews, then id advertise on sites related to jewish interest, since that is where your demo will be; they won't be on muslim sites for example
So any traffic source can be turned into good dating leads, provided the right placement is used? How can I learn to look for good placements on Pop Traffic sources for example? I'm not good in PPV yet. Thanks man
Hell yes you could :) It is all about connecting the demographics with the right offer.

Guy who just got his tire punctured is going to look for a tire shop nearby; if that would've have happened he wouldn't need a tire shop. So when do you advertise to a guy who needs a tire shop? At the time of need; where? Well, in this case either on google typing in keywords, or maybe at a competing tire shops website, if a user is looking for their phone # via PPV you could pop them and say FREE BALANCING 50% OFF, at OUR TIRE SHOP! Don't goto the competitor SAVE!

Does that make sense?
It does, thanks. I saw some youtube videos where guys are using tools like scrapebox to scrape relevant targets instead of finding out by burning through ad spend. I assume this is what you mean?

I have learned so much from your 2 replies. Thanks!
It does, thanks. I saw some youtube videos where guys are using tools like scrapebox to scrape relevant targets instead of finding out by burning through ad spend. I assume this is what you mean?

I have learned so much from your 2 replies. Thanks!
I also saw a video where he was scraping sites to find pop ads site I.D. , then using tools like Similar Web to analyze the traffic to determine if it's quality traffic, as a result you can target better quality ad placement without burning your budget. Good stuff.
You guys can scrape and go that way, or if you have the budget you can just go big and collect data; because its a fact - once you have enough data you can turn most shitty campaigns around and dig yourself out of the hole.

We pretty well just launch, collect data, and based on experience spending certain $$$ know if this is worth pursuing more or not. Every niche will have a budget spent per funnel which will automatically display a pattern whether the thing is working or not; it all comes down to experience with reading your numbers in the niche/funnel you got going really.
Mr. Attila, I certainly appreciate your expertise, and welcome your advice. I must encourage you though, to check out the vids in which I speak of on YouTube. Search for..PPCMODE, and find his vid where he uses Scrapebox to identify sites using PopAds, and then analyzes the traffic. It's quality material, IMO.
Mr. Attila, I certainly appreciate your expertise, and welcome your advice. I must encourage you though, to check out the vids in which I speak of on YouTube. Search for..PPCMODE, and find his vid where he uses Scrapebox to identify sites using PopAds, and then analyzes the traffic. It's quality material, IMO.

Thanks, I will let my guy who handles my pop stuff look into it :)