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UK Specific SEO Tips

1) As others have mentioned, use a domain
2) host the site in the UK.
3) Most important (in my experience) : obtain links from other sites that are hosted in the UK and that have a UK domain variant.
4) Include the following meta tag code in your pages : <meta http-equiv=”content-language” content=”en-GB” />
5) You can also create a Google webmaster tool account, within which there is the ability to specify the "geographic target" for your site. I haven't used this personally but have heard this can also help. See image below:

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As long as your site is either a or is hosted by a UK server then you should have no problem being picked up for the UK. It doesn't really matter if you have incoming links from outside the UK.

In my experience if I obtain backlink from .com web sites, I rank better in but not in It was only when I started to add my site to UK directories did my UK ranking improve.

Either that or it could have been a big coincidence. A quick read (if that's possible) of the Google patent will probably shed some light on this (link below)

United States Patent Application: 0070143345