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Walmart - Getting Into OUR SEO Market!


New Member
I'm not sure if the rest of the world has heard the not-so-old news about
Walmart in the USA, and how in some cities and towns, there has been allot
of protesting from small shop and small market owners when there are plans
to open a "Super Walmart" in their area.

Well, check this out fellow webmasters - Walmart is getting into SEO!
Wal-Mart Offers SEO and SEM Services
It sounds like an April Fools’ Day joke, but SEO-focused journalists first got wind of it around Christmas. Sam’s Club,

Walmart’s brand for bulk sales to small businesses, now offers search marketing services. What does this mean for SEO and SEM

What do you all think? Maybe the next time you talk to a client, you should
ask, "Paper or plastic?"
In UK the are getting into all sorts as well, they now sell houses in some of thir UK shops (They trade as ASDA in UK).
This is definitely ridiculous if you ask me. I've heard that there services consist of silly tricks and techniques that worked 10 years ago but wont work any longer...stuff like submitting your URL to the search engines ADD URL page and other methods that are no longer useful. Walmart gives SEO a bad name to say the least...