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What is Keyword Targeting in SEO?


New Member
Keyword targeting in SEO is to target a particular keyword around which new content is created or old content is optimized. All this is done to rank your website at the top.

Remember to target only those keywords that are related to your niche.

Below is the process on how you can choose a particular keyword to target for SEO:

1.Firstly, the pretty obvious one, choose keyword that is related to your niche.

2.Secondly, choose that keyword that attracts a fair amount of traffic plus is easy to rank for.

3.Thirdly, target long tail keywords(4–6 words search query).

4.After selecting a focus keyword, you need to find LSI keywords around it and use it.

5. Do competitor research. Is it obvious that your competitors are already targeting keywords related to your niche?

Yes, it is.

So, If you wish to find new keywords that you can target, you need to analyse your competitors’ websites. It is a great source of finding new keywords.
Would you say you like starting SEO threads?
Can we expect to see some well camouflaged links in your posts?
Is all your SEO post content original or link attributed?
Do you think we were born yesterday?
This is nonsense
You said ' Firstly, the pretty obvious one, choose keyword that is related to your niche. '
That doesn't mean anything!!!
You don't need to get so technical about SEO
Use a keyword tool to find search volume (I use Ubersuggest)
Then write naturally about the subject
Afterwards you should use H1-H6 headers appropriately
And follow Google's extensive published search guidelines
This is nonsense
You said ' Firstly, the pretty obvious one, choose keyword that is related to your niche. '
That doesn't mean anything!!!
You don't need to get so technical about SEO
Use a keyword tool to find search volume (I use Ubersuggest)
Then write naturally about the subject
Afterwards you should use H1-H6 headers appropriately
And follow Google's extensive published search guidelines
Yea, it may be nonsense but also helpful
Please understand
This is not a personal attack
But you must be careful not to spread disinformation
Many people read the forum
You can easily confuse people and waste their valuable time
If you dont agree then debate
I am saying that your information isnt correct
Prove me wrong otherwise
what ever your mind tell you
I know more about SEO than most
Not bragging
Its my speciality area
Much of your SEO posts are not correct
How long have you been practising SEO?
Where did you learn SEO?
Do you run your own websites?
It seems you are lecturing about generic SEO subjects
And the information is deeply flawed
Again if you disagree then lets debate
Make it technical not personal
Keyword Target based marketing in SEO means that you have to target those keywords which is regularly used and search by the target audience for your product. It will help you to generate business opportunity and leads for your business.
Keyword Target based marketing in SEO means that you have to target those keywords which is regularly used and search by the target audience for your product. It will help you to generate business opportunity and leads for your business.
It should be called
Intent Based Marketing
Keyword targeting in seo is using keywords relevant to your product or service to achieve a top listing in the search engines. Proper keyword research using several tools in the market is vital to determine which keywords your business should be targeting.

In general, you can always follow this.
1) List down all the keywords associated with your brand
2 Use tools like SEMRush/Ahrefs/uber suggest to find out the search volume of those keywords.
3) If you find teh search volume of those keywords high enough, you can always start using them.
I follow kuware for Marketing related info. Hope this helps
Always write normally
Dont make keyword usage unnatural
Content is for people not search engines
SEO is done AFTER content creation
You wont get conversions for over optimized content
That doesn't mean anything!!!
You don't need to get so technical about SEO
Use a keyword tool to find search volume (I use Ubersuggest)
Then write naturally about the subject
To gain a top ranking in the search engines, use keywords relevant to your product or service in your website and ad material. Keyword research is essential for determining which keywords your company should target.

The importance of target keywords can be attributed to a number of factors. They provide information about your website and what you have to offer to both Google crawlers and searchers. As a result, they determine the type of traffic that visits your website.

You will be providing a terrible UX (User Experience) to searchers if you utilize irrelevant target keywords on your website because you will not be delivering the information they are looking for.

Poor user experience frequently results in a greater bounce rate, shorter dwell time, and fewer conversions.

Google bots will pick up on this as well, resulting in your website being pushed down the SERPs. This is because Google is dedicated to delivering consumers with high-quality content that satisfies their searcher intent.
keyword targeting is using keywords relevant to your product or service in website and ad copy to achieve a top listing in the search engines. Proper keyword research is vital to determine which keywords your business should be targeting.
Keyword targeting in SEO is to target a particular keyword around which new content is created or old content is optimized. All this is done to rank your website at the top.

Remember to target only those keywords that are related to your niche.

Below is the process on how you can choose a particular keyword to target for SEO:

1.Firstly, the pretty obvious one, choose keyword that is related to your niche.

2.Secondly, choose that keyword that attracts a fair amount of traffic plus is easy to rank for.

3.Thirdly, target long tail keywords(4–6 words search query).

4.After selecting a focus keyword, you need to find LSI keywords around it and use it.

5. Do competitor research. Is it obvious that your competitors are already targeting keywords related to your niche?

Yes, it is.

So, If you wish to find new keywords that you can target, you need to analyse your competitors’ websites. It is a great source of finding new keywords.
There can be some different approaches here, one includes choosing the keywords that have pretty high search volume and low level of competitiveness, but we could also try another way around, to pick some phrases that have higher competitiveness level and to try to use them for bringing traffic to the site and improve the ranking, although it may take longer time. As for finding new keywords, it can be done through competitor analysis, but also by working in some SEO tools, checking up Google suggestions, related searches, trying out more variations of them, and so on.

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