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What is Page Jacking?


New Member
I read somewhere about page jacking I would like to know some more about it with regards to exactly how it is done and why to do it?
The activity of stealing content in the form of source code from a Web site and copying it into another Web site in order to siphon some of the original sites traffic to the copied Web pages.
Page jacking is making a duplicate copy of a popular web site and copying them to on another website.
Anyone who runs a content rich website will be familiar with other sites ripping off their content. Sometimes this is done with an outbound-link back to the original content, sometimes it is more blatant and sometimes it is even an error. I've had content copied by companies and organizations that should really know better. Many people forget that just because something is on the web it is still subject to copyright laws. Unfortunately with the web being such an international medium enforcing those laws can be difficult.