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What niches are good to promote in social media.


New Member
Social media is great traffic source now these days. But it is not good for all niches some specific are perform very well. Can anyone share your opinion what niches are best convert on social media.
Maybe some clothes (style, fashion etc). Sometimes there is good to share like photo (porfolio for cameraman!)
too bad you can't sell memes :D

Well.. The Book of Meme by IntroWizard™ :D:D They have an affiliate program :)

Social media is great traffic source now these days. But it is not good for all niches some specific are perform very well. Can anyone share your opinion what niches are best convert on social media.

You can do pretty well with almost all niches. Adult is harder of course but not entirely impossible. Fashion, nutra, insurances, food additions, fitness are among the best ones for social media platforms.
Can anyone share your opinion what niches are best convert on social media.

This will rely heavily on the type of offer/promotion you are attempting to monetize. All social channels are not created equal. I can create a successful funnel on FB and YT for Alzheimer's support networks, but it generally won't do so well on Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest.

Your question simply cannot be answered in a short version.

You need to research an offer that is successful in general, and then use intelligence platforms to determine the most effective ad types and traffic sources. Then replicate what's already working.

Once you are more experienced, then you will have the skills to maybe come up with your own approach to offers.

As for marketing to specific niches, well, a true niche marketer would not have asked the question you posed to us. In this day and age, niche marketing is a very talent and skill based business model. The most successful are using content marketing as the core of their processes for promoting to niches, and then as time goes by and you are mastering the niche with content marketing you will be in a position to add more channels for the promotions to your list, as well as solo ads to others lists, etc. A really good content marketer will have ad space for sale on their funnel sites to place very targeted promotions from specific advertisers.

Maybe, sell stress and anger management courses on Facebook :D
Social media is great traffic source now these days. But it is not good for all niches some specific are perform very well. Can anyone share your opinion what niches are best convert on social media.
Anything that might get Viral signals easily, if you are looking for cheap advertisement. For example right now is it good to aim for Christmas singing stuff with smart ads on the end/comment part. If you are doing ads - some giveaways, clothes, technologies, games will be always great.
Terrorism is real big :(

According to an affidavit filed in U.S. District Court in Toledo:

Earlier in 2018, Joseph drew the attention of law enforcement by posting photographs of weapons and various messages in support of ISIS on his social media accounts, as well as a photograph originally distributed by the media wing of ISIS. This activity led to multiple interactions between Joseph and undercover FBI agents.

During his communication with undercover agents, Joseph stated his support for ISIS and produced propaganda in support of ISIS recruitment. In September, Joseph made videos that he sent to the undercover agent, hoping they would be used to recruit people to ISIS. He also complained that the mosque he attended was critical of ISIS.

Joseph stated his support for violent attacks and operations. For example, on Oct. 21, Joseph expressed support for “martyrdom operations” and stated: “what must be done, must be done” and “there will always be casualties of war.” <<<

no money in that -- just jail time ...

Social media has become a mirror of the general population -- so there is no niche really --general merchandising. Maybe bulletproof vests?
Social media is great traffic source now these days. But it is not good for all niches some specific are perform very well. Can anyone share your opinion what niches are best convert on social media.
I know some doing nutra, and making a fortune on it :)
Social media is great traffic source now these days. But it is not good for all niches some specific are perform very well. Can anyone share your opinion what niches are best convert on social media.


You can promote absolutely any niche on the social media platform. The first thing to do is that you will decide on teh niche that you like and once this is done, all you need do is go to the social media platform, for example, Facebook, begin to look for groups/pages in your niche that you will join. Once you join the groups, be active and give value and promote your business.
You can promote absolutely any niche on the social media platform.

Well, for example, on Facebook (et al) you cannot promote:
  • weapons, ammunition, explosives
  • unsafe supplements
  • adult products and services
  • cryptocurrency
  • surveillance equipment
  • payday loans
  • mlm
  • penny auctions
  • tobacco or tobacco related products
  • pharmaceuticals
  • illegal drugs or drug related products
  • counterfeit products
  • spyware or malware
Then there are the restricted products and services and that list is just as long as the forbidden products and services. As well, they come with inherently next to impossible requirements to pass the FB "sniff test".

NO, you cannot promote absolutely any niche on social media platforms!
Hello, I want to post a ad on Facebook from CPA affiliate network. So is it this good:

1. I make my FB Page
2. I make funnel (Landing page with explanation of the problem I am solving -> Colecting Email -> Give them the offer from CPA)
3. Creating FB Ad
Hello, I want to post a ad on Facebook from CPA affiliate network. So is it this good:

1. I make my FB Page
2. I make funnel (Landing page with explanation of the problem I am solving -> Colecting Email -> Give them the offer from CPA)
3. Creating FB Ad

This is Aarin47 thread. You should ask or make comments related to his questions.

I recommend you start your own thread in the Newbies Helpdesk forum or the Social Media Forum.
Health and beauty, weight loss and so on

Hi! Do you have any good advice on how to promote weight loss products on FB? I've tried to make like 5 different ads for the 1 week diet, but none of them gets approved. And l'm trying to write "soft" and "friendly"..First they didn't approve my picture, and now they don't approve my landing page (witch is pretty similar to the products sales page). Any advice would be highly appreciated!