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3rd Campaign


My third campaign is now live, I have decided to go with Pop under.

Offer: Antivirus
Landing Pages: 5 and also direct linking

At the moment i have 1 conversions from direct linking.

What I dont understand is when people say spent 5x the offer payout and then at the end I still dont have enough data.

What is considered enough data?

These are the stats for my landing pages, I will continue to spending until i reach $25. If i dont get anymore conversions i move to the next offer correct?


Could someone also please shine some light on CPM, right now I'm paying $2.42 ( carrier traffic) for 1000 impression is this high or low? How do i know if i'm paying to much? Geo is Africa
How do i know if i'm paying to much?
you just start lowering your bid cent by sent until the traffic is stopped then increase cent , at that time you will know that you paying a reasonable price .

What is considered enough data?
that depends on the placements as well .
if for example you have lot of placements and you didn't got enough traffic from Most of them at that time you can say you have no enough Data, also that has a relation with the offer payout , if the offer payout is low , then it's easy to collect enough Data , if the Payout is high , you need much traffic .
placements are zones in pop under yeah?
what traffic source are you using ? .
the platform will give you a token that u can use to capture the placements .

So im going to lower the bids now and will see what happens.
yes play a little bit with the bid , but in the beginning of the campaign Don't lower the bid so that you can get traffic from all placements .

again what traffic source are u using ?
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$2.42 CPM for ZA traffic is high, that's $0.00242 per visits, 5 visits and it's already $0.0121, unless you're constant with 20%, otherwise you are paying $0.02 or above per visits, but depends on the payout tho. Anti-Virus don't pay well these day, people use aggressive ads, I'm not sure if the old days still exists like, "WHAT MY PHONE IS %$#@!?"

To answer your question, the data is metric, it depends on what goal you set, for example.
1 conversion per 100 clicks.
5% CTR lander.

It depends more on how you decide the audience you are working with, how to engage them and make them "please subscribe to my channel", or "click the red button below for more crazy Russian hacks"

You will understand that you gathered enough data when you see distinct differences in your parameters. Right now all your landing pages have received equal amount of traffic, and 400 clicks with no conversion is not enough to make conclusions and optimize.

I would suggest you to lower the bid and run the campaign a little longer.
Would be also good to test other offers of the same GEO, ZA is not a bad one by itself. Don't forget to check different networks too, might be that you find higher payouts for the same offer in another affiliate network ;)

And don't forget to update us! It will be interesting to see the results.