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AIVIX - Financial offers with CPA up to $1300

Official AIVIX - Financial offers with CPA up to $1300


How to get maximum profit from a good bundle?

Launching any advertising campaign always means uncertain results, a constant need
to optimize the promotion for the target audience, update the bundles, and improve
the ROI.

Many of you have certainly felt that the existing results and profits are clearly not the
limit, and it is always possible to achieve even better progress. Today's article will
explain how to do that!


Once you've achieved the best possible results at the beginning of your advertising
campaign, you need to scale it up. First, go ahead and increase your budget. Adjust it
to the ideal CPC. This way, you'll significantly increase the reach and effectiveness of
the campaign; while slightly increasing the costs.

Second, expand the range of your target audience. Many platforms even have their
own AI, which will help you find new clients and substantially increase your profits.
You can test new GEOs, separate regions, try to raise the age range, or add more
interests to your existing ones.

Look-Alike or similar audiences have proven their worth since they can also be
generated in an automated format.

Try different sources

Some platforms suggest driving to several sources of traffic simultaneously. It
helps to identify the most effective promotion channels. Not only will you be able
to multiply your income with them, but you can also lower your promotion costs
and get your traffic from several sources at the same time.


When trying something new and great, do not forget about the most trivial things
that can prevent a good ROI - update your creatives.

Over time, any bundle becomes boring to your audience and brings in less revenue
than you'd like. That's why you need to monitor ad statistics, and don't forget to
update outdated creatives in time, replacing them with more converting options.

To summarize

In today's article, we gave some basic tips on how to get the most out of a converting
bundle. Try them out! Well, if you want to get more specific recommendations and
discuss your bundle, welcome to our chat room: Aivix - chat [ENG]

COD, SS and Trial-offers - what is the difference?

Many questions have been raised concerning payment in affiliate marketing, since every
advertiser has their own requirements, the sources have their own demands, and so on.
That's why different payment models have been invented.
Each of them has its own distinctive features, and today we will elaborate on some of
them and discuss SS, Trials and COD-offers. Let's go!

Straight Sale

In terms of operation, this is a fairly simple format that involves direct purchases of an
offer. In this case, the buyer doesn't wait for the product to be delivered in order to pay
for it. The payment goes through as they order. It significantly reduces the holding
period and allows you to almost immediately get your payout from the advertiser.
On the downside of such traffic, we can mention its cost. The cost of a single lead can
reach up to 60-100 USD. Also, this model has its own GEO, and audience restrictions
since these types of purchases aren't trusted by everyone everywhere.


The direct opposite of the previously presented payment model. This option is very
complicated and involves a subscription to receive a certain product over a long
period of time. It is often difficult to convince the audience to buy a subscription, and
it is even more difficult to do so for a long period of time.
To get good profit, it will take lots of testing and immersing yourself in the field. It's
important to accustom yourself to it and develop a converting strategy to work with it.

Cash On Delivery

Finally, the last format for today, which is the most common in traffic arbitrage.
Payment is made only after the product is delivered and the client receives his goods.
No, this process is not the fastest. First, the client leaves a request to buy the product.
Then he confirms it via phone call with a call-centre. The product is then shipped to
the buyer. Once the client receives the parcel, and provided he does not refuse it,
then, and only then will you get your money.

Summing up

In today's article, we covered the main payment models in affiliate marketing. Actually,
many more exist, but explaining each one will take an eternity, so you can learn more
about the other models in our chat: Aivix - chat [ENG]
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How to drive to finance via TikTok

Back in 2021, Tik Tok officially banned the promotion of financial offers on its social
network. A lot of time has passed since then, but you can still find tons of relevant ads
on the platform.

Is it possible to bypass the bans? How exactly can this be done? Read on to find out
the answers to these questions and more in today's article!

Is it worth driving traffic via TikTok?

Let's kick off with how good this source is in the field that interests us. First and foremost,
the concerned audience is mostly between the ages of 25 and 45, i.e. the ideal threshold
at which the CA reaches its paying capacity.

Moreover, TT clients are much easier to work with comparing to the Instagram and
Facebook users. The audience here is not yet squeezed dry, and some offers have never
been used to drive traffic.

Regarding affiliate marketing per se, the ad cabinet here is convenient and includes only
the bare essentials. It's easy to get reach on the platform, even for fresh accounts. It
significantly simplifies life.

How can I use TikTok to drive to finance?

As far as putting this idea into practice goes the options are quite varied. Here are
some of them:

1. Redirect clients from TikTok to another social network and from there to the
offer. For example, you can insert a URL in the bio redirecting to Telegram or
IG, and from there to the landing page.

2. Quantitative approach. If you want to, you can upload ads from your accounts
too, but they must be well-prepared because they will be banned pretty often.

3. Use streams to influence your audience. You can request advertising from
bloggers or stream it yourself. Moreover, there is nobody to edit the streams
that's why they are not done so often. In other words, you can advertise anything.

Summing up

Although financial offers were officially banned on TikTok, bans have never
stopped webmasters, and this case is no exception. Today we've covered the
advantages of this source in the field of finance and suggested ways to bypass
the bans.

Make sure to give them a try, and be sure to drop by our chat room. You will
find even more tips here: Aivix - chat [ENG]

Top GEOs for finance as summer ends

The finance sector has always been and always will be relevant, no matter the season.
However the current state of the global economy has deeply rocked even the most
developed countries. It has affected many affiliate marketing vectors, and finance
is no exception.

While some GEOs have lost their relevance in this field, others, on the contrary, have
stood out and allowed affiliates to earn good money. What exactly are the options
we are talking about - discussed below.

The Orient and Africa

Although initially the finance sector was not well-developed here. Over the past
year, the market has grown by more than 60%. This vertical grows steadily in the
UAE, Bahrain, Ghana, Nigeria and a number of other similar GEOs.

Along with this, the citizens' incomes, the level of education, and the availability of
mobile Internet continue to grow. In other words, this option is definitely worth a try.

Southern Europe

Residents of Italy, Spain or Portugal - some investors... And in the literal sense of the
word. They earn from 1200-2000 euros a month. They can invest in any industry, finance
being the main one.

Present them with fresh offers, NFT opportunities or even the most common currency
trading platforms. Explain their advantages, and you can achieve a good ROI in your
advertising campaign.

Scandinavia and Eastern Europe

As a separate category we can recommend the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden
and Norway. The locals will happily consider every financial offer. Therefore to achieve
a 20% conversion will not be difficult even for standard offers.
Also, remember trying working with Austria, Germany, the UK and similar tasty GEOs.
It requires very high quality bundles, but it's so worth it.

Summing up

In today's article, we covered several top GEOs that would be perfect for the end of
summer 2022. Some of them are less demanding, some are in the Tier-1 GEO
category, but they're still appropriate for the job.

Be sure to try them out, and if you have any problems, feel free to chat with us
on Aivix - chat [ENG]

2022 Instagram bans

2022 proved to be an equally difficult and unanticipated year for webmasters across
the globe. A lot of restrictions on traffic sources, payment systems, Instagram and
Facebook being blocked in some countries. There have been a lot of events during
these months, but let's discuss social networks, Instagram in particular.

Affiliates are actively carrying on using the platform, but the number of bans for
unknown reasons is only increasing. What are the reasons behind them, and how to
fix it? Read on to find out.

Low-quality proxies/VPN

Even regular users often face this kind of problem. If you bought cheap or simply
poor-quality proxies/VPNs, the provided IP address could be on the platform's

The problem may also be related to repeatedly logging into a profile from
different IP addresses. It triggers the system as suspicious activity and is not
penalized too much. In most cases it is enough to switch to a normal IP
address, and the blocking will be removed.

Complaints from users

It is the primary reason for webmasters being blocked, and it will always be so.
It is important to prepare appropriate ads, what can immidiately help manage
the problem. For example:
  • Avoid a lot of emojis in the post;

  • Provide the potential client with reliable information on the offer. He
    will discover fraud during the purchase or when you call the call
    center anyway;

  • Do not use personal attributes of your target audience. For example, do
    not refer to the level of wealth, weight, beauty, orientation, gender, and
    other parameters;

  • Try to avoid shocking content. Even 18+ content can easily be introduced
    by associations, and the audience will react better to this, than to throwing
    out raw details.

Summing up

Today we covered the main reasons why webmasters can get blocked on Instagram.
You should try to use quality consumables and don't annoy your audience unnecessarily
with obtrusive weird ads.

This already allows you to reduce the probability of being banned by half. Even if you
find yourself in a totally confusing situation with a ban, then feel free to visit our
chat - we'll figure it out together: Aivix - chat [ENG]

How to download a landing and modify it to fit your needs

For a successful advertising campaign in affiliate marketing, it is important to consider
many essential components at the same time. Creatives, targeting settings, proxies,
offers, and of course, the landing page. The latter is one of the main components of
any AC and it requires particularly thorough preparation.

Meanwhile, often several advertising campaigns have to be launched at the same
time and each one needs something unique. This is a tremendous amount of work, which
does not have to be done yourself, since you can simply copy someone else's landing
page. Read on to find out exactly how to do that.


This extension allows you to copy someone else's landing page through Google or
Firefox without any problems. The utility is absolutely free. What it does is copy all
the files from someone else's site into one convenient folder.

The only downside - the structure of the donor site is not saved. That is, you will
have to manually divide the files into folders, edit them to meet your requirements
and only then upload them to the web hosting.

Cyotek WebCopy

This is another free tool that allows you to analyze files of a donor site and
download only those files, which eventually are needed by the webmaster.

Moreover, the selected files will keep their original structure and will be separated
into their proper folders. Therefore, you can upload them to the server right away
if you want.

LCcopier v2.0

Finally we suggest trying a paid service where the cost of copying a single website
is 300 RUB. All you need to do is to provide a link to the landing page, leave your
contact information. That's all - in a while you will be contacted and the first resul
ts will be presented to you.

If desired, you can choose additional services here - install an upsale, add counters
for statistics, install a visual editor and so on.

Summing up

In today's article, we introduced three ways to quickly and easily adopt someone
else's landing page and make it your own. In fact, these options are numerous. If
this topic interests you, do not hesitate to visit our chat, where you will find even
more useful content: Aivix - chat [ENG]

What types of financial offers are there in affiliate marketing?

Every day the finance sector is becoming increasingly developed and offers
webmasters more profitable and interesting offers.

And while many people think that this vertical is limited to buying and selling
currencies, the reality is that it is much more versatile and is able to attract almost any
client from a variety of GEOs. Let's now prove it to you by clear examples!


Everyone wants to earn a passive income, and this type of offer makes it possible.
Currency trading is performed by artificial intelligence in an automated process, and all
the client has to do is to shovel money. Well, at least that's what the webmaster will tell

Online Courses

You still need to know how to invest in whatever currency, which is why various
educational resources have been gaining popularity in recent years.

What is most interesting is the high rates of such offers and their large quantity to meet
every need. Affiliates will always be busy in this vertical.


This emerging industry of financial products has already absorbed a giant multi-billion
dollar market. Various free and pay-for-play games with money-making
opportunities, entire NFT-cities, virtual tokens that can be converted into real
assets - all this is our future, which is already apparent. Needless to say you can easily
earn money with this technology.


Decentralized autonomous organizations is another new branch of financial offers, which
describes itself as "free Internet." There are lots of people who bacome interested in this
slogan. That has led to appearance of more and more projects of this kind. Contribute to
their popularity and simultaneously make good money.

Summing up

As you can see, the finance vertical is very diverse and even simply to work with it is very
interesting. Regularly something is being updated, new channels for making money are
emerging. If you can use them in time, you will definitely be satisfied with the result.
As for us, we constantly post the latest news from this industry in our chat room, so be
sure to check it out: Aivix - chat [ENG]

Google Ads Creative Studio — what is it?

Ads Creative Studio is a relatively new platform from Google, which is a huge help for
webmasters when they create dynamic promotions and make them stand out from the
ordinary ads.

The service is praised for its functionality, convenient use, and other advantages, but is
everything so perfect in reality? We decided to look into the question in more depth to
find out what we've found out!

What is Ads Creative Studio?

In general, the platform presents a universal set of tools to design video and audio

Another big advantage of the service is a teamwork possibility, where a whole group
of webmasters can create some content. Regarding the functionality of the
service – it is quite extensive:
  1. A library for storing previously designed creatives, as well as those in progress.

  2. A function for checking the ad quality. Creatives can be sent to Google
    employees to assess their quality and get detailed feedback.

  3. Tools for the video and audio customization of creatives. For example, there
    is an "Audio Mixer," where you can quickly edit the soundtrack in a video.

  4. Multiple ad formats support. More specifically, you can easily work with
    YouTube Ads, Google Smart Ads and more.
Among the disadvantages of all this brilliance we can mention only that the software
is still partially in development. Ads Creative Studio is only available to big media
agencies, but even they have to apply for membership.

It's quite likely that the remaining features will be finalized pretty soon, and the service
will be available to any interested webmasters.

Summing up

Today we discussed one of Google's exciting projects. It has a lot of advantages, but
at the same time it has its own drawbacks. The main disadvantage is the limited
availability of the platform.

We will keep an eye on the issue, and as soon as something changes, we will
immediately notify our affiliates in the chat. Be sure to check it out, by the
way: Aivix - chat [ENG]

Essential info on Google’s UAC

Currently, Google is one of the largest companies on the advertising market. It provides
webmasters with coverage reaching billions, as well as impressive revenue from
advertising campaigns.

Nevertheless, not all of the affiliates are using this system to its full capacity. They don't
even realize that their campaign can be so much more profitable. For example, beginners
often choose Google contextual advertising, yet completely forget to try mobile traffic
and Google UAC. Today we are going to fix this issue and tell you about the features of
this source of traffic.

Why should you give Google UAC a try?

One of the main advantages of this source is its relatively low competition. This allows
you to always have a piece of the gravy train and get profit from it.

Moreover, there really is something to take advantage of, since the selection of offers
is vast . Also, you can work with both white hat and black/gray hat offers, alike. You
can start working with several applications simultaneously and get decent traffic
volumes from each one. You can increase daily spending by a several thousand
dollars, if you want, and so, you can make additional profit.

The main drawback of this source is the need to buy/develop applications for your
traffic. However, it is easy to solve. Simply use only those affiliate programs that
provide software for your traffic from the get-go. In 2022 there have been plenty
of those.

What is required to launch via Google UAC?

For starters, it's important to buy/farm trust accounts. Without those you won't be
able to work smoothly with any application. At this point, all we can advise is to
look for a good seller who can supply you with profiles on a regular basis.

If desired, you can try farming by yourself. It doesn't involve anything too
complicated. Buy an old email (2015-2016), launch an AC for a white hat offer and
imitate white activity. You can gradually shift the line of work to the necessary offer.

Another key point is the creatives. You can use both text ads and specially designed
images, or even video creatives. But we recommend running the creative through
Cloud Vision API - a special Google service. It will tell you if the creative complies
with the conditions of the company.

Summing up

In today's short, yet quite informative article we covered the key points of Google
UAC, as well as its pros and cons.

If you want to learn more about this source of traffic, do find the time to have a
look at similar articles on our website. Oh, and don't forget to visit our chat
room: Aivix - chat [ENG]

How to boost your landing’s profitability?

The landing page is one of the major elements of any ad campaign. As a result, it allows
you to achieve maximum profits and attract as many users to the offer as possible. Its clear
structure and the description of the benefits of the product can improve the landing page.
But, let's not forget about one more detail.

That is the call-to-action and that's exactly what we're going to discuss today.

Use the right triggers

First and foremost, you should study your target audience and its concerns. Based on this
information, you can attract the attention of the clients to the offer by using triggers. For
example, people from the not-so-wealthy TA will most definitely respond to words
like "free," "2-for-1," "discount," "promotion," and so on.

Initially, we simply need to arouse the client's interest, and then proceed to more
appealing slogans. For example, use the limited-time trigger, saying that the product
is available for the promotion price for only 2 hours.

Choose an attractive design

Quite often, a mere text won't do for the client. It is essential to create a corresponding
visual element of the landing page. For example, the color scheme of the site should
be neutral and appealing at the same time.

The CTA-button can be distinguished by placing it in a separate block. Someone even
animate it. These efforts will definitely be appreciated by the user.

Adapt to the behavior of potential clients

Even if in theory it all sounds sweet, you need to focus on the reality of the statistics
of the real campaign. To do this, first of all, conduct a few tests that will reveal which
of the landing page options are the most converting.

Second, study the behavior of users on the click map, their time spent on the page
as a whole, or on its particular blocks.

Summing up

As you can see, even relatively simple website modifications can increase the ROI
of an advertising campaign. Another result is that it could potentially attract more
customers, and that will easily convert into profit.

If you would like to see more simple, yet effective tips, then feel free to visit our
chat room: Aivix - chat [ENG]
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A rookie’s guide to push notifications

You can make a profit from any ad campaign regardless of the source. That said, each
source has its unique qualities. Today we will discuss the unique benefits of push traffic
in more detail.

We'll also offer some tips for a genuinely productive launch via this source. Without
further ado, let's get to it!

What are push notifications and why are they so appealing?

As you may have already guessed, we are referring to small pop-ups with advertising.
These can be found both in the browser and on mobile devices.

Their main advantage is the 100% visibility of the ad since it's hard not to notice the
notification, even if it's tiny. Users instinctively associate them with system alerts or
social media.

Push notifications are also rather convenient in terms of payment models. You can
launch your campaign by making use of either pay-per-target action or a percentage
of the advertiser's income. Sometimes these two models can even be combined.

How do I work with push?

The first thing to do is choosing one of the two types of push, i.e. in-page or
subscription. The difference boils down to the fact that the former works with a
disinterested audience. The latter targets a warmed-up audience. The subscribed
audience agrees to receive the ads in advance. Therefore, potential leads are ready
to click on the notification and consider the offer.

Next, you need to put some intellectual effort into your creatives. They need to be
catchy; only a few words should draw the attention of the client. Otherwise, he will
simply close the ad and leave you. But don't make a rookie mistake and spam every hour.
This way, you will only lose your TA’s loyalty. That's why the maximum frequency of
sending ads is once a day. Some webmasters do it even once a week to stand out and
come across as unique.

Summing up

In today's article, we covered some basic info to get you started with push notifications.
Should you want to learn more about this source of traffic, we already have an article
about it. Take a look and don't forget to turn to our chat room if you have any
questions: Aivix - chat [ENG]

A teaser guide for rookies

A teaser network is a profitable and very popular traffic source. It enables a webmaster
to make quite a buck using clickbait and other ad types.

Before working with any traffic source, it is necessary to study it first. Otherwise, a
blown budget is inescapable. In this article, we will cover this and explain the nuances
one should never forget when working with teaser networks. Let’s go!

Every teaser network is unique

Even though all of them may seem the same at first glance; you only need to dig a little
deeper to find that the opposite is true.

Every network has its own type of users, restrictions and subject. Some accept any offer
types, regardless of its “grayness,” while others make it necessary to use a cloak.

Quality analysis is the recipe to a successful ad campaign

First and foremost, don’t forget to analyze your audience and its behavior. That will
determine the approach best suited to the clients. Once you have configured your target
settings, segmented the target audience, and are ready to launch your
campaign - don’t rush.

Before that, you still need to test the AC and conduct at least one test-drive using a
small sum. It will help you understand how well the audience was selected, which ads
work best and whether there is anything you need to change.

Blacklists and whitelists

It is one of the most critical aspects of working with teaser networks. It just so happens
that most news platforms are trash. They simply do not suit your style/offer, or
something else. These options should be discarded and added to your blacklist.

White-list are the sources that constantly show good indicators and bring stable profits.

Summing up

Using the tips from this article, you can make your teaser networks more effective. Today
we discussed only the essentials. Yet, if you want to know more, our website has all the
necessary content on the subject.

And if you have any questions - feel free to send a message to our
chat: Aivix - chat [ENG]

On solo affiliate marketing in 2022

Solo affiliate marketing has always been not the easiest of choices for a webmaster. That
means making important decisions on your own, controlling the whole prepping process,
launching and analyzing the AC. The workload is simply too much.

And although not every Dick, Tom and Harry can manage that, 2022 still features quite
the number of people who attempt running traffic solo. Read on to find out how well
they’re doing and whether it is worth working this way.

Did solo-affiliate marketing die out in 2022?

According to the latest news, in 2022, affiliate marketing finds itself in suspense.
First of all, many traffic sources continue to clamp down, ban accounts for no reason
and prevent affiliates from making money. Affiliates have been through a lot these past
few months. They found substitutes for payment systems, adapted to the new reality and
managed to make quite the profit. This concerns affiliate teams, though.

The second point - don’t forget that quality wins over quantity. That’s exactly why it is
critical to balance in a wave of hype, select quality ads and adapt them to the target
audience. Regarding financial offers, huge numbers of new traffic sources have emerged.

NFT, Web 3.0 and similar blockchain-tech innovations are gaining popularity; and these
are pretty easy to convert into real money.

Summing up

As you can see, you don’t need to bring a huge corporation together to make lots of
money. In addition, if you’re an affiliate marketing guru you will definitely make it to the
top earners. Working in a team is quite profitable, too. So, no need to discard that
idea, obviously.

That’s exactly why our affiliate network takes both sides and will gladly help you grow
in affiliate marketing, regardless of the situation. You can ask any questions in
our chat: Aivix - chat [ENG]

Autumn financial offer essentials

Development in the finance sector has never really halted. Despite 2022 screwing up the
stats, profitable updates with potential in this vertical help balance out the losses.

Previously, we have already discussed altcoins, Web 3.0 tech and mentioned NFT
technology, as well as the possibilities thereof. However, it is essential to keep an eye on
the regular coins. They’ve shown some good indicators in September. That’s what we’re
talking about today!


One of the most popular coins on the global arena. It has the capability to create
decentralized applications, work with smart-contract systems and NFT. Quite soon, the
company will feature some interesting modifications. I.e., it will replace
its resource-inefficient PoW mechanism with PoS algorithms.

In reality, it has already begun. On 15 September, the company announced this to its
users, so now you have the perfect opportunity to attract clients. Exploit the wave of
hype and get your desired ROI in your ad campaign.

Axie Infinity

Essentially, AXS is a native gaming token that can be used to have a good time in a
game, or make money that is quite real.

With time, the value of the coin began to drop. So, the developers decided to host a n
offline event for fans of the game to strengthen the coin. It took place in
Barcelona, 7-10 September. It was also the world’s first event of its kind on a global

That’s the reason for AXS’ spiked increase and popularity growth. Make use of that.

Summing up

In today’s short article, we covered only two events in financial offers, but that’s
enough to start making money.

In affiliate marketing, it is critical to observe events that could draw public attention.
In our chat we often announce these news and events. So if you want to stay on top
of things, be sure to pass by: Aivix - chat [ENG]

Affiliate marketing updates for Apple clients

Apple is a permanent innovator in the information industry. The company constantly
updates its product range and the OS of its devices.

iOS version 15 has just been released. Along with that some serious updates have been
made. In turn, these can alter the fundamentals of affiliate marketing for this segment
forever. Read on to find out what this means exactly.

Ad focus update

As the name implies, this feature is called Focus. Now users can set up which notifications
they want to see and at what time of day.

Roughly the same applies to applications. You can now hide them from the home
screen and leave only apps for work, for example. Ergo, if the user wants, he can easily
remove the annoying ads and forget about your offers. From now on, you'll have to
be more careful when launching an ad campaign.

Notification Interruption Levels

Despite the above point, Apple takes into account that notifications can be of different
nature. They can range from spam to really important things like emergency warnings.

That's why iOS 15 has implemented 4 levels of notifications:

Active. It is set by default and is a standard notification with vibration and display

2. Passive. Allows you to add some notifications to the list of optional messages.
When they reach the user, the smartphone screen will not light up, and there will
be no vibration, either.

3. Timing. It is basically an equivalent of the previous item. In this case, however, the
optional notifications will reach the user in specified time periods.

4. Critical. Reached the user regardless of the sound level on the phone and other
restrictions. Used mainly to notify the person about bad weather, emergencies, and
so on.

Summing up

One cannot really describe the introduced updates as "global" for Apple clients. At
the same time, they could significantly change the strategy of launching ad
campaigns via push and calendar.

We suggest that you start thinking now about how you might be able to turn the
updates to your advantage. We've already started discussing it in our chat room, so
you're more than welcome to join: Aivix - chat [ENG]
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How to increase the ROI of an AC with Yandex.Audience

Yandex.Audience is quite a useful service. It enables one to create original target
audiences based on the webmaster's preferences, the offer, and the ad campaign

Virtually any experienced affiliate has come across this platform at least once in his
lifetime. However, that's not to say that everyone got the hang of it. Today we will
provide a few examples of how to increase your ROI with Yandex Audience. Let's go!

Use repeated sales

You should compile a separate category of customers. For example, if a customer
bought a product and was satisfied with it. A good reason to add a customer to that
category is if they wouldn't write a bad review, either.

You can regularly send newsletters to this group with information about discounts, sales,
personal promotions, etc. This kind of potential customer will react positively to the
advertising and so is likely to buy again.

Complete the sale

This tip is particularly relevant to long-term purchases, where the product selection can
stretch over several weeks or even months. Usually, the user needs 30 to 60 days to
finalize their choice.

At this point, we don't recommend sending such clients direct ads on the landing page.
On the contrary, do your best to create a positive impression of the product indirectly.
Advertise sites with reviews about the offer, reviews, and useful articles that make the
advertiser's product stand out.

Work with competitive requests

Yandex.Audience helps facilitate creating a group of clients with the highest number of
requests for your product.

As soon as you meet such requests, increase the click rate per item. This way, the most
interested customers are more likely to see your product.

Summing up

Today our article covered tips on building an audience with Yandex.Audience. We also
skimmed through certain factors that influence target audience segmentation in

Use the tips presented today, and your ad campaign indicators will certainly improve.
And in case you have any questions, feel free to drop a message in our
chat: Aivix - chat [ENG]

A selection of affiliate marketing services for FB

Affiliate marketing via social networks is one of the most complex areas for generating
income. It is especially true for the two largest sources in this field, namely Facebook and

Many rookies quickly blow their budgets, while even advertising pros experience
difficulties. However, auxiliary utilities can help facilitate the process of working with
social networks. So, sit back and relax because today we are introducing several
Facebook utilities.

Linken Sphere

It is a universal anti-detect browser. Its main advantage is a maximal array of functions
for convenient and reliable processing of gray/black hat offers.

Currently, you can use the company to substitute any browser fingerprints, work in OTR
mode, and build a custom environment for each tab. That means you can easily change
the user agent, system time, the local language, and GEO, and even adjust the resolution.

It also comes with a useful cookie management interface and features to interact with
SSH, SOCKS, and TOR. Depending on the tariff and its duration, it will cost between
$100 and $900.


It is a great tool for designing creatives. Its main advantage is a large number of
pre-made templates and the option to edit them quickly.

The platform supports all possible image formats, including photoshop files. While
editing, you can add art elements in a couple of clicks, even when there is no Internet

But that's not all. As a bonus, the basic array of functions is completely free. Also, you
can get a one-month trial of Pro-access.

A spy service that features a large number of filters and detailed analytics on relevant
profiles and posts. It can help find trending topics and compare the results with those
of your competitors. This will help you choose an effective strategy for your campaign.

Apart from a simple search, the service allows you to offload all the statistics in a
convenient format and analyze certain ad campaign indicators.

Unlimited access to the platform costs only 400 RUB.

Summing up

In today's post, we discussed some useful tools for affiliate marketing via Facebook.
While some require payment, others are free.

Regardless of your choice, all the aforementioned platforms are quite beneficial for
driving traffic. They will help you reach a good ROI and corresponding profit levels.
If you're interested in more similar platforms and relevant promo codes, feel free
to visit us: Aivix - chat [ENG]

Which payment systems to link to FB

A payment system is an essential element of an affiliate marketer work. Cards come in
two forms - physical (plastic cards); and virtual cards. However, the most important
part is the ID number of the bank (Bin) that hasn’t been overused, since that’s what
Facebook sees. We attempted to come up with solutions that work and can be adapted
to any conditions. These include macroeconomic factors, as well as FB regulations. is a service that provides virtual cards with Bins of exclusive American banks
to pay for Facebook Ads. Cards with 3D secure allow you to pay for any services. There
is a low chance of getting a risk payment. You can get your first card within 2 minutes
without providing a personal ID. There is no limit on issuing and crediting cards.
Cost - from $10, with a 2.9% commission on deposits. Buy 4 cards and get the 5th one
for free. Withdrawing to USDT is an available option. There is also a referral program
in place:
100% from the first card of the referred user and 10% service commission
from each one for life. Available access to team functions and system notifications via
a Telegram bot. - an online transaction system. Its cards you can use to withdraw money.
The issuing country is GB. Thus the cards seldom get banned. Turnover is limited to
$20 000. During registration you need to provide your personal data and any EU address.
You can apply for numerous bank cards, yet using different personal information. The
cost of issuing a card is $2.95 / €2.65; service fees add up to $2.7 / €2.40 p/m. Commission
on deposit = 3.3%. Each card can be linked to several accounts.

AdvCash is a payment service that allows you obtain a virtual card and link it to your
auto registered account. The number of bans due to the payment card has been minimal.
Alternatively, you can replace the card by getting a new one. Cards start at $10 and a
1% commission for deposits.

Karta - a platform that issues cards free of charge, no service fees, but requires a monthly
turnover of $40,000 per month. The deposit commission is 3.5%. You can have an unlimited
number of U.S. virtual cards with trusted Bins. The balance can be credited directly from
the ad network. Real-time expenses statistics are available in your personal account on the
platform. You can generate a convenient report for each team member, or the company
as a whole, by distributing authorization levels.

AdsCard is a wallet service designed by affiliates for affiliates. The interface is intuitive
and user-friendly. It features round-the-clock technical support.

Cvcwallet is a virtual card service from the United States. Each card goes for $6, while
deposit fees are 10% +1 USD.

Gambling.Pro Cards - is an affiliate network with prepaid cards from the USA to link to
FB. Free and unlimited cards with free of charge service. Commission on deposit - 10-15%.
Minimum deposit amount - $ 150, and future deposits begin from $ 50. You can't use these
cards in third-party services without agreement with the manager. If the card is no longer
compatible with FB, you will get a new one with the same balance.

Zambulay - a service that issues an unlimited number of cards with good trust levels and
free service. The cost of issuing a card is as follows: Belarus - $15, England - $20,
Sweden - $30, Netherlands - $90, Ireland - $90, USA - $40. 7% commission on deposit.
Minimum deposits per geo: Belarus - $100, England - $500, Sweden - $100,
Netherlands - €500, Ireland - €100, USA - $500. You can activate a referral service of 10%
from all service fees paid by the referred webmasters. Referrals can make their first
deposit free of charge. No identification is required to apply for a card. As soon as FB
stops processing the card, the service will replace it with a new one and preserve the
balance. The card can be blocked if it has debt.

EzzoCard - an automated service selling prepaid credit cards issued by Canadian and
U.S. banks. You can check the current card balance or get a statement at any time. The
card can be registered under any name and address in the U.S. or Canada. No registration
or verification is required. Credit limits range from $5 to $1000.

LEADING CARDS - a comprehensive payment solution for media buying. The cost of
issuing a card is $6, monthly service fee - $5, max number of cards - 11, deposit
commission - 4.2%. The platform issues cards for 12 GEOs and provides cards for free for
testing. Cards are available in USD, EUR or GBP. With a promo code from Aivix you can
get 3 free cards.

To find a private solution, you need quality networking and connections in the affiliate
sphere, or cooperation with a quality affiliate network. Find promo codes in our chat
room: Aivix - chat [ENG]
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Browser extensions for affiliate marketing

The determining factor of an affiliate’s efficiency is the quality and quantity of conversions.
One needs to be up-to-date with trends and use new tools to -stay successful in affiliate
marketing. We have compiled a list of text, video, and image plug-ins that will make your
workflow easier and quicker.

AdvanceTS - a platform that provides a range of tools for creating quality creatives, and
searching trending offers and enables one to return a part of the advertising budget. Also,
it highlights the more effective ad strategies.

Mobile browser simulator – assists in managing the way a landing page is displayed on
mobile screens. Helps to adapt landing pages and prelands for mobile devices.

User-Agent Switcher for Chrome – a plug-in for testing the way a website is displayed
on various platforms. It features a flexible traffic setup via different streams and cloak

Главред – An extension window opens upon clicking the button in the toolbar. Insert
your text and the tool will highlight unnecessary text in blue.

Online-Convert – the official application. Use it to convert file
formats and extract text from images.

Convertio – a conversion tool. Convert archives, audio, documents, images, and videos.

ImTranslator – a convenient assistant for those working with overseas Internet. Simply
highlight the text to have it translated.

LanguageTool – a multilingual correction tool that almost perfectly corrects grammar
and spelling errors in 25 languages. Algorithms can detect even unnoticeable mistakes.
This tool is especially handy for webmasters working with foreign sources.

Social Video Downloader – assists in downloading videos from the web.

Copy All Urls – as the name implies, this tool copies and saves URLs of all open tabs. – allows you to download videos from any platform: VKontakte, YouTube,
Facebook, Instagram, Odnoklassniki, TikTok, etc.

Downloader for Instagram – an extension that can download photos from IG in large
quantities. After clicking the extension icon, it will collect all the photos from the page.
You can decide which photos to download.

Pablo – a plug-in editor for Instagram. Right-click to open the image in the photo editor.
Use this tool to add filters, text, and logos. You can also crop the image to fit Pinterest,
Instagram, or Facebook.

SmmBox – a useful tool for webmasters who drive traffic via their sources. SmmBox
collects the best posts based on the request. You can then transfer the posts to your feed
in one click. Edit, copying, and pasting have never been easier!

Pocket – an extension designed to quickly save content in the form of videos, images,
texts, and links. Save the information you need with a single click, and use it later as

Evernote – a plug-in that saves content from the web. Evernote is renowned for its
well-designed reading format. It features a convenient layout and a well-selected
color layout, which facilitate working with text.

Loom – allows you to record your screen with sound and a selfie video. Once you’re
done recording, you can edit the screen recording right on the Loom server. Crop, add
stickers, comments, etc.

Lightshot – the most convenient tool for quick screenshots. Simply select the part of
the screen you want to capture, edit the image and upload it to the server.

Gorgias Templates – an extension that was created for webmasters who constantly
work with various languages. It features its library of templates and eases
communicating with clients via email.

Joxi – a web extension that makes a screenshot in one click and stores it on the Joxi
server indefinitely. The link to the screenshot is copied to the clipboard immediately.

Analytics URL Builder — a tool from Google that helps set UTM tags and shorten links.

Dualles – divides the screen in two.

TextOptimizer – a plug-in designed to assess and improve the text on the page. After
analyzing, the system evaluates the text, displays its technical parameters, and gives
advice on how to refine the text. The extension helps to compile the most relevant

Hopefully, these tools will make your work even more productive and comfortable.
Find more convenient solutions in the chat: Aivix - chat [ENG]
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