The Most Active and Friendliest
Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

“Adavice”/  “CPA

"Discontent is the first necessity of progress"
Thomas A Edison

Affiliate Commission

MonthTarget CommissionTotal CommissionForecast Commission
June 2022$600$485$855

Christmas 2022 Pillar Content
Its day 63 in my affiliate journey of 2022
Christmas is only 190 days away
I prepared more draft pillar posts for Christmas
My Christmas pillar posts all use deep level SEO for Google Images

Forecast Affiliate Commission June 2022
Im on target to achieve my $600 affiliate commission goal for June 2022
Earned $485 so far this month, divide by 17 days and earning $27.50 daily average
$27.50 x 30 = $855 forecast affiliate commission this month
but nothing is guaranteed & I must keep improving

New Affiliate Problems & Solutions

Yesterdays problemTodays solution to yesterdays problemSoftwares used to solve the problem todayNew problem to solve next (& share tomorrow)
How can I maintain my weekly schedulePlanned work for next week using Google Calendar & turned on device notifications, scheduled work in 30 minute blocks (20 minutes work then 10 minutes break)Google CalendarHow can I find the balance between planning and actually being able to do the things I planned?
Cant find my old commission chart, keep looking or make a new one?Decided to start over & create the most simple & automated commission chart possibleGoogle SheetsWhat datas should I put in the new commission chart?
Should I use just the keyword volumes at Ubersuggest or other tools also?Dont want to complicate it so Im just gonna use UbersuggestUbersuggestWhats the simplest way to do keyword research using Ubersuggest?
How to permanently stop being distracted during work hours?Scheduled many breaks & only 20 minute work blocks?Should I start blocking access to distracting websites during work time?
Gotta get into the habit of planning out my 2 x 20 work windows & doing something healthy each 2 x 10 minutes breaks (drink water, shoot hoops in the yard, play with the dog, yoga)?Scheduled 10 x 10 minute breaks & 2 x 10 minute windows to check emailsGoogle CalendarWhat should I do during my breaks?
What are best automatic Wordpress maintenence plugins & what are the important technical checks every day, week, month, year?Turned on Wordpress auto updates, updated the PHP versions to 8.1, scheduled automatic daily backups using Manage WP, set up email folder to receive all Google Search Console errors, installed broken link checker pluginManage WP, Google Search Console, Broken Link CheckerHas anybody used Wordpress health check plugin? Gets many negative reviews
Which are the top 10 highest bounce pages? which are the lowest time on page pages?Listened to advice from @Graybeard & @T J TutorGoogle Analytics, affiliate networksNeed to identify the money pages earning affiliate commission & the funnel pages driving traffic to the money pages?
What time of day should I perform this research & how long max can I schedule it for?Scheduled product research for 1st job each day in 2 x 20 minute blocks, while listening to ambient study music, block 1 is research using Google Trends & block 2 is research using UbersuggestGoogle Trends, UbersuggestWhat is the exact product research checklist for Google Trends & Ubersuggest?
Need 2 types of music --> 1 type for morning research & another type for afternoon content creation?For morning am trying out ambient study music from You Tube -->
You TubeWhats the best music to stay motivated in the afternoon?
How can I make sure to complete my 3 main tasks daily?Schedule specific work in manageble blocks & use checklist templatesGoogle DriveWhich checklist templates do I need to update & whats the best format to use?

"Life is never boring but some people choose to be bored"
Wayne Dwyer

Affiliate Commission

MonthTarget CommissionTotal CommissionForecast Commission
June 2022$600$530$885

  • enjoying my weekend
  • hope you are enjoying yours

Honey Badger GIF by Nat Geo Wild

"Be relentless and then you'll break through"
Julie Brown

Affiliate Commission

MonthTarget CommissionTotal CommissionForecast Commission
June 2022$600$550$785

  • on target to meet monthly $600 affiliate commission goal
  • 9 days until monthly commission target jumps to $1,200
  • gonna need to step up now every day (next level required)
  • need 2 be simple & consistent & effective
  • trying to find ways of remaining focused at work
  • stopped watching videos & started listening to podcasts
  • can listen & work but not watch & listen & work for real
  • decluttered my affiliate workspace
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Honey Badger Mungo GIF by Animal Planet

Make it simple but significant
Don Draper

Affiliate Commission

MonthTarget CommissionTotal CommissionForecast Commission
June 2022$600$585$730

  • $15 away from $600 monthly affiliate commission goal
  • my success started after I set a financial GOAL & DATE & REASON & VISION
  • GOAL --> $600 commission
  • DATE --> June 30, 2022
  • REASON --> pay for project costs (incl my time)
  • VISION --> $2,400 commission (Nov & Dec 2022)
  • after that it needed a PLAN
  • PLAN --> start with a calculation inspired by @iamb
  • I need 78,400 visits this month for 4,704 banner clicks to rack up 70 sales ($5,950) and earn $595 commission
  • 6 days until new monthly commission target --> $1,200
one more thing is I am not a blogger
its not my major skill
or my desire to master
my no1 strengths are SEO & product optimization
so Im trying to move away from daily blogging
takes WAAAY too much time
need to find automated content
& maybe also monthly blog posts
the solution must be more simple & template based
the answers are all out there

list GIF

The most common thing about common sense is that its not common
Honeybadger & Friends

Affiliate Commission

MonthTarget CommissionTotal CommissionForecast Commission
June 2022$600$595$715

  • $5 away from $600 monthly affiliate commission goal
  • mass clearout of physical & digital clutter
  • focus is now --> timed templates & scheduled tasks
  • repeat task must be automated
  • all blog posting 95% using Ubersuggest AI tool & 5% edits
  • specific goals on set dates & clear plans
  • nothing random nothing unscheduled
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Ive noticaed that many new affiliates
FEAR the 1st & most important step
--> getting STARTED
gonna lay my cards out
Ive never had this fear
because I started everything with a simple fact in life
one day Im gonna be DEAD
& when that happens its all over
no more chances
no more opportunites
just death
but back in life
I have a simple project process
& I use this process for everything
its called ITERATIONS
fancy word I learned recently
found it at
it says QUOTE --> the iterative process is the practice of building, refining, and improving a project, product, or initiative. Teams that use the iterative development process create, test, and revise until they're satisfied with the end result <-- END QUOTE
so heres my own 10 steps life goals process
  1. accept your death & laugh about it :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl
  2. embrace your life with a MASTER OBJECTIVE (your life goal)
  3. set 4 yearly goals (difficult but reachable must have a REASON)
    • goal 1 is health --> run a marathon // to be more healthy
    • goal 2 is family/home --> family vacation // to make the family happy
    • goal 2 is money --> be financially independent // to not worry any more about money
    • goal 3 is work --> become a pro affiliate // to have a life skill
  4. next you set QUANTITIES
    1. goal 1 --> run a marathon under 4 hours
    2. goal 2 --> 14 days vacation in Khemliya Morocco
    3. goal 3 --> save $50,000
    4. goal 4 --> work 50 hours weekly as a pro affiliate
  5. next you set DATES
    1. goal 1 --> run the a New York marathon November 6, 2022
    2. goal 2 --> depart Boston July 25, 2022 return August 7, 2022
    3. goal 3 --> save $50,000 by December 1, 2022
    4. goal 4 --> start working as a pro affiliate September 1, 2022
  6. next you WRITE DOWN 4 mission statements (& repeat repeat repeat)
    1. goal 1 --> I will run the New York marathon in under 4 hours on November 6, 2022 to be more healthy
    2. goal 2 --> I will take a 14 days vacation in Khemliya Morocco departing Boston July 25, 200 returning August 7, 2022 to make the family happy
    3. goal 3 --> I will be financially independent on December 1, 2022 with $50,000 in my bank to not worry about money any more
    4. goal 4 --> I will start working a day job as a pro affiliate on September 1, 2022 to have a life skill
  7. next step is create road maps for your 4 goals
  8. really all thats left is trial & error (iterative process)
  9. then DONT QUIT until you reach your goals
  10. final 1 is share your knowledge with us on Affiliate Fix

Going Up Sniper Elite GIF by Xbox

There's a fine line in being too specific so you can't be too flexible, and being too vague in being specific and people not thinking it's meaningful
Jim Nussle

Affiliate Commission

MonthTarget CommissionTotal CommissionForecast Commission
June 2022$600$625$670

  • achieved monthly commission goal $600
  • tryin to be more specific bout everything but still be flexible
  • put a cap on copywriting --> 1 hour daily
  • stopped doing manual activities (automating)
  • from Friday commission target jumps from $600 to $1,200 ($40 per day)
  • July will be a huge test --> difficult but achievable
  • time to bring my 9 other affiliate website into play
  • May & June was training --> this is where the challenge really begins
You can , But patience is the key as well as never ever give up and push beyond your limits . These few things will help you to get a income which you didn't believe
You can , But patience is the key as well as never ever give up and push beyond your limits . These few things will help you to get a income which you didn't believe
Im not patient
thats the problem
I set the goal $600 & achieved it
but I want to reach $2,400 now
not in 6 months
TY for advice
I am interested to begin trading
however the gains must be $40 every day
it must be guaranteed with a formula
do you have a formula?
No formula but start learning and making charts which reduce the loss making ability. 40$ will be possible with the capital amount you start with.

Animated GIF

Hope is not a strategy & luck is not a factor & fear is not an option
James Cameron

Affiliate Commission Performance Report

MonthTarget CommissionTotal CommissionForecast Commission
June 2022$600$675$675 (paid September 1, 2022)

  • all progress is about ONE affiliate fashion website (my 2nd one)
  • I may run some new sites but 2 confusing to add them nw
  • June commission goal was $600 --> ended at $675
  • July & August commission goals are $1,200 (total $2,400)
  • gotta earn $40 daily avg for next 60 days
  • cutting out a lot of the daily bull crap
  • push notifications now got 600 subscribers
  • sending push subscribers new list links thats all (no ads)
    • need positive Google CruX usage stats
      • high TOS & low bounce & return visits (cos its not SEO traffic)
  • traffic to my fashion site was above 50,000 for June 2022
Affiliate Commission New Goal

MonthTarget CommissionTotal CommissionForecast Commission
July 2022$1,200$30 (July 1-2)$465 (paid October 1, 2022)
Hope you know what you are doing here with images that are copyright the original publisher.
Meet DMCA and it's consequences if you get caught doing what you propose doing.
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Sharing updated lists
new fashion products
need to start segmenting notifications
will look similar to this -->
  • selected language // English
  • selected region // Australia
  • selected sex // female
  • selected type of garment // sneakers
  • selected brand // Adidas
  • selected niche // running sneakers
  • selected catalog // summer
  • selected year // 2022
also need time to do it!
Sharing updated lists
new fashion products
need to start segmenting notifications
will look similar to this -->
  • selected language // English
  • selected region // Australia
  • selected sex // female
  • selected type of garment // sneakers
  • selected brand // Adidas
  • selected niche // running sneakers
  • selected catalog // summer
  • selected year // 2022
also need time to do it!
not that its summer in Australia right now

Just Do It Running GIF by Rocky

The journey is the destination. The process you're in is the goal. Success is never defined by the outcome but by the process
Paul Young

Affiliate Commission Performance Report

MonthTarget CommissionTotal CommissionForecast Commission% of Goal
July 2022$1,200$50$310 (paid October 1, 2022)26%

  • not good enough --> lost sight of my goals
  • not good enough --> didnt schedule my workload
  • not good enough --> stopped using templates
  • not good enough --> got distracted on You Tube
  • not good enough --> let my competitors jump above in Google
  • not good enough --> failed to follow my learning plan
  • not good enough --> stopped recording my progress here
  1. wrote out my GOAL & DATE pinned to the wall ($1,200 in July 2022)
  2. scheduled next week in Goo Cal --> gives me time to prepare
  3. organized all my templates in Goo Drive
  4. set a 20 minutes maximum distraction alarm (each hour)
  5. set schedule 30 minutes each day to at on Ubersuggest ideas
  6. set schedule 30 minutes each day learning plan
  7. set scheduled 15 minutes each day for journey updates
Dumbest find of the day

Semrush pricing is extortionate & no free account!
just a 7 day free trial
It said "For marketing newbies and small in-house teams"
really? I mean REALLY???
  • Pro --> $119.95/mo
  • Guru --> $229.95/mo
  • Business --> $449.95/mo
Brian Deane is one of my SEO idols
really really good SEO content & clearly presented
but he has joined an extortionate company
who have no clues about the real world
how many SEO newbies could spend $1,439.40 yearly?
really bad move from a really top guy