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cannot understand 52 ads clicks yesterday & no sales
  • 2020 to 2022 normally between 18% > 24% conversion rate
1. Who clicked? what AS block --were they valid people
ASN-Blocklist <<<read FIRST
ASN-Blocklist - 136907 <<<Nginx
change the submit to match your webserver --use with extreme caution!
see how many have a valid reverse lookup with this tool

check 10 random as a sample all should have reverse (hostnames) if they are real and not bots.

2. Inflation, recession scare, the Ukraine/Russia war and big negatives for spending.

3. 52 is a small sample also
A word about despair
despair means to give up
its the loss of hope
you MUST defeat this demon
there is always hope
but you need to take positive ACTION
do small things and big things will happen
its the repetition of small actions
hour after hour
day after day
week after week
that add up to a BREAK THROUGH
Im seeing the start of this now
on my 2nd fashion affiliate site
like the 1st rays of light from behind a dark cloud
at the end of a storm
its supposed to be tough
but grit your teeth
and battle on
Love this quote -->
LAZY people do a little work
and think they should be winning
WINNERS work as hard as possible
and still worry if they are being lazy

Nothing I do is enough
it will never be enough
today 1 x $8 ad click ($80 sale)
but 1,700 visits & only 1 sale click
what am I doing wrong?
its so frustrating
when I get 1,700 visits
but only 1 sale

shakes head and exits the building via basement
Nothing I do is enough
it will never be enough
today 1 x $8 ad click ($80 sale)
but 1,700 visits & only 1 sale click
what am I doing wrong?
its so frustrating
when I get 1,700 visits
but only 1 sale

shakes head and exits the building via basement
Could it be that most of the visits are bots? 1,700 visits and 1 sale sounds like a very low conversion rate.

Either most of the traffic is bot traffic or the aff links are not strategically placed to entice the clicks.
Either way, never give up. Keep tweaking until you find the right combination :cool:

I think you already know that this is a numbers game. Look at it this way: at least you made 1 sale ;)

So if 1,700 brought you 1 sale, guess what? Attract more visitors, optimize your content to increase your odds of making more sales!
My conversion rate has dropped
traffic & clicks up like 1,000%
think its cos $5 or $10 products are impulse purchases
$50 or $100 products are not impulse purchases
also economy like @Graybeard says
@iamb you are correct
more traffic = more sales
better position of ads will help also
must keep going
at least the sales and commission have started
$20 is better than no dollars
@iamb was correct
my traffic rocked up past 2,000 today
3 sales --> 2 at $100 & 1 at $75
means I get $27.50 commission in 1 day
so it works
now I need traffic
& better ad placement
you cannot imagine how tough its been
how many days of zero, zero, zero
all the self doubt & frustration
just to get to this $27.50 day
--> guys this site was dead
getting 10 visits daily
nothing like my 1st affiliate campaign
whole different ballgame
its been really really difficult
but man this has been fun!
Sales are coming in now
had another sale this morning
basket value $50 to $100
--> commission $5 to $10 on every sale
just need more traffic
& better ad placement
2 sales at $100 each meets my daily goal
gotta update my other affiliate sites
storm is not over yet
I was wrong
---> my 2nd campaign is green
not red
it just needed higher traffic volume
cos its higher average product cost ($50 or $100)
2nd day of +$20 commission
3 sales today
so it works guys
you just need iron willpower
& lots of coffee
Are you counting the CTR on the CPA stuff?
Like one click out to a cpa ad for every 12 search referrals? 1:45 etc?

  1. I am finding major discrepancies in Google-Analytics and the REAL hit count i get from my logs.
    Why? Google uses a cookie (37% -52% reject/refuse it and are not counted on my traffic)
  2. I use my own server-side script that does not use cookies.
Your CPA may depend on a cookie too --it shouldn't if the sale is on the first referral

That is one possible reason another is you are luring in people that are not buying --over selling the content and not delivering <<that is why knowing your click out ratio on your search referrals is important and even knowing what the successful link positions were.

AI says:
{"newText":"Are you counting the CTR on the CPA stuff? Like one click on a CPA ad for all 12 search referrals? 1:45 etc? I'm finding big discrepancies in Goog
le analytics and the REAL hit count I'm getting from my logs. Why? Google uses a cookie (37%-52% reject/reject and are not counted in my traffic). I'm using m
y own server-side script that doesn't use cookies. Your CPA may also depend on a cookie - it shouldn't if the sale is based on the first referral. That's one
possible reason, another is that you attract people who won't buy - by selling the content and not delivering << that's why it's important to know your click-
out rate on your search recommendations, and even to know what the successful link positions were."}

BTW: 7 out of 8 pages I did by scraping, and then using paraphrasing and plagiarism substitution AI apis landed a 2 -8 position SERPs the 8th was 22 position --the content is manual added and edited maybe 20% to 30% -- few impressions only 1 click so far but the point is the work passed all the Google search content filters. It's possible I got some arcane search long tails with very low traffic (I suppose)
Traffic hit 3,000 yesterday
thats a 1st for my 2nd affiliate fashion site
& sales are picking up fast
  • 7 sales today
  • 5 sales yesterday
earned $170+ commission in last 7 days
weekly target is $20 daily ($140 weekly)
posting like a maniac
--> blog templates all the way
& my ads are getting real specific to content
this is my 1st real success for 2022
you guys helped make it happen
cos without this follow diary
I wouldnt have even started
214 days remaining

Quote of the day -->
In order for you to have your breakthrough you must first go through..... (dots added for @T J Tutor)

Weekly update for affiliate fashion site 2
--> had to amend last weeks Google Search Console data
showed 650,000 weekly impressions
now shows 170,000 impressions
but same number of clicks
go figure that one!

  • weekly commission increased to $51
  • 45 new blog posts in 7 days
  • using blog templates & timed (max 20 minutes)
  • 20 minutes per 45 blog posts = 15 hours
  • focusing on top 10 most popular categories
  • successfully targeted a new product line & got sales
  • daily earning goal $20 not met yet (35% of target achieved, up from 16% last week)
  • getting more & more difficult to maintain focus
  • posting 45 weekly blog entries was an achievement on its own

Affiliate SiteGoogle SEO ImpressionsGoogle SEO ClicksAffiliate Network 1Affiliate Network 2Affiliate Network 3Affiliate Network 4Affiliate Network 5Affiliate Network 6EARN TOTAL
2 Weeks Ago115,0006,000$5 (4 sales)$15 (3 sales)$2 (2 sales)$0 (0 sales)$0 (0 sales)$0 (0 sales)$22 (9 sales)
Last Week170,0008,000$1 (3 sales)$16 (9 sales)$1 (1 sale)$5 (2 sales)$0 (0 sales)$0 (0 sales)$23 (15 sales)
This Week150,00011,000$0 (0 sales)$51 (7 sales)$0 (0 sales)$0 (0 sales)$0 (0 sales)$0 (0 sales)$51 (7 sales)
Weekly Change-20,000+3,000-$1 (- 3 sales)+$35 (-2 sales)-$1 (-1 sale)-$5 (-2 sales)$0 (0 sales)$0 (0 sales)+$28 (-8 sales)

Commission Targets
my target for May & June 2022
is $20 daily commission
& my current average is $7 daily commission
thats 35% of my target
  1. $2 daily commission x 10 sites = $20 daily total
    • $600 monthly (pays project costs only)
    • deadline --> June 30, 2022
  2. $4 daily commission x 10 sites = $40 daily total
    • $1,200 monthly (pays project costs & food)
    • deadline --> August 31, 2022
  3. $6 daily commission x 10 sites = $60 daily total
    • $1,800 monthly (pays project costs & food & fuel)
    • deadline --> October 31, 2022
  4. $8 daily commission x 10 sites = $80 daily total
    • $2,400 monthly (pays project costs & food & fuel & all bills)
    • deadline --> December 31, 2022
Last edited:
simple SEO methods Google says to use
plus an arsenal of white hat tips & tricks Ive learned
and all of that is happy & fluffy
however it doesnt equal commission
& commission is what I need now
This is the real hurdle --finding something that the traffic you generate will buy and you will get paid on.
213 days remaining

Quote of the day -->
As a person with decades of business experience, I can say with some authority that creativity is greatly underrated
Kevin Lenane - PSA President

  • 1st week of hitting targets since setting them
  • finding its unhealthy to skip sleep
  • trying to organize my affiliate activity in advance
  • need to branch out & promote my 9 other affiliate sites
  • getting mental block more often
Inami Campbell says "So you’re doing so well working on projects or achieving your goals and then BOOM. Your brain shuts down. Creativity becomes difficult. Goals seem impossible to achieve. How does one overcome these mental blocks? What is blocking you? Could it be that you’re overwhelmed, you have too much to do on your plate, or maybe you’re scared to fail?"

Read on for solutions
212 days remaining

Quote of the day -->
The moment you put a DEADLINE on your DREAM it becomes a GOAL
Stephen Kellog

  • goal setting is key to my affiliate marketing campaigns
  • 2nd after goal setting is time management
  • 3rd is stay focused and keep it all real simple
  • time goes fast --> nearly 200 days to Christmas!
  • hit my $20 commission targets 4 days in a row
    • $35 Sunday (May 29, 2022)
    • $60 Monday (May 30, 2022)
    • $80 Tuesday (May 31, 2022)
    • $40 Wednesday (June 1, 2022)
    • hit my $140 target this week in only 3 days --> $180 so far!
  • going in heavy on a new fashion product range
  • planning a summer work vacation
Just in case the journey title was misleading
my goal as an affiliate is earn $100,000 per year
when that will be I havent calculated
so I cant predict the date yet
but for now I just need to survive
& survival means $2,400 per month
and I think its achievable by Christmas
thats a dollar figure & a date
so Im changing the thread title
from $100,000 Affiliate Publisher Journey
to Can I earn $2,400 per month by Christmas?
thats my goal so thats the thread title
also adding my current 30 day average
to each journey update

2022 Affiliate Commission Targets

Target 1 (May & June, 2022)

Day Commission > $20
Week Commission > $140
Month Commission > $600
Deadline > May 1 thru June 30, 2022
Pays for > project costs only

Target 2 (July & August, 2022)
Day Commission > $40
Week Commission > $280
Month Commission > $1,200
Deadline > July 1 thru August 31, 2022
Pays for > project costs & food

Target 3 (September & October, 2022)
Day Commission > $60
Week Commission > $420
Month Commission > $1,800
Deadline > September 1 thru October 31, 2022
Pays for > project costs & food & fuel

Target 4 (November & December, 2022)
Day Commission > $80
Week Commission > $560
Month Commission > $2,400
Deadline > November 1 thru December 31, 2022
Pays for > project costs & food & fuel & all bills

Thank you all
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  • Earn $100,000-a-year average salary by December 1, 2022
FrequencyPer Site Commission10 Sites Commission
Daily -->$27.40 -->$274
Weekly -->$191.80 -->$1,918
Monthly -->$833 -->$8,333
Yearly -->$10,000 -->$100,000

  • Create 10 x eCommerce affiliate websites
  • Build out one website and clone it x 9 with modifications
  • Each website will focus on a single type of product or service
  • Target audiences can be any country & language
  • Organic or paid traffic from search engines & social media
  • Strong use of automation & artificial intelligence
  • Manage entire project myself from a smartphone
  • Keep software costs below $1,000 per year
  • Post weekly updates --> Mondays
    1. Share traffic screenshots
    2. Share commission screenshots
    3. List work done & work planned
    4. Review software used
    5. Monday Q&A session
This is very interesting.
211 days remaining

Project Goals
June Goal --> $600 commission
Last 30 days --> $305 commission

Quote of the day
Simplicity is the key to brilliance
Bruce Lee

  • its scary how fast I achieved my affiliate goals AFTER SETTING THEM
    • but if you dont aim you cant hit or miss
  • time management remains a challenge --> get distracted all the time
  • got many new affiliate ideas --> time is the key factor
  • 205 days to Christmas --> when it hits 200 I start preparing
  • hit my $20-day commission targets 5 days in a row
    • $35 > Sunday (May 29, 2022)
    • $60 > Monday (May 30, 2022)
    • $80 > Tuesday (May 31, 2022)
    • $40 > Wednesday (June 1, 2022)
    • $30 > Thursday (June 2, 2022)
    • $210 commission so far this week
  • got a new competitor site for main fashion product range
  • can share you some SEO affiliate tips if you want?
Why has it gone downhill for you? Any idea?
  1. SEO and search engine referral got very fickle --SERPS really started to vary a lot unless you were a brand.
  2. The economic situation has shifted and changed a lot so far this year too.
  3. I am seeing radical under-counts when cookies are involved
    So if you are using any networks; that may be a part of the problem 3rd party cookies and privacy.
    Amazon is a first party seller so that should not be the issue there.
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210 days remaining

Project Goals
June Goal --> $600 commission
Last 30 days --> $301 commission

Quote of the day
Follow One Course Until Successful

  • posted 20 new blog entries --> used customized Hubspot templates
  • focused on my June 2022 commission target --> $2,400-month
  • started using google calendar again for planning
  • need automated xlsx solution for a big affiliate traffic & commission idea
  • 204 days until the Christmas
    • will start preparing Wednesday --> at 200 days
  • took a hit on my $20-day commission target yesterday
    • $35 > Sunday (May 29, 2022) --> passed
    • $60 > Monday (May 30, 2022) --> passed
    • $80 > Tuesday (May 31, 2022) --> passed
    • $40 > Wednesday (June 1, 2022) --> passed
    • $30 > Thursday (June 2, 2022) --> passed
    • $10 > Friday (June 3, 2022) --> failed
  • $220 commission so far this week
Just in case the journey title was misleading
my goal as an affiliate is earn $100,000 per year
when that will be I havent calculated
so I cant predict the date yet
but for now I just need to survive
& survival means $2,400 per month
and I think its achievable by Christmas
thats a dollar figure & a date
so Im changing the thread title
from $100,000 Affiliate Publisher Journey
to Can I earn $2,400 per month by Christmas?
thats my goal so thats the thread title
also adding my current 30 day average
to each journey update
How many active sites do you have as of today - part of this journey and what's their earnings like as of June 1, 2022?
All the best with the christmas goal. I am sure you will hit it.

Write your reply...