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App Design: Aggressive and Gentle Subtypes

Application design plays a significant role in shaping perception and affecting the
conversion rate. It acts as the cover or packaging through which target users gauge
whether the product aligns with their preferences. However, striking a balance
between a bold, aggressive design for players and a softer one for mods is essential.

Which Design Approaches Work?

Soft design approaches entail:

  • Images or depictions of money transfers to a bank card, neutral-themed
    images of women in/on luxury cars.

  • Images and visuals that evoke a casino ambiance without actually showing
    slots or banknotes. Instead showing gifts, items, and subtle references to
    winning real money are depicted.
Tougher, more aggressive designs comprise:
  • Mimicking a casino atmosphere with money and displaying winnings
    and bank logos up close.

  • Popular slots, characters, calls-to-action, and emotional triggers.

  • Showing casino bonuses, incentives, and close-up shots of slots.
Now, let's examine examples of these approaches and their outcomes:
  • Applications that feature GEO-specific popular and beloved slots. This
    helps boost recognizability and engagement. You can set up an organic
    funnel: a creative featuring the slot, an in-app landing, matching symbolism
    and style.
Attention! Make sure the casino catalog actually has the game in question.
Otherwise you’ll end up misleading your audience.

The success story of the team illustrates this point vividly. They
conducted tests using the Elvis Frog slot in the Australian GEO, yielding a
remarkable 50% increase in conversions and retention rates.
  • Apps designed with a casino aesthetic. These apps feature elements
    strongly associated with gambling: slots, chests, coins, luxurious cars,
    and the like. Equally vital is a striking thematic icon that distinguishes
    the app amidst others on the user’s smartphone.

When deciding between an aggressive or softer design approach, consider
factors such as past moderation experiences, the credibility of your account
and the current app store landscape. During turbulent times in the store, opt
for a lighter design to bolster your chances of remaining at the top. Conversely,
in stable conditions, an aggressive design may yield higher conversions. For
assistance, reach out to @clicklead_support for creative strategies and profitable


For any questions, contact @clicklead_support
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Which Bid Optimization Strategy is Most Effective for Running Ads on
Facebook Apps?

To succeed in a Facebook auction, having a substantial budget is essential,
along with selecting the appropriate bid optimization strategy. Let's explore
which strategies are beneficial when running ads on apps.

How to Win an Auction

In addition to bid management, it's crucial to monitor ad relevance factors
that can influence the auction indirectly:
  • Quality. Facebook evaluates the quality of your creative compared to
    that of other advertisers targeting the same audience.

  • Engagement. Facebook compares the engagement metrics of your
    ads with those of other advertisers.

  • Conversion rate: Facebook compares the expected CR of a creative
    with that of other advertisers.
If your relevance scores are higher and your bids are the same as your
competitors', the FB Auction will give preference to you.

Bid Optimization Strategies

Let's explore some bidding strategies that can be tested in app-focused
  • Minimum price and maximum quantity. This strategy is simple and
    suitable for beginners. It aims to achieve more conversions with
    minimal costs. However, there may be a decrease in quality
    conversions, leading to an increase in the cost of the target action.

  • Cost-per-result goal. This strategy involves bidding more to maximize
    the conversion value. Facebook analyzes purchase history and
    engagement to determine the potential ROAS from the audience.
    Higher bids are allocated to users who are likely to bring the highest
    conversion value. This strategy requires Pixel Meta installation and
    sufficient data from past campaigns with various purchase conversions
    to ensure Facebook has all the data it requires.

  • Cost per result. Advertisers set a CPA goal and Facebook optimizes
    the campaign to achieve better results. It's crucial to set a realistic
    spending limit and update the audience and creatives when necessary.

  • Bidding with a bid limit. Advertisers set the maximum amount they're
    willing to pay for the auction. Setting a realistic limit is essential to
    ensure your ads are shown effectively.

  • ROAS goal: This strategy aims to achieve a minimum return on
    advertising budget. Advertisers provide Facebook with instructions
    on what percentage of the budget must be returned.

Winning a Facebook auction requires choosing the right strategy, ensuring
ad quality, and correct targeting settings. The bid rate should be competitive
to succeed. For successful advertising campaigns, we provide keys, stop words,
graphics sets, brand books, individual promo codes, and website-style landing
pages. For assistance with these, contact @clicklead_support


For any questions, contact @clicklead_support
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Articles-16-9-4.png  Account Linking: What Works in 2024

Account Linking: What Works in 2024

A king account refers to a properly warmed-up account with high trust, often with a
passed ad activity check. By linking autoregistered or less expensive accounts to the
king account, the latter’s trust level extends to them, allowing the campaign to operate
for longer periods. This strategy remains relevant in 2024. Additionally, it's possible to
link cheaper accounts to a BM.

Linking Cheaper Accounts to the King Account

To link an autoregistered or another account to a king account, you can follow these

  1. Add both the king and the linked account to the anti-detect browser. Launch
    both accounts simultaneously.

  2. Add the king account as a friend to the account you want to link.

  3. Access the autoregistered ad account settings and add the king's name in
    the "Add People" section.

  4. Select the king account as the administrator of the advertising account
    and confirm.
Done; the autoregistered account is now linked to the king one.

Linking Autoregistered Accounts to the King's BM:

Setting up this link will also boost the accounts’ trust level and prolong
the lifespan of your campaigns. Here’s what you do:
  1. Add accounts to the anti-detect browser.

  2. Create a Business Manager for the king account.

  3. In the anti-detect browser open the autoregistered account in a separate
    tab, open its ad account settings.

  4. Copy the account ID from the address bar (after the “act=”) or
    "View Element Code" section.

  5. Navigate back to the king account's BM through the menu
    (via the three horizontal lines symbol), go to Business Settings.

  6. Select “Accounts” > “Ad Accounts”.

  7. Click "Add" and select "Request Access to Ad Account."

  8. Add the autoregistered account ID, adjust the sliders to the active position,
    and click “Confirm”.

  9. Back in the ad account, refresh the page, respond to the request from the
    second account.

  10. Select "Allow the Company Access to my Advertising Account”.

  11. Return to the king account, refresh the page, and make sure the linked
    autoregistered account is displayed.
Best to allow the account to rest for 3 days after linking before actually using it.


Utilizing these methods to link accounts can bolster trust, but it's essential to remember
that Facebook algorithms are unpredictable, and there's still a risk of encountering a ban.
For assistance and guidance, contact @clicklead_support, who will provide everything you
need for a profitable campaign.


For any questions, contact @clicklead_support

How App Store Algorithms Work

Stores have built-in ranking mechanisms that enable users to discover different items.

Key Ranking Factors

While every single app store keeps their algorithms under wraps, cracking the code
requires a mix of testing, research, and analytics. Though some insights have been
gleaned experimentally by ASO teams, the full picture remains elusive.

The App Store and Play Market take distinct approaches to indexing:
  • The App Store prioritizes the title, subtitle, and keywords field, neglecting the
    app description.

  • The Play Market indexes the title, short description, and detailed app description.
Both platforms also factor in ratings, reviews, and visual assets' quality.

What Else Affects Ranking?

Beyond the basics, a slew of factors and tactics sway rankings:
  • Number of installs. It's vital for your app to attract traffic from various sources.

  • Initial launch. When instructing performers to search for an application based
    on a specific query during the initial launch, ensure they also actually launch
    the app themselves.

  • Number of positive reviews. The more positive reviews an app garners, the
    higher it climbs in search rankings, ultimately leading to increased conversions.

  • Usage frequency. This factor is only relevant for the Play Market. Algorithms
    analyze whether the app was opened on the second, third, and eighth days
    after downloading. If so, the app's ranking improves accordingly.

  • Recent updates. This factor is only relevant for the App Store. Algorithms
    prioritize recently updated apps, ensuring that the new versions receive
    maximum visibility among users.

  • Metadata changes. Tweaking the metadata for a release directly impacts
    the app's ranking structure. In the App Store, you'll notice the results shift
    the following day after the update, while in the Play Market, it typically
    takes around two weeks for changes to take effect.

  • Number of installs following search queries. Increasing the number of
    installs per keyword can significantly enhance your app's ranking position.

  • App transition and number of downloads ratio. This ratio serves as a key
    metric for promotion, with apps demonstrating a better ratio receiving
    preferential treatment over competitors.

  • Installation-to-deletion ratio: A lower number of deletions compared
    to competitors results in a higher ranking.

  • User statistics. Many users' devices automatically send usage statistics
    to app stores, which are factored into rankings.

  • App usage duration. Apps with longer user engagement times rank
    higher than their competitors.

  • App lifespan. The longer an app remains available on the store, the
    better it ranks. This factor comes into play approximately two weeks
    after its initial launch.

Achieving top rankings involves a combination of factors and strategies,
some of which we've discussed here. Consistent analytics, testing, and
strategy adjustments are also crucial. We always have over 30 applications for
iOS and Android available. Shoot our support @clicklead_support a
"I want an app" message to get one within 15 minutes, as well as tailored offers,
and an increased traffic cap.


For any questions, contact @clicklead_support

How to Conduct SEO Analysis of Competing Gambling Websites

The competition for top rankings among gambling sites is fierce. SEO in the gambling
niche involves working with fluctuations, setting up redirects, and constantly hunting
for low-competition keywords that effectively capture user intent. But it's equally
crucial to keep an eye on what your competitors are up to.

Guide to Analyzing Competitors

To conduct a thorough analysis, follow these steps:
  1. Gather data about competitors based on the GEOs. Analyze the top 5-10 sites
    in your target regions.

  2. Study the technical parameters. This includes assessing domain age, number
    of pages, loading speed, and whether they have adaptive versions for
    mobile devices.

  3. Scrutinize SEO indicators. Look at elements like titles, descriptions, headings,
    meta tags, link structures, and the quality of SEO texts. Evaluate their
    uniqueness, keyword density, prominence of spammy practices, and how well
    they incorporate relevant keywords.

  4. Analyze the traffic. Examine sources of traffic, the number of daily unique
    visitors, bounce rates, average time spent on the site, and other relevant metrics.

  5. Evaluate their link-building strategies. Consider factors such as the total
    number of backlinks and referring domains, as well as the quality of those links.

  6. Assess commercial aspects. Look at whether they provide contact information,
    the ease of navigation on their site, and the overall design and user experience.

  7. Analyze keywords. Examine the key search queries that drive users to
    competitors' sites. Identify what sets them apart and attracts users.

  8. Scrutinize their content marketing strategy. Evaluate your own content
    marketing tactics, including site content types (text, video, graphics), frequency
    of updates, and coverage of topics and sections.
Record findings in a dedicated location, such as a Google spreadsheet. Highlight
features that help competitors stand apart and yield results. You can also apply the
SWOT analysis method to competitors, identifying their strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats. This provides insight into areas to leverage and pitfalls
to avoid.

Before implementing competitor strategies, conduct a thorough audit of your own

  • Remove non-functioning pages and duplicates;

  • Assess your content quality in comparison to competitors;

  • Analyze your link building efforts;

  • Compile and update the semantic core.

Competitor analysis is essential for identifying best practices in the gambling industry.
It informs your SEO strategy, helping you avoid common pitfalls and optimize your
approach for success.


For any questions, contact @clicklead_support

Domain Redirects: Things to Consider

Domain redirection plays a vital role in swiftly elevating a website's ranking on Google.
In the realm of SEO, it stands as one of the paramount techniques, particularly in Tier
1 GEOs. This is owing to Google's algorithm, which tends to favor older, more established
websites over newer ones. By implementing redirects, websites can garner high-quality
backlinks, enhance trustworthiness, boost page rankings for relevant keywords, and
augment overall traffic volumes.

Key Aspects of Redirection

When executing domain redirection, a 301 redirect is commonly employed. From the
perspective of search engines, this process appears as if a well-established and highly
ranked website has transitioned to a newer domain.

Moreover, domain redirection can extend beyond the entire domain itself,
encompassing specific pages of a redirected site with commendable trust metrics.

Keep in mind the risks involved and be ready to deal with them:
  • Your site might get caught in search engine filters;

  • SEO services may not always offer comprehensive information about the
    dropped domain and its background;

  • Links obtained could be of inferior quality;

  • Potential conflicts with copyright holders, especially if a trademark is
    incorporated into the domain.
To minimize these risks, it's crucial to carefully select the dropped domain for
linking. Here's what to consider:

  • Traffic: Aim for a minimum of 100 visitors, and ensure traffic levels are stable
    without sudden fluctuations;

  • The website must be indexed by search engines;

  • TF, CF, DR indicators of at least 10;

  • No spam or duplicate content in the web archive;

  • Target at least 1,000 backlinks, with a minimum of 300 referring domains.
In the quest for quality drops, competition is fierce, making price alone an
unreliable indicator.

Domain Linking Methods

Here are various methods for domain linking:
  • Page-to-page: This involves aligning the content of the promoted site with
    that of the drop, ensuring a seamless redirect and topic relevance.

  • Post-content addition: Initially, the drop you find is populated with thematic
    content, allowing it to rank before integrating it with the target site.

  • Content mutual adaptation: Both the drop site and the promoted site tailor
    their content to each other, facilitating smooth linking.

  • Server redirect: This method, devoid of a website, focuses on transferring
    statistical weight. It's ideal for drops lacking traffic or ranking.
It's recommended to conduct domain linking once the site has gained some
traction, with indexed pages appearing in search results. Linking to a brand-new
site created just a few days ago won't yield effective results.


When it comes to domain linking, thorough analysis is key. By examining various
metrics and scrutinizing referral domains, you can mitigate the risk of triggering
filters early on. Opting for drops with existing traffic can yield swift results. Equally
important is ensuring alignment between the themes of the promoted site and
the selected dropped domain.


For any questions, contact @clicklead_support

Promising GEOs to Promote Gambling Offers in the Spring-Summer of 2024

According to analysts, the global iGaming market is projected to exceed $107.30
billion by the end of 2024. Interest in gambling is on the rise worldwide. Let's explore
promising GEOs worth launching campaigns in during the upcoming spring and
summer of 2024.

Which Countries are Seeing an Interest Surge for Casinos?

Google Trends indicates a surge in interest in online casinos in the following GEOs:

Argentina, Philippines, Somalia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, and Germany.

Tier 1

Tier 1 markets remain at the forefront and continue to be highly sought after.
Generating leads here can be more challenging due to the expenses involved and
the need for high-quality creatives. However, the potential for substantial profits
and generous payouts from advertisers makes it worthwhile. It's best to enter Tier 1
GEOs with prior experience in successful gambling campaigns.

The best Tier 1 GEOs with the highest potential include the USA, UK, New Zealand,
Australia, Canada, Italy, France, Spain, and Germany.

Tier 2/Tier 3

These countries are perfect entry points for newcomers. Effective localization
of creatives and promotional materials, tailored to cultural nuances, is crucial. Prime
Tier 2/Tier 3 locations for newcomers this spring include
Indonesia, Turkey,
Vietnam, Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Egypt, South Africa, and Thailand.

Veteran affiliates highlight Hong Kong as a hidden gem in the market, often
overlooked despite its affluent, gambling-inclined population.

Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brazil stand out as upcoming hotspots for
affiliate marketing, endorsed by major ad networks like RichAds. These GEOs
are showing good performance with push notifications, pop-ups, native, and
direct click formats.

Latin America also holds significant potential, with Brazil, Mexico, Colombia,
and Argentina leading the pack. Here, inexpensive leads and a gradually
increasing competition offer lucrative opportunities, particularly in slots,
blackjack, roulette, and live casinos, along with popular football betting.

Africa deserves attention too, having showcased substantial potential
in 2023, attracting numerous advertisers. The trend continues into 2024,
presenting a favorable environment for newcomers to gain valuable Gulf
experience. Despite common misconceptions about the region's tech
savviness, Africa is rapidly embracing technology.


Keeping tabs on promising GEOs and gambling trends globally is vital for
discovering profitable ventures.
Exploring newer markets with less
competition can be particularly fruitful. For affiliates with solid Tier 2/Tier 3
experience, now is a perfect time to venture into Tier 1 GEOs for maximum
earnings potential.


For any questions, contact @clicklead_support

Common Mistakes in Gambling Creatives and How to Avoid Them

Creatives are the cornerstones of your funnel that tell players about your app and
convince them to download it. Poorly-made creatives can lead to even the best offer
flunking, so today we’ll be diving into the types of mistakes you need to avoid to
reach success.

Creative Mistakes Checklist

Here’s a list of errors you’d best avoid:
  • Inadequate GEO research. Understand the demographics, interests, commercial
    and cultural nuances of your target audience. Avoid mismatches like featuring
    African Americans or Asians in European-focused creatives.

  • Lack of originality and blind copying. Avoid copying creatives directly from spy
    services – they’ve likely already been squeezed dry. Replicated content often
    fails to engage audiences who have already seen similar ads.

  • Unrealistic or unappealing prize sizes. Strike the right balance in prize sizes.
    Avoid overly grand prizes (like $1,000,000,000), which can seem implausible,
    as well as prizes that are too small to capture attention in the first place,
    like 25% of a salary. Find out the average paycheck in the GEO and make your
    prize 2-3 times that amount.

  • Wrong bank choice. Ensure that any depicted winnings are associated with
    recognizable and trustworthy banks. Using fictional or dubious banks can
    erode trust in your creative. Do your homework and find out which banks
    are commonly used, especially for withdrawing funds.

  • Inconsistency. Align the content of your creative with the offers available.
    Avoid featuring games or slots that aren't actually included in the offer.
    Additionally, maintain consistency in design across all promotional materials.

  • Dragged out shots. In today's information-rich environment, attention spans
    are short. Keep your shots concise and engaging, aiming to capture interest
    within the first 2-3 seconds. Avoid prolonged monotonous sequences that
    risk losing viewer interest.

  • Lack of a call to action. A typical rookie mistake – don't overlook the
    importance of a clear and compelling call to action (CTA). Ensure that your
    creative includes a prominent button or message directing the viewer on
    what to do next — whether it's to register, download an app, or make a

  • Unreadable text. Make sure your text is easily readable, especially on small
    smartphone screens. Opt for high-contrast color combinations and legible
    font styles, preferably sans serif. This ensures that viewers can quickly
    absorb your message without straining to read it.

Attention to detail is crucial in crafting effective gambling creatives. By
avoiding these common pitfalls and thoroughly reviewing your creatives before
deployment, you can increase the likelihood of conversions and deposits.
Don't hesitate to consult with your manager for guidance on GEOs and other
features to optimize your campaigns!


For any questions, contact @clicklead_support

Is Google UAC+ASO Still an Effective Bundle for Gambling Offers in 2024?

Promoting applications through Google UAC offers several advantages over manual
promotion, but additional optimization is key for optimal results.

What Makes Google UAC a Suitable Gambling Traffic Source

Google UAC enforces strict rules against promoting gambling, but apps that have
passed store moderation can be advertised using soft creatives that avoid mentioning
bonuses or the word “casino”.

What makes Google UAC a suitable gambling traffic source:
  • Scalability. Trustworthy advertising accounts allow for managing large budgets
    with minimal risk of being banned due to high spending.

  • Broad audience reach. Ads are displayed across various platforms, including
    Google Play, YouTube, and Google Search, with algorithms automatically
    adjusting bids to optimize impressions.

  • Relatively low competition. Google UAC tends to attract fewer affiliates who
    use apps, resulting in longer conversion times and potentially less competition,
    since not all teams have the budget to rent apps.
However, Google UAC algorithms may not always accurately identify target audiences,
emphasizing the importance of influencing user behavior. This is where ASO becomes
crucial, helping apps rise to the top of search results within app stores for increased
visibility and engagement.

Key Benefit of Google UAC + ASO Bundle

The Google UAC + ASO combo works wonders for boosting conversions across all
user attraction stages.

The app's ranking is heavily impacted by factors like ratings, reviews, comments, and
installation numbers. Leveraging a Google UAC campaign can bolster installs and
app opens. Moreover, Google UAC and ASO tactics work in tandem, reinforcing each
other's effectiveness:

  • Google UAC drives users to install and launch the app, fueled by ASO-enhanced
    factors like good ratings and reviews;

  • Improved app visibility from ASO attracts organic users actively searching for
    similar apps.

  • Google UAC algorithms favor apps with strong ASO (factoring in the design,
    description, category placement), resulting in increased impressions and installs.

A well-optimized app not only excels in app stores but also catches the eye of Google's
algorithms, prompting them to expose it to your ideal audience. This blend results in a
notable reduction in cost per installation and a boost in traffic. The Google UAC + ASO
combo is definitely worth experimenting with for gambling offers in 2024. This synergy
has the potential to generate significantly more profit than any other traffic source


For any questions, contact @clicklead_support

The Best ADBs for Promoting Gambling Offers in Google UAC

When it comes to managing Google UAC advertising accounts, it's common to deal with
multiple accounts, and maintaining high anonymity is crucial. Let's explore the top
anti-detection browsers that are ideal for handling Google UAC and gambling tasks.


This anti-detect browser offers support not just for Google but also for platforms
like Facebook, TikTok, and many others. It streamlines teamwork and automates
routine tasks. Plus, there's a free plan available for testing purposes.

Cost: from $89 / month


Tailored for multi-account activities, Undetectable allows you to create numerous
local browser profiles and configurations. It boasts a plethora of user-friendly
settings for roles, profiles, and more.

Cost: from $49 / month


This ADB is equipped to handle any traffic source, including Google UAC. The
platform enables the creation of unlimited profiles, each with fingerprints
generated from over 50 parameters. And with cloud-based profiles and
support for teamwork, it's an excellent choice for multi-account management.

Cost: from $24 / month

Linken Sphere

Linken Sphere stands out for its versatility, untethered to specific hardware
and supporting multi-threaded tabs. It's tailored for multi-account usage
and excels in handling Google and Facebook advertising accounts.

Cost: from $100 / month

Indigo Browser

Crafted by affiliate marketing experts, this browser is ideal for promoting
offers through Google UAC. Notably, it offers Russian-language support
and operates on isolated servers based on Multilogin.

Cost: from €99 / month


Vision, though a relatively new ADB, supports major traffic sources including
Google. It's particularly beneficial for both teams and individual affiliates,
offering secure hardware data replacement with high-quality fingerprints
and seamless multi-account management.

Cost: from $29 / month


This ADB stands out thanks to its cloud database, offering flexibility in data
storage options and robust features like export/import of cookies, Rest API
support, and comprehensive team and role management.

Cost: from $29.99 / month


We've highlighted the top 7 anti-detection browsers suitable for Google
UAC. To make an informed choice, we recommend examining the features
on their official websites, reading reviews from other webmasters, and
utilizing any available trial periods.


For any questions, contact @clicklead_support

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Here are the benefits provided by CLICKLEAD affiliate network:

✅ Olympbet PPC – an exclusive brand offer, with expert
guidance on optimal keyword usage.

✅ Olympbet ASO – create apps under the brand and whitelist them with the advertiser.

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For large traffic volumes, we are open to discussing special partnership terms.

Register now using the link and profit from this exciting summer event

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