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Good News for SEO

OK, Google can crawl flash sites, but what about onsite seo techniques? Are they working in flash? I don't think so...
It is a common view that:
Flash is a tool frequently used for the sole purpose of demonstrating how clever the designer is and a by-product of this is to appropriately inflate the size of the bill.
Some may say this, I couldn't possibly comment.
I doubt it will have much value other than keyword count. They will have a hard time deciphering levels of priority or value in content.
Hi everyone,
I would like to ask one simple question regarding this news from google.
Is it not true "Something is better than nothing"

text format is still much better in term of optimization... flash based site are really cool, in terms of it appearance, graphics... but it won't really help the on site optimization if you have no control of the site(like some seo's)...
Oh this is really a great good news for SEO communities. As we all know google was not friendly for flash sites and never learned how to crawl it but now It's working
? I need to read more about!:applause: