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“Adavice”/  “CPA

Journey to $10.000/month with Adult & Health


  • Point #1. there are 3 times as many mobile clicks -- at maybe one-third to half the cricks are in error.
  • Point #2. less ad blockers are used in mobile browsers (very little really [so far])
  • Point #3. some offers just convert less frequently and in smaller amounts as compared to desktop user conversions so they are worth less.

Read this thread I made last week
right product for the neighborhood is a good analogy of this. Keep this in mind at all times ( I am thinking )...

I am starting to test first globally a small number then analyze my landing page behavior in my server log -- I can see the User-Agent there from the ad's CTR. I am trying to move traffic to my white label website(s) (my offers) and I have Google-Analytics on the white labels -- so I can then analyze the behavior by GEO and Browser and version.

However, I am seeing that propensity and affinity is playing a major role. If people actually like your offer they will register and buy. If they don't you will crash-and-burn. It's that simple in the end.

I would explore similar offers as well as other traffic sources in order to scale. You need to know if you just got lucky or this is a trend for you. Hopefully it is trending ...

Do you do this test over a longer period of time?
Because, even the season makes a difference. A friend of mine has a shop, he once said that in the winter he sells more than in the summer.

Started a higher paid offer, ROI is even better. :D
In coming days, i'll move to adbridge or bemob. Dont want voluum anymore, it's overpriced imo, and they even didnt let me test DSP. That might have been the only reason to pay $ 300 a month. Otherwise, the price is not justified.

In 10 days the first month since start this thread is over, first month was more like testing waters and learning, in the second month I'll push for higher numbers because

(wolf of wall street reference) :D:D

3 days in row in profit now, yesterday with a higher paid offer.
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Tested a lot new campaigns in the past 3 days, mostly T1 countries, except one, all failed. That melted my overall ROI.
That is ok, expected way more loss in the first month. 90% of my time is researching and learning. Made a huge list of big affiliates. Man, some of these guys making probably 7figure revenue monthly.:D
That motivates me even more, because they also put on their trousers one leg at a time, i can do that too. :D

My Tip for newbies is, research and learn a lot before you start, get a overview about what big players are doing and more important start with T2 and T3, these countries have way better cost/earning ratio.

The scaling part is harder than i thought, filtering, increasing cpc and budget doesnt mean automatic more traffic.
These are the winners over last 3 days, big losses are T1 countries. I will try to scale the winners.

Have a great Day! :)

View attachment 12678

Nice, keep the good work! :)
Do you do this test over a longer period of time?
Because, even the season makes a difference. A friend of mine has a shop, he once said that in the winter he sells more than in the summer.

Started a higher paid offer, ROI is even better. :D
In coming days, i'll move to adbridge or bemob. Dont want voluum anymore, it's overpriced imo, and they even didnt let me test DSP. That might have been the only reason to pay $ 300 a month. Otherwise, the price is not justified.

In 10 days the first month since start this thread is over, first month was more like testing waters and learning, in the second month I'll push for higher numbers because
View attachment 12713
(wolf of wall street reference) :D:D

3 days in row in profit now, yesterday with a higher paid offer.
View attachment 12712
perfect so far so good.
have you started increasing the daily budget ?.
perfect so far so good.
have you started increasing the daily budget ?.
I will in coming days, was busy with moving to bemob.
I blacklist excessively, that might be a mistake. Because of that, i cant spend as much as i want.


Moved to Bemob. It's pretty much the same as voluum. Moving was a lot much work. Now i can push in coming days. Waiting for approval and restart all campaigns again.

Giving up is not a option, dude. I would try again, but this time be smarter and dont make the same mistakes. You didnt failed completely, you have learned how it doesn't work. :D And when you give 100% this time and fail again, it's ok, you've tried your best.

I can tell you what i've learned since starting this thread. Maybe it will help you to avoid the mistakes I made.;)

First, quality spying and learning is the most important factor. This is crucial, especially when you new. This will save you a lot money and time. Look what others do, over the time you will get a feeling for it. Dont start blindly, this could be costly until you find something. You can do that later when you have solid income.
Second, build a good blacklist, never start a campaign without a blacklist, that could burn your money with crap traffic in a short time. Ask your AM if they provide a Blacklists. Mostly they dont, cause they want you burn money to find out for yourself. :D
Third, Run one topic per campaign related to your offer and disable others. Dont run topics like, Urban, TV, Music, Humour,...I've made this mistake. :( You get a lot traffic from these topics but won't convert.
Fourth, start with Desktop. For me, mobile never converted as good as Desktop.
Fifth, stay out of USA, to competitive and expensive.
Sixth, start with a realistic budget that you can afford, then you don't always have to worry about it.

These are the things I've learned in first month.:cool:

Tbh, this whole thing is not as hard as i thought. It's all about testing and testing. And at the end of the day it's a numbers game.

A Online contact motivated me to start IM. I was playing with him online games, didnt know he is super rich :D.
He is from Texas, making 6 fgure profit monthly and he is driving my dream car :D. I wasn'nt sure if i can do this and asked him a lot questions, he told me. "It doesnt matter how bad or unexperienced you are, if you work smart and hard every day for the goals you want to achieve, you will succeed, i guarantee you that." Then he said "Are you willing to do what is requiered or are you willing to do what makes you comfortable?"
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You are the kind of guy who gets success. :)
Yes sure bro, pm your skype. :)

My biggest mistake was making a few people millions for chump change -- let's put it that way.
When I was 12-years-old in school one of my teachers told me : "They can take away every material possession you have --but they cannot take away the knowledge that you have learned."

Applied Knowledge is Power! :cool:


I have problems with @Bemob. Idk whats wrong, there is always a 10-20% traffic gap between ad network stats and bemob stats. Unique visits is even more. That was not the case with voluum. And since im there conversions dropped to. I've rechecked everything twice. I don't know what to do. :(

  • Point #1. there are 3 times as many mobile clicks -- at maybe one-third to half the cricks are in error.
  • Point #2. less ad blockers are used in mobile browsers (very little really [so far])
  • Point #3. some offers just convert less frequently and in smaller amounts as compared to desktop user conversions so they are worth less.

Read this thread I made last week
right product for the neighborhood is a good analogy of this. Keep this in mind at all times ( I am thinking )...

I am starting to test first globally a small number then analyze my landing page behavior in my server log -- I can see the User-Agent there from the ad's CTR. I am trying to move traffic to my white label website(s) (my offers) and I have Google-Analytics on the white labels -- so I can then analyze the behavior by GEO and Browser and version.

However, I am seeing that propensity and affinity is playing a major role. If people actually like your offer they will register and buy. If they don't you will crash-and-burn. It's that simple in the end.

I would explore similar offers as well as other traffic sources in order to scale. You need to know if you just got lucky or this is a trend for you. Hopefully it is trending ...
'excuses are like assholes -- everyone has one'

Good one! :D

Sorry for late update. Last few days it was very hot here in Europe. Nearly 40C and 90% humidity.
Couldn't sit in front of the PC all day :D

Everything is going well. Since yesterday, this journey is in second month.
This month, i will push more and try to simplify & speed up daily routine tasks and probably change tracker again.
Earning is constantly over +$80 daily profit, and this without pushing :D
Pushing will start, when the aff networks payout me. One network payout every week, other two every month. Hopefully they don't come up with the idea to cut payouts.
I've read some horror stories :confused:

Todays stats
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Do you do this test over a longer period of time?
Because, even the season makes a difference. A friend of mine has a shop, he once said that in the winter he sells more than in the summer.

Seasonal data can be subjective.
  • If I sold seasonal goods the trends are obvious.
  • When I was involved in the running of adult webcam broadcasting we did well in the summer for the reason that the girls were home from university/college for summer recess making money on sex cam sites for tuition ... (better *inventory*)
I think that's great if you can get a 40% cash-on-cash ROI daily

How many hours a day to make that $60? (now after you made your system)? That's the bottom line I suppose. The value of your time --that is the real net return.

Today 1,5h, normaly 2-5h daily. Thinking about it is 16h daily, if this counts too:D
Overall, the $ per hour is pretty low. Hopefully that will change when i start pushing.
I'm trying to speed up daily tasks to have more time for new campaigns and researching.

Therefore, i've made a excel spreadsheet for the daily blacklist update, it process the data from the csv files from tracker with own triggers and settings and update the blacklists. This saves a lot time.
Good one! :D

Sorry for late update. Last few days it was very hot here in Europe. Nearly 40C and 90% humidity.
Couldn't sit in front of the PC all day :D

Everything is going well. Since yesterday, this journey is in second month.
This month, i will push more and try to simplify & speed up daily routine tasks and probably change tracker again.
Earning is constantly over +$80 daily profit, and this without pushing :D
Pushing will start, when the aff networks payout me. One network payout every week, other two every month. Hopefully they don't come up with the idea to cut payouts.
I've read some horror stories :confused:

Todays stats
View attachment 12762
this is perfect.
all you have to focus now os scaling, and try to run other campaign with other CPA network.
Restarted only one campaign with keitaro. I
Well, it is hard to put costs on R&D: the main reason is that the return, when successful, is long-term. R&D failed is an immediate write-off IMO. The cost of trying and losing -- happens.

So actively working: placing ads, doing landing pages or websites, social media posting, monitoring your tracking and analyzing it -- these things. Compensation for your active work. Spend deduction would also include outsourcing costs, servers, other direct expenses.

"To get rich, you have to be making money while you're asleep." - David Bailey
Hopefully later, the earning while sleeping will increase my $/h. :D

this is perfect.
all you have to focus now os scaling, and try to run other campaign with other CPA network.

Yes, will do. Thank you! :)

Last few days i spent the most time with moving to keitaro + vultr.
Now i'm good on the tracker side and can push. :cool:

Restarted only one campaign so far. Others will move today.
Have a nice day! :)

Yesterday with one campaign:
Great Journey! Do you still run offers with zeropark? I lost much money with them and havnt single convert. I see the bid is too high with POP :(