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“Adavice”/  “CPA

Journey to $10.000/month with Adult & Health

I have problems with @Bemob. Idk whats wrong, there is always a 10-20% traffic gap between ad network stats and bemob stats.

That is normal -- I get that too with my server log ad tracking.

What the possible excuses are I really don't care -- the ads just cost me more.

  1. Ad blockers
  2. Ad networks padding their counts
My landing pages are all on VPS servers with plenty of resources available.
So, no! I will not reboot my modem (server).

The only thing you can do is adjust your net count/profit numbers -- accordingly ...

** determine who delivers the best value for your advertising money.

'excuses are like assholes -- everyone has one'
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#Is affiliate marketing dead in 2018 or
#am i on the wrong AM forum?

Was there any affiliate on this forum who has ever reached his 1k/10k/100k/1 million k etc monthly goal and documented it until the goal was reached in the "Follow Alongs and Online Journeys"?

Looks like noone has reached the announced goal and documented it recently. It still could be that they reach their goal and just keep quiet, but knowing human nature, that is highly unlikely.
I think that's great if you can get a 40% cash-on-cash ROI daily

How many hours a day to make that $60? (now after you made your system)? That's the bottom line I suppose. The value of your time --that is the real net return.
@Graybeard My question was not answered, so here is the repost to stay on top. :)

#Is affiliate marketing dead in 2018 or
#am i on the wrong AM forum?

Was there any affiliate on this forum who has ever reached his 1k/10k/100k/1 million k etc monthly goal and documented it until the goal was reached in the "Follow Alongs and Online Journeys"?
There are so many out there... Actually, not everyone posts all what they do. But yeah... 1k a day is not that tough! ☺️

People who earns that much have no time to post and talk with newbies here. Facts!

You're on the right forum and plenty of resource is here.. have fun! But keep eye open.

Ha, I have to disagree with you @Webtech27
The top 1% of all affiliate marketers even they have the time. I do not have time is just a poor excuse, usually it means something is not important enough for me.
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Well, it is hard to put costs on R&D: the main reason is that the return, when successful, is long-term. R&D failed is an immediate write-off IMO. The cost of trying and losing -- happens.

So actively working: placing ads, doing landing pages or websites, social media posting, monitoring your tracking and analyzing it -- these things. Compensation for your active work. Spend deduction would also include outsourcing costs, servers, other direct expenses.
The affiliate model has changed a lot in the past 14 years I have been involved in it. Affiliate marketing is not dead but if you are referring into a mature long term sponsor with an old database -- I think you will have difficulties. I know I am in marketing these webcam programs.

The adult pay-site affiliate programs were raped by the adult tubes real bad.

I am going to be trying out a *dating site* direct with the offer owner -- new database and 70% rev-share -- so we will see -- they have an API to start an affiliate program. I think the only ones getting rich are these advertising networks. I can't see running a business where ads are taking 50% or more of what these affiliate networks are paying.

I think an affiliate's share of the profit should be around 66% <<< that's of the GPR gross profit margin.

Take webcams, something I have been involved with the costs for many years.
$100 the performers get average 48%
17% for the cam site.

the operating expense of a cam site should be 12% or less.
The problem is the cost of the credit card transactions the money-men processors are taking a lot of discount (fees).
This is reflected in the customer pricing and that is your first point of (conversion [sales]) resistance.

Same can be said for dating, nutra, MMO and other offers considered hi-risk by the payment processor community.

Bottom line: If you are at the bottom of the food chain you are living on the scraps ;)

Thanks @Graybeard! I really appreciate your opinion on this one. All agreed, if you don`t scale up these days you are going to be fighting against the sharks with a water cannon.
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I don't think that's Possible ... I used to think if I had a site that had 2k legit visit a day I would generate more revenue by the end of the months through Google ads.. but the reality is that that's not how it works... but i would say if you owned a national news site that would work because it takes millions of traffic to make that kind on money
Hello guys,
Sorry for late reply, i had an car accident. I couldn't do anything for a few weeks :( But during the hospital stay i read and researched a lot about strategies.
Last week i restarted everything again.

Below you can see last weekend and todays results, ROI is damn good :)


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Get banged up some? Sorry to hear about your setback.
You need to find a repeat sale offer -- you are venturing a big percentage toward ad costs IMHO. It's working though ... Nicer if you can get some residuals ... That can form a more reliable basic income for you :)
Thank you!
To come back to your hourly earnings that you once mentioned 2 month ago.
Last weekend I spent a total of 5 hours. At $860 profit, that would be $172/h. Pretty nice ! :)

Next week, I'll launch new offers and new traffic sources, which I'm very confident that will yield much more profit than now.
So yeah, it's going towards a reliable basic income, that was and is one of my main goals :)
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Hello guys,
Sorry for late reply, i had an car accident. I couldn't do anything for a few weeks :( But during the hospital stay i read and researched a lot about strategies.
Last week i restarted everything again.

Below you can see last weekend and todays results, ROI is damn good :)

View attachment 13363
View attachment 13362
you got those numbers on adult offers ? what traffic source works for you ? zeropark ?
You should really go for recurring offers. You won't believe the amount of cash (after a few years) it can generate on auto pilot. This is where the REAL money is.
Hello guys,
Sry for late update. Unexpected things got in the way, i didn't have much time for affiliate marketing.
The plan to test more offers / landers will be postponed to next year. :(
I hope I have more time after New Year.

Active campaigns are running smoothly.
Screen of last 30 days. The revenue is even more(~ $650). Between 1-3 december i had tracker problems.
As you can see, we're getting close to the journey goal :cool:
When the Christmas season and New Year are over, I'll attack to reach the goal :D

You should really go for recurring offers. You won't believe the amount of cash (after a few years) it can generate on auto pilot. This is where the REAL money is.

Thank you. The only thing that worries me is that the offer owner later doesn't pay or does not exist anymore.

you got those numbers on adult offers ? what traffic source works for you ? zeropark ?
I'm using native ad networks. I've tested Zeropark a bit but had no success.
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