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My Journey to $200.00 /day Bing PPC

!Update! - 6

A lot has changed in these last two weeks. So let’s jump in, shall we?

99 Problems


Bing Nearly Killed My Loans Campaign – Due to a policy change in the financial vertical 2/27/17, my campaign was nearly killed. I went from 9/10 quality score keywords to 1/10 scores overnight because of the policy change. FML..

My Tracker Was Unreliable - CPVLab was giving me incorrect data as it pertained to LP CTR's and it wasn't posting back conversions. I decided to jump ship to a cloud hosted solution. Jumping ship to another tracker would mean learning the in’s and out’s of that new tracker. I had spent days and days reading the CPVLabs manual and learning how to use a new tracker would consume so much of my already exhausted time…but I ultimately knew I had to do this. Thanks caffeine. Friends 'til the end.

In the end, it came down to two cloud based solutions really -> ClickMagick or Voluum. I went with ClickMagick for a myriad of reasons, - budget being a big factor. Couldn't be happier.

My Landing Pages Images Kept Disappearing – I had to open support tickets with Instabuilder to find out why the images kept disappearing from my landing pages. Not to mention the support was incredibly slow! Eventually, we hammered out the details and I understood why that problem was occurring.

All of these problems hit me at ONCE and the 4 days I planned to exclusively spend pushing volume, I spent problem solving. These were dark days. I did everything I could to get my campaign and landing pages compliant with Bing’s new policies and after four days, I was back on top thanks to a few buddies of mine at Bing that helped me bounce back. One thing I learned through this ordeal is that your resourcefulness, creativity and resiliency will be tested on your path to success...over and over and over again. You'll become a different person.

“Do not give in to adversity, do not trust prosperity, and always take full note of fortunes habit of behaving just as she pleases” – Seneca

I was told by several Bing reps that even though my loans campaign was back up and compliant, I should not breathe easy because as it relates to loans, Bing seems to be on a "witch hunt". One rep even told me that they foresee personal loans being banned from Bing entirely in the near future.

Did I freak or panic? No. So what did I do? Before I get into that, I have to preface with saying that these days, I’m learning to approach this business (and life) from a more stoic perspective. I’m convinced that ruthlessly disciplining your emotions is the only way to mentally survive in this industry.


Why Diversification is Important
I launched two new campaigns (low paying $1.60 - $3.00). Both incentive offers in different niches. One in the US and the other exclusively in Australia. I setup a Stackpath content delivery network and spent two days setting up and launching my campaigns. I’m eager to grow and develop these out as I have my loans campaign.

Earlier in this thread, I mentioned having an interest in jumping into the health vertical. Eventually I DO want to jump into health, but for now, I believe I should concentrate my full focus on my three campaigns before launching a fourth. Insert whatever quote you've heard before about spreading oneself and ones resources too thin. :p

Why do I want to launch a fourth campaign and why in the health vertical? The big four verticals are health, wealth/finance, dating and incentive. If your primary wealth/finance campaign -> loans for example, goes down, you should still theoretically have well performing campaigns keeping your lights on. Does that mean I’d exit the wealth/finance vertical if my loans campaign is gutted once and for all? No! Success isn’t a straight road, you have to be flexible in your approach and adapt to anything life throws at you that would otherwise knock you off course. Advancing boldly is the only objective.


Loans Campaign Performance

What have I done since my last update?

  • Implemented subid’s to track footprints left from conversions

  • Optimized ad schedule to coincide with the time my conversions have been coming in over the last month. Oddly enough, 99% of my conversions come in through very specific consecutive three hour windows. I’ve capitalized on this data

  • Once I figured out my target ethnic demographic (the data told me), I switched gears from hero shot testing (phase 1) to scarcity principle testing (phase 2). I will get more into this over the next few weeks.

Crazy as it may sound…I feel I’m actually one or two tests away from blowing major shit up with this campaign.

Adieu for now~


Stats Last Update

Total Spend
Total Revenue:

Stats This Update

Total Spend
Total Revenue:

Jump bro.
Bing Courses I'm taking or have taken along this journey:
Book(s) I'm reading (not my affiliate links) or have read along this journey:
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A lot has changed in these last two weeks. So let’s just jump in, shall we?

99 Problems


Bing Nearly Killed My Loans Campaign – Due to a policy change in the financial vertical 2/27/17, my campaign was nearly killed. I went from 9/10 quality score keywords to 1/10 scores overnight because of the policy change. FML..

My Tracker Was Unreliable - CPVLab was giving me incorrect data as it pertained to LP CTR's and it wasn't posting back conversions. I decided to jump ship to a cloud hosted solution. Jumping ship to another tracker would mean learning the in’s and out’s of that new tracker. I had spent days and days reading the CPVLabs manual and learning how to use a new tracker would consume so much of my already exhausted time…but I ultimately knew I had to do this. Thanks caffeine. Friends 'til the end.

In the end, it came down to two cloud based solutions really -> ClickMagick or Voluum. I went with ClickMagick for a myriad of reasons, - budget being a big factor. Couldn't be happier.

My Landing Pages Images Kept Disappearing – I had to open support tickets with Instabuilder to find out why the images kept disappearing from my landing pages. Not to mention the support was incredibly slow! Eventually, we hammered out the details and I understood why that problem was occurring.

All of these problems hit me at ONCE and the 4 days I planned to exclusively spend pushing volume, I spent problem solving. These were dark days. I did everything I could to get my campaign and landing pages compliant with Bing’s new policies and after four days, I was back on top thanks to a few buddies of mine at Bing that helped me bounce back. One thing I learned through this ordeal is that your resourcefulness, creativity and resiliency will be tested on your path to success...over and over and over again. You'll become a different person.

“Do not give in to adversity, do not trust prosperity, and always take full note of fortunes habit of behaving just as she pleases” – Seneca

I was told by several Bing reps that even though my loans campaign was back up and compliant, I should not breathe easy because Bing seems to on a "witch hunt" with loan campaigns. One rep even told me that they foresee personal loans being banned from Bing entirely in the near future.

Did I freak or panic? No. So what did I do? Before I get into that, I have to preface with saying that these days, I’m learning to approach this business (and life) from a more stoic perspective. I’m convinced that ruthlessly disciplining your emotions is the only way to mentally survive in this industry.


Why Diversification is Important
I launched two new campaigns (low paying $1.60 - $3.00). Both incentive offers in different niches. One in the US and the other exclusively in Australia. I setup a Stackpath content delivery network and spent two days setting up and launching my campaigns. I’m eager to grow and develop these out as I have my loans campaign.

Earlier in this thread, I mentioned having an interest in jumping into the health vertical. Eventually I DO want to jump into health, but for now, I believe I should concentrate my full focus on my three campaigns before launching a fourth. Insert whatever quote you've heard before about spreading oneself and ones resources too thin. :p

Why do I want to launch a fourth campaign in the health vertical? The big four verticals are health, wealth/finance, dating and incentive. If your primary wealth/finance offer -> loans for example, goes down, you should still theoretically have well performing campaigns keeping your lights on. Does that mean I’d exit the wealth/finance vertical if my loans campaign is gutted once and for all? No! Success isn’t a straight road, you have to be flexible in your approach and adapt to anything life throws at you that would otherwise knock you off course. Advancing boldly is the only objective.


Loans Campaign Performance

What have I done since my last update?

  • Implemented subid’s to track footprints left from conversions

  • Optimized ad schedule to coincide with the time my conversions have been coming in over the last month. Oddly enough, 99% of my conversions come in through very specific consecutive three hour windows. I’ve capitalized on this data

  • Once I figured out my target ethnic demographic (the data told me), I switched gears from hero shot testing (phase 1) to scarcity principle testing (phase 2). I will get more into this over the next few weeks.

Crazy as it may sound…I feel I’m actually one or two tests away from blowing major shit up with this campaign.

Adieu for now~


Stats Last Update

Total Spend
Total Revenue:

Stats This Update

Total Spend
Total Revenue:

Jump bro.
Bing Courses I'm taking or have taken along this journey:
Book(s) I'm reading (not my affiliate links) or have read along this journey:
You are going great bro.

Enjoying reading your journey till now.
All of these problems hit me at ONCE and the 4 days I planned to exclusively spend pushing volume, I spent problem solving. These were dark days.

Sucks but it happens, all part of the game. It's not what happens, it's how you respond and it sounds like you are very good at keeping your cool and doing what needs to be done and keep going.

after four days, I was back on top thanks to a few buddies of mine at Bing that helped me bounce back.


I learned through this ordeal is that your resourcefulness, creativity and resiliency will be tested on your path to success...over and over and over again. You'll become a different person.

You're right. Adversity is a learning opportunity. There is knowledge, skill and wisdom to be gained through our trials.

Crazy as it may sound…I feel I’m actually one or two tests away from blowing major shit up with this campaign.

Awesome! I have a feeling you are, too. :)

Best of luck!
Np. Truthfully, I know what it's like to post on this forum and not get much

TBH, I haven't found the mods here to be responsive/helpful at all either when I've asked them questions directly.

I am surprised to here this. We have tens of thousands of members that will disagree with you, many of whom I personally have helped reach thousands a day in earnings.

I defy you to demonstrate where this has happened. When have you asked me a question directly?

As well, a Moderators responsibilities is to monitor conversations and to help keep them lively, keep out the bad actors, eliminate trouble makers and spammers, and seek out help for someone when other members or vendors do not come forward with the information sought.

In my opinion, your statements are unfounded and not grounded in fact. I find them very offensive.

We have over 70k members, over 83k threads, over 423k post, and it takes 12 of us to keep them properly managed so that members like you have a community to share and learn.

You may be learning marketing, but I suggest you also take a course in etiquette and appreciation for those of us that work behind the scenes on your behalf!
I am surprised to here this. We have tens of thousands of members that will disagree with you, many of whom I personally have helped reach thousands a day in earnings.
I believe you.

I defy you to demonstrate where this has happened. When have you asked me a question directly?
I haven't asked you a question directly. My opinion, brazen as it may be, was ascertained by viewing threads within this forum. Granted, I know you guys are a small staff and there are, as you said, 70K members here, my opinion is that of my own, - and subject to change. I personally have reached out to a mod and got no answers along with posting a thread that got no replies after directing a mods attention to it for the purpose of getting answers. After which, I deleted because I resolved my issues via reading threads on WF.

Again, I feel the need to reiterate that this is just my own opinion based on my subjective experiences within this forum.

In my opinion, your statements are unfounded and not grounded in fact. I find them very offensive.
You view this forum as your baby, I get that. If you feel you're owed an apology, I apologize for offending you. I can't shake my own experiences though TJ. That being said, I've found you to be a top flight staffer here always helping people out as much as you can. So it's worth noting that I hold you in mind as an exception when it comes to my opinions re: staff engagement in this forum thus far.

We have over 70k members, over 83k threads, over 423k post, and it takes 12 of us to keep them properly managed so that members like you have a community to share and learn.
Yeah, I get that. I ran (as a mod and an admin) a forum that had over 30K active members back in 2010, so I understand the complexity of keeping tabs of everything.

You may be learning marketing, but I suggest you also take a course in etiquette and appreciation for those of us that work behind the scenes on your behalf!
I feel this comment is...way too based in emotion to dignify with a lengthy reply. I'll just reiterate that my opinion is expressly my opinion TJ.
If you've been following my journey, you know I switched to ClickMagick. The only bad thing I can honestly say about ClickMagick is that it doesn't allow you to track lander CTR. This is something you have to do the math on manually. To save myself some time, I created an excel document that I keep on my phone and can update whenever I want without having to grab a calculator each time. My tracker supplies the hard detailed data so this is pretty basic. It's just meant to fill a hole ClickMagick has yet to fill.

I'm sharing it with you guys, go nuts. ;)

Screenshot with fake numbers for illustrative purposes!

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Such an interesting journey Ryan and I really enjoyed reading all your thread from the day first till now. Have you tried Facebook paid traffic?

If you've been following my journey, you know I switched to ClickMagick. The only bad thing I can honestly say about ClickMagick is that it doesn't allow you to track lander CTR. This is something you have to do the math on manually.
Such an interesting journey Ryan and I really enjoyed reading all your thread from the day first till now. Have you tried Facebook paid traffic?

Thanks bro.

Not yet, but it's on my list.

Master Bing -> Master email marketing -> Master Facebook native advertising -> Master AdWords
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!Update! - 7

Made a major change to my campaign yesterday. Feel like an idiot for not thinking of doing it sooner. Anyway, microcommitments are definitely the way to go if the offer payout involves your traffic giving up seriously personal information. Thing is, I KNEW training had taught me this. I guess sometimes the obvious isn't so obvious.


The image below is a record high for this campaign thus far

Conversion Rate - If we're going by uniques (a lot of those clicks were me testing), then unique clicks to the offer total 152. That would put my CR at 1.97%, not 1.4%. To put this in perspective, consider 2% a minimally healthy industry CR.
Now, I'm going to focus on lowering my CPC since my performance with my Bing campaign is pretty solid and I'm securing pretty good impression %. My dynamic ads are performing great (3% - 30% CTR), so I'm going to experiment with slowly dropping my bids over the next few days.

Pay Bump - Ask your AM for this. But only when you've earned it. I haven't earned it yet. I think (my personal opinion), is you should be profitable before asking for a pay bump. Regardless, do this when you feel the time is right. For me, it's when my campaign is green.

Afterward, scale. I've been giving some thought to how I can scale this campaign vertically and/or horizontally...

Vertical scaling - Basically, blowing shit up even more on Bing
Horizontal scaling - Scaling my campaign out to similar traffic sources

Foreseeable problems - Cashflow. I think I'll have cashflow issues in the near future when this campaign blows up. Solution? I'm already on weeklies so when the campaign is really green and steady, I'll apply for a few credit cards (rewards/cashback cards) and pay for my traffic that way. Pay off your cards with your affiliate payments first. There are plethora of advantages to doing this...the less of which are free flights, hotels etc.

Stats Two Days Ago

Total Spend
Total Revenue:

Stats Today

Total Spend
Total Revenue:

-63% (+2%)

Bing Courses I'm taking or have taken along this journey:
Book(s) I'm reading (not my affiliate links) or have read along this journey:
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Wow is a great improvement, so spended 298 and earned 132 in the last two days.. I´m sure in the next tweak you will do it.. Keep optimizing that! Keep motivated you rock!!
Wow is a great improvement, so spended 298 and earned 132 in the last two days.. I´m sure in the next tweak you will do it.. Keep optimizing that! Keep motivated you rock!!

Thanks bro! But I only spent $206. I made $132 in revenue, which leaves me with a net loss of $74. Giant improvement for sure but I still spent waaay too much! I gotta bring my CPC down. ;)
!Update! - 8


Yesterday's Stats - 4/13/17

Today's Stats - 4/14/17

Today marks the first day my campaign went green (judging by today's revenue minus today's spend).

I made a NET PROFIT of $57.28
. For a detailed report of my overall campaign from a birds eye perspective, peep the stats below.

What all did I do? As I said in my last update, I planned to drop my bids and I did just that. Guess what? I still got hella clicks. I owe it to killer dynamic ads and ad relevancy.

If you recall this threads title, I'm aiming for
/day net profit from Bing before I consider this journey successful.

Just the beginning guys...just the beginning... ;)

Stats Yesterday

Total Spend
Total Revenue:


Stats Today

Total Spend
Total Revenue:

-53% (+10%)

Bing Courses I'm taking or have taken along this journey:
Book(s) I'm reading (not my affiliate links) or have read along this journey:
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Excellent news. Keep posting it's inspiring and very informative.
I told you... congratulations mate

Yep, you called it. So thanks guys. I really appreciate it. Really. I have some thoughts rolling around in my head...

Let's talk


The offer I'm currently promoting has a $44.00 payout per lead. All things being equal from the last update, if I opt to run with a $70+ ppl offer, I can reach this threads goal with 6 conversions per day.

However, if I continue running with the $44.00 ppl offer, I'll need about 10 conversions per day to reach this threads goal.

Both are attainable, but as I said in my last post...I'm thinking of ways of how I can start scaling and increasing my profit margins. Running with an offer with a higher payout will by default, up my net profits. The two offers I'm considering also have higher EPC's than the offer I'm currently sending traffic to.

I am 95% convinced that I'm going to do the above before asking for a pay bump. Will I drop my current offer altogether? Nah, you split test them against each other first and let the data tell you what to do. :)

I'm going to wait a few more days to see what the numbers are telling me with other minor tweaks I'm doing before pulling the trigger on this. Sooo... the offer split tests will probably go into effect early next week, if not sooner.

In addition, I'm still playing with lowering my bids on Bing to further increase net profit.

  • I'm going to split test a higher paying offer against my current one
  • I'm still playing with lowering bids on Bing
  • I'm going to ask for a pay bump
  • I'll continue to split test angles, headlines, etc. to increase CR
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wow what a full detailed journey, best of luck. ill be reading all the past posts and giving some of my intel on how to help you improve.

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