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My Journey to $200.00 /day Bing PPC

!Update! - ???

Hey everyone! I know it's been over a week since I posted an update. I just wanted to let you know that I'm making some major overhauls to my loans campaign. Basically, I'm gutting it and rearranging a lot of things. Why? Here were some of my concerns...


  • Bing threats (Let's be honest, the personal loans vertical is on it's way out the door on Bing)
  • Scaling (Aside from taking a profitable campaign to other PPC networks, how could I scale MASSIVELY? By massively, I mean, how can I go from a net profit of $100 / day to $5,000+ day and without my campaign being solely confined in the US)
  • High CPC (Honestly, the loans vertical is extremely expensive and you have to have deep pockets to compete. I definitely don't recommend this vertical to people who don't have deep pockets because you'll blow through your budget before you have a chance to accrue important information that'll tell you which direction to take your campaign)
  • How could I monetize traffic on the back end?
The Solution?

I had a lengthy conversation with @T J Tutor and @Kinsle about my campaign and it was upon talking with these gentlemen that I decided to shift gears entirely and go in a different direction. I don't want to talk too much about it right now since I'm in the setup/testing/experimental stages and will be for the next few weeks. But I do want you to know that the direction I've switched to addresses the above problems and more. It'll provide shelter for my loans campaign and set it up as an evergreen, untouchable force of nature to be reckoned with.

Without the help, kind words and advice of these gentlemen, I probably wouldn't have known what other options I could have taken to get this bird in the air.


I'll see you guys in 1 - 2 weeks. ;)

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!Update! - ???

Hey everyone! I know it's been over a week since I posted an update. I just wanted to let you know that I'm making some major overhauls to my loans campaign. Basically, I'm gutting it and rearranging a lot of things. Why? Here were some of my concerns...


  • Bing threats (Let's be honest, the personal loans vertical is on it's way out the door on Bing)
  • Scaling (Aside from taking a profitable campaign to other PPC networks, how could I scale MASSIVELY? By massively, I mean, how can I go from a net profit of $100 / day to $5,000+ day and without my campaign being solely confined in the US)
  • High CPC (Honestly, the loans vertical is extremely expensive and you have to have deep pockets to compete. I definitely don't recommend this vertical to people who don't have deep pockets because you'll blow through your budget before you have a chance to accrue important information that'll tell you which direction to take your campaign)
  • How could I monetize traffic on the back end?
The Solution?

I had a lengthy conversation with @T J Tutor and @Kinsle about my campaign and it was upon talking with these gentlemen that I decided to shift gears entirely and go in a different direction. I don't want to talk too much about it right now since I'm in the setup/testing/experimental stages and will be for the next few weeks. But I do want you to know that the direction I've switched to addresses the above problems and more. It'll provide shelter for my loans campaign and set it up as an evergreen, untouchable force of nature to be reckoned with.

Without the help, kind words and advice of these gentlemen, I probably wouldn't have known what other options I could have taken to get this bird in the air.


I'll see you guys in 1 - 2 weeks. ;)

The sky has no bounds for you Ryan! You are going to rock it brother!
It's surprising to hear that the personal loans vertical is on it's way out on Bing, as they must earn a significant amount of money from that niche. Maybe the loans vertical on Bing ads will become similar to how Facebook Ads became with the dating niche, they allow big companies to advertise dating sites/products, but not the general public.

The issue of scaling you mentioned, I think that issue would be a problem in any niche because there is only so much volume of traffic on one PPC network.
Awesome stuff Ryan. I've had a little experience with Bing in the past. Their 24/7 customer support really helped out.
Here is a breakdown of their Global marketshare judging by the amount of research you have done you probably have come across this, but i'm not sure and i hope it helps.


  • Bing Global Marketshare. pdf.pdf
    420.4 KB · Views: 88
I am working with some networks i have one years experience in affiliate marketing, Mostly I am running health and beauty products so i need convert2media account, I applied for many times but rejected or not reply, i thing it is the best network for me can any one help me to approve this account thanks a lot if some one help me.
I am working with some networks i have one years experience in affiliate marketing, Mostly I am running health and beauty products so i need convert2media account, I applied for many times but rejected or not reply, i thing it is the best network for me can any one help me to approve this account thanks a lot if some one help me.
You can find health and beauty offers on all big networks.

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