So I have chosen my niche I would like to build upon and was wondering if this is an effective approach of doing it. The niche represents a series of different products for one specific purpose, which I have personal experience and knowledge with. I will number my process.
1. The keyword I would like to rank for pulls in about 33,000 searches a month.
2. Using that keyword in google I came across one competitor on the first page that is an affiliate for amazon(also what I plan on doing). The content on that website seems pretty good but the layout is a little bit confusing, everything seems to be kind of scattered on the front page.
3. After looking up that competitor on similarweb I can see that website pulls in an average of 65,000 visitors a month and has a bounce rate of 55%. Also it should be noted that all that traffic is organic coming from google search.
4. Doing a bit of searching on amazon some of these niche products fall under the best sellers in my category, which I think is good?
So I after that I feel pretty confident of targeting this niche, what do you guys think? Did I miss anything?
My plan from here would be to rank up with my competitor plus offer a clean interface, a forum, and a mailing list for all new upcoming products. Which none of those are offered with my competitor.
Also I did a little bit of math to give me an idea for profit not sure how reliable this is.
65,000(visitors)*0.05(5% conversion on those visitors)=3250 buyers/month
3250(buyers)*20(product cost)=$65,000\month
$65,000*0.08(8% amazon affiliate commission percentage)=$5200 for myself/month rough estimate.
What do you guys think? Now some of the products range from $20 upwards to $1000+ and conversion rate I thought I set pretty low so I wanted to set the bar more towards the bottom of the scale then upper.
Anyways let me know if you if you guys think I'm on the right track and as always suggestions are always welcome.
1. The keyword I would like to rank for pulls in about 33,000 searches a month.
2. Using that keyword in google I came across one competitor on the first page that is an affiliate for amazon(also what I plan on doing). The content on that website seems pretty good but the layout is a little bit confusing, everything seems to be kind of scattered on the front page.
3. After looking up that competitor on similarweb I can see that website pulls in an average of 65,000 visitors a month and has a bounce rate of 55%. Also it should be noted that all that traffic is organic coming from google search.
4. Doing a bit of searching on amazon some of these niche products fall under the best sellers in my category, which I think is good?
So I after that I feel pretty confident of targeting this niche, what do you guys think? Did I miss anything?
My plan from here would be to rank up with my competitor plus offer a clean interface, a forum, and a mailing list for all new upcoming products. Which none of those are offered with my competitor.
Also I did a little bit of math to give me an idea for profit not sure how reliable this is.
65,000(visitors)*0.05(5% conversion on those visitors)=3250 buyers/month
3250(buyers)*20(product cost)=$65,000\month
$65,000*0.08(8% amazon affiliate commission percentage)=$5200 for myself/month rough estimate.
What do you guys think? Now some of the products range from $20 upwards to $1000+ and conversion rate I thought I set pretty low so I wanted to set the bar more towards the bottom of the scale then upper.
Anyways let me know if you if you guys think I'm on the right track and as always suggestions are always welcome.