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Push Notification Test Results


New Member
From my initial test push notification converts but...

Well I tested push before but didn't really try hard on it this time.

Almost 400 spend and only converted about 100 back.

Not very profitable in my books probably would have gotten better results with PPC and higher-margin offers.

Network zeropark & propeller

setup max creative allowed
3 different landers

Test 2 Nutra cod
1 dating

1 Nutra Kenya this one is about -50% roi the one I spend most my money on
traffic propeller & zero park
mobile push mostly spend all my money here
desktop push

There still a couple of leads that are on hold so maybe the ROI might raise a little.

1 Nutra MA this one totally flopped zero conversions after 2.5x CPA killed it
traffic propeller mobile push

1 dating 10x CPA only 1 conversion
traffic propeller mobile push

My thoughts it's fun playing with push notifications especially you can get click for cheap.

You can really A/B test the crap out of your funnels, unlike PPC your clicks cost a lot it's hard to test a lot of things with a low budget.

The traffic is there for sure but I dunno maybe just not use to low payout offers probably should of killing these a long time ago before spending that much. Spend is a little hard to control for sure.

I'm not sure how the advanced marketers' profit rates are when using push notifications.

But in the end, the cheap clicks don't make it down the funnel at conversion so no matter how cheap the clicks are if it doesn't convert it's no good.

Especially if the traffic is like the bloodline of your whole system.

I think maybe it's good to set up a crazy retargeting funnel for those people that click maybe make the money in the back that might work with this.

Still got like 400 left in zero park probably test couple of sweepstakes or something.

If anyone got some pointers or advice please feel free
I am not a push expert but a few questions came to mind, if that's okay....

You got conversions on your first run, so there's possible potential there, as you said.

Did you use a tracker, so you can pinpoint some helpful data? Best time of day to buy traffic, etc.? Do you know where/when you're losing clicks? Sounds like you maybe did an RON on ZP?

Are you now going to do some changes to your Kenya campaign to test different elements?
Where is the real problem? The push ads or the offer you are using?
I don't have an answer of your situation --it's the endless CPA conundrum --the endless riddle.
The 'average' conversion rate, and that average will vary a lot within your industry segment `niche; is around 1% on the internet.
So, if your conversion rate is a lot less than that --there is a problem.
I am not a push expert but a few questions came to mind, if that's okay....

You got conversions on your first run, so there's possible potential there, as you said.

Did you use a tracker, so you can pinpoint some helpful data? Best time of day to buy traffic, etc.? Do you know where/when you're losing clicks? Sounds like you maybe did a RON on ZP?

Are you now going to do some changes to your Kenya campaign to test different elements?

Tracking ya I don't go in blindly. I shut down most of the creative that isn't performing and landers leaving the higher ones right now but I think the traffic volume is a little low for Kenya on a propeller. The campaign turn green yesterday but it wasn't getting enough spend I up the bid a little.

Zeropark and propeller had very different results though both spend about the same propeller conversion were like 10x higher.

Zeropark gives me a whitelist to test I guess I need to give it another go.

I think the problem might be to a bottleneck of the pre lander was only getting like 15% CTR to the offer. Definitely need some improvements here. Probably should start ripping landers and test different angles to the offer.

I'm not sure what the average CTR is for prelanders on push notifications. I get around 45% CTR on PPC with my landers. Tried looking for base stats online couldn't find it if anyone care to share or have the data
Don't overthink it, a good offer will convert with any lander even if it's crap. Don't sweat the small stuff first, first you should of used one popular lander and make your first test to find a good offer.

Once you find an offer that converts, then test 3 landers against it and work backwards in my opinion.

Plus you have increased variables even more by using 2 traffic sources from the start, so because you aren't familiar with the offer you're not sure if its traffic, landers or what.

A random example of a good approach (in my opinion) would be:
1 traffic source
1 lander
3-5 offers

1 traffic source
3 landers
1 offer (best from first test)

2 traffic sources
1 lander (best from second test)
1 offer

and so on
I'm not sure what the average CTR is for prelanders on push notifications. I get around 45% CTR on PPC with my landers. Tried looking for base stats online couldn't find it if anyone care to share or have the data
PPC is SEM (Google Ads) or Facebook Ads? You can't even compare that type ad to CPC Network traffic.
  • One difference is 'directive' vs. 'creative' advertising
  • The second difference is the fraud filtering
  • The third difference is the 'error' click rate.
    --people don't talk about it but I have read that unintentional
    clicks on mobile touch screens are extremely high
    --I call these error clicks the touch screen trap :p
    --Some better ads will filter out and not charge for 3 second bounces
I have gotten 6% to 16% CTR on landers with network traffic that I have first filtered and screened to eliminate bots and miscellaneous trash network traffic. 30% to 75% of the traffic is accepted (depends on the network, what I bid, which way the wind is blowing sometimes). So, if you don't filter your landing page traffic the results might be in a 2% to 10% CTR 'range' IMO.

But like Anthony says: if your offer is crap or is shaving you :eek: ....

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