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You’ve been driving traffic to our offers the whole week and it’s time to find out which three have become leaders for their approval rates!

Artrolux + has earned the first place in the wealthiest Switzerland. This isn’t surprising since the Swiss are famous for their rationality when it comes to shopping – if they order something, it’s only logical to buy that product out

The second spot’s got Prostatricum Plus – 47% in Italy, offer payouts start from €34 per lead

The third place went to our new offer Cardio Balance – summer heat tends to negatively impact people with heart diseases, and our Cardio Balance supplement helps with maintenance.

Follow our top approved offers and earn the coin!

Making money off of internet traffic?
And what if it’s possible for you to earn even more?

It’s all possible and easy to do with Webvork!

Invite your fellow affiliates to drive traffic within Webvork affiliate network and get 5% of the income of each friend you invite.

And to make it easier for you to recommend us, here’s a list of our advantages:
- our own professional call centers, we do provide phone calls records;
- high payout rates from direct advertisers with a flexible rate increase system;
- a gift store and a possibility to win an apartment in Europe!

Referral payout service fees are at our expense. The more friends you have, the bigger your income.

Case study with a $2485 profit with the Cardio Balance offer in just one week!

Do you remember how we lanched a new offer for maintaining cardiovessel diseases and recommended you start driving traffic to it to become the first one to “reap that harvest”?

We were right! And this Cardio Balance case study from our partner proves this.

Hope it will inspire you to test this new offer and get your desired profit!

Link to the case:
Hi everyone! We at Webvork always think about new content. And so, a publisher once asked us to test their creative and explain to them why Facebook didn’t approve it. That question made us write this article for you.

In this article, you sill find a great way to test your creative before service moderation. Let’s go!

Read the article here:
All we need sometimes is just some basic human… top approved offers!

Guys, the last week brought good profit to many of our partners, and this list of top offers to all of us as a result.
The first spot was won over by Prostatricum in Czech Republic with a 52% approval rate.
Second spot went to Artrolux + with a 42% approval rate. The third place was taken over by Onixan. This anti-fungus remedy showed a 41% approval rate in Italy.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!
All your leads are getting free books from us!

It’s hard to earn support and genuine sympathy from customers but these are a foundation of long lasting relationships between products and the market, and this is what we’re aiming at!

We’re interested in perspectives and good reviews of our products, this is why Webvork gives out books about healthy eating habits to all your approved leads, providing stronger relationships between sellers and customers.
Because presents are always nice!

Happy customers, positive reviews — all of these are a way to your profit
and Webvork will always lead you the right way

Account statistics explained

Hi everyone! Today we've prepared for you new statistics analysis for weight loss offers. This publisher was testing various GEOs, read the article to find out what they discovered.

Good luck with your tests and remember that affiliate marketing isn't just about top scored, you can make income even without high numbers in your stats.

Read the statistics here:
The last top offers of this year’s summer!

Since August’s coming to an end, we’ve now got the hottest affiliate season ahead of us – fall.
Let’s find out what offers performed the best during the previous week!

The first place was won by Prostatricum in Czech Republic with a 48% approval rate, payouts start from €34, so all of this sounds pretty good
Second spot – Onixan. Anti-fungus remedies are always peaking during summer and vacation seasons, so go make use of it.
Parazax Complex is on the third spot, this offer’s approval rate was 38% in Austria.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!
Dear publishers!
Where do you find all the up-to-date information and latest CPA world news? We at Webvork only follow (and recommend) trusted media sources that can actually help solve many burning issues:


Follow our media partnets’ social media and go to their resources to take in the most useful niche content!

And the “Window to Europe” contest is still on! Drive traffic with the nicest payout rates, earn bonus points, get to the top 30 and earn the main prize — the apartment in Spain!
All offers and all GEOs are participating.

See all the details on the website:
Drive traffic with Webvork in September and get three times more points!

It’s very much possible to triple your chances to win in the “Window to Europe” contest! Our primary sponsor is giving you this opportunity for the whole September.

All you need to do is drive traffic to any Webvork offers and earn your bonus points while using account service subscription and boost your bonus points x3!

Choosing, you’re up for:
Over 150 GEOs;
BM, Fan Page, Ad Accounts for free;
Fast account replacement;
Premium proxy;
And so much more!

Sign up to right away:

All your bonus points will be tripled according to the bonus boost at the end of June, only after data collation among Webvork and Bonus points will be added starting from October 1!

Find all the details about the contest here:

Meet our first list of top offers this autumn!

The end of the summer was marked by a comeback of two weight loss offers in our top: Keton Aktiv and Idealis.
Keton Aktiv took the second place for Austria with a 41% approval rate. Idealis – lower by 1%, took the third spot.
The leader of the three was Prostatricum for Czech Republic – 48%.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!

Новые лучшие предложения открывают новые возможности!

На этой неделе все позиции в списке изменились по сравнению с результатами прошлой недели. Это может означать только то, что каждое из наших предложений достаточно велико, чтобы попасть в топ-3 предложений с лучшими показателями одобрения

Итак, первое место было завоевано каннабисным маслом. В Италии это предложение получило одобрение 49%. Второе место досталось Чехии с Простатриком. Третье место принадлежит Idealis, предложению по снижению веса в Швейцарии с показателем одобрения 42%.

Следуйте нашему списку лучших предложений и заработайте эту монету!

Spanish kind of passion on Webvork!
Opening a fresh GEO for the CardioBalance new offer

CardioBalance is an offer that can be scaled for a wider audience and will be great for those:

• fighting with toxins
• dreaming of getting rid of cholesterol
• maintaining checkups of hart and blood strokes
• interested in normalizing their blood pressure levels

Payout rates in Spain start from €30 per lead
Offer link Авторизоваться

Connect to the offer right now and seize your profit!

#Webvork #affiliatemarketing

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Hi everyone! We at Webvork always think about content and try to make it not just interesting but also useful to our publishers. Our today’s guest is the PeerClick ad tracker system.

We suppose there’s no need to explain why we need tracers, everyone uses them differently. But we’re certain that, in affiliate marketing, trackers are used for content cloaking. And many publishers see content cloaking as the key feature of ad tracker systems.
In this article, we’re going to teach you how to do this using the PeerClick tracker.

Link to the article: How to set up content cloaking with PeerClick

Telegraph (How to set up content cloaking with PeerClick)
How to set up content cloaking with PeerClick
Hi everyone! We at Webvork always think about content and try to make it not just interesting but also useful to our publishers. Our today’s guest is the PeerClick ad tracker system. We suppose there’s no need to explain why we need tracers, everyone uses them differently. But we’re certain that, in affiliate marketing, trackers are used for content cloaking. And many publishers see content cloaking as the key feature of ad tracker systems. There are tons of such trackers, some are best for working with Facebook…
Вебворк англ большая.JPG
Making you warm this fall with our offers’ approvals!

Today’s top offers have got Prostatricum on the first spot.
Men’s health themed offers always gain popularity during colder seasons. In Czech Republic, the offer earned a 49% approval rate.
The second spot went to Slim4Vit for Switzerland, the offer’s approval rate was 45%.
The third spot — the fresh offer of the summer — CardioBalance. In Italy, the offer’s got a 39% approval rate.

Follow or list of top offers and earn that coin
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✨Hi everyone!
When you’re setting up your ad campaign, you usually go for your audience’s interests, so that Facebook can truly get what kind of people you’re looking for, right? However, you could have noticed that Facebook doesn’t give you that many interests to choose from. Well, this is because some of them are hidden.

In this article, we’re going to figure out what those hidden interests are and why we even need them.

Read the article here: Facebook hidden interests: what are these and how are they helpful?

Telegraph (Facebook hidden interests: what are these and how are they helpful?)
Facebook hidden interests: what are these and how are they helpful?
Hi everyone! When you’re setting up your ad campaign, you usually go for your audience’s interests, so that Facebook can truly get what kind of people you’re looking for, right? However, you could have noticed that Facebook doesn’t give you that many interests to choose from. Well, this is because some of them are hidden. In this article, we’re going to figure out what those hidden interests are and why we even need them. Facebook is someone’s business, and it’s a pretty successful one that brings a very nice…
ин яз большая.jpg
⚡️ Launching a new GEO for our top offer!

Fetch your old Padazax offer campaign approaches since you will now need them for a new region — CZECH REPUBLIC

Parazax helps cleanse one’s organism from parasites, recover bowel activity and get rid of various helminths.

Payout rates in Czechia start from €28 under CPA
Offer link: Авторизоваться

Contact our managers to see the details!❗

#Webvork #CPA #offers #affiliatemarketing #Parazax

Autumn mess around at Webvork!

We know for sure that in this chill and rainy weather, our fiery joint offers payout rates are what will make you feel warmer

‼️ From September 15 to October 15, we’re increasing our payout rates and bonus points for each lead you drive!
Drive traffic to Artrolux+ and enjoy these rates for the following GEOs:

Austria — €38 and 20 WC
Czech Republic — €38 and 20 WC
Italy — €39 and 20 WC
Portugal — €32 and 20 WC

Joint offers show great performance during fall and the rates’ boost will secure your profit even better.
Also, please be reminded that you can swap your bonus points for awesome presents at WebvorkShop anytime: get yourself anything starting from smartphones to cars.

Hurry up, this boost will only continue for a month!
⚡️ September’s coming to an end but our awesome offers with nice approval rates are never going to end!

The Prostatricum Plus offer won the first position among today’s top offers. The offer’s approval was 49%.
The second spot went to Idealis in Czech Republic, 40%.
The third place was taken by CardioBalance in Italy.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!