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There are only several months left until the "Window to Europe” contest is over, use this time wisely!

Enter the races and grow your affiliate marketing skills by reading insightful articles and cases on our media partners’ resources:

✨ Бородатый арбитраж | VK

Read about the contest details on our website:

There will be no losers in our contest!
Top list of masculine offers!

Today, the list’s positions are all belong to offers of the “men’s health” category.

The first place’s got Prostatricum in Czech Republic with a 55% approval rate.
The second position went to Eretron Aktiv. A 53% approval rate and payouts starting from €35 per lead, isn’t it awesome?
The third spot’s got Prostatricum in Germany. The average approval rate has estimated 49%

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!
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Account statistics explained

Hi everyone! Today we have prepared a breakdown of statistics of a publisher that prefers driving traffic from Southern Europe.

In the article, you’ll see how that publisher managed to work with several offers and what they were able to accomplish.

And, of course, let us remind you that affiliate marketing isn’t just about high statistics numbers, you can also make money in more of a lowkey way!

Read the article here: Account Statistics Explained
Affiliate digits

Trackers have always helped affiliates optimize their ad campaign to the max and they also have always helped affiliates workaround moderation systems, such as on Facebook. Weight loss supplements, various creams for increasing that you-know-what, and other tricky products are, unfortunately, forbidden from Facebook ads, so we just can’t do without a high-quality service that can solve this problem for us.

Today we’re going to tell you how to set up a cloaking service using HideClick. Let’s go!

Read the article here: How to set up traffic filtering with the HideClick service
Top offers fresh like this frosty November morning!

This week, Eretron Aktiv has become the leader of the list, having achieved a 48% approval rate.
Offer payouts start from €35 per lead in Austria, which means that you have all the chances to get the profit!

The second spot went to Artrolux+ in Switzerland with a 49% approval rate.
The third place belongs to an anti-fungus remedy — Onixan. The offer’s earned a 45% approval rate in Italy.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!
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Cystinorm is taking over the world!

Our Cystinorm offer seems to be gaining more and more love from the publishers, so we decided to launch new GEOs for this product! Starting from today, Portugal is ready to welcome all of you!
Payout rates start from €30 per lead.

➡️ Offer link: Авторизоваться

❗️Why should you drive traffic with Cystinorm?

First of all, it’s an incredibly popular cystitis remedy for fall, all due to overcooling.

Secondly, you’re getting high payout rates directly! Yes, we produce Cystinorm right in Europe, observing all the safety measures

Don’t miss out on your chance to earn money with a highly sought quality product!


The guest of our today’s interview is Ivan Rud, ex-head of technical support at Keitaro, currently head of Inbound Marketing.

Ivan has helped a lot of affiliates, has shared a lot of useful features, and listened to a lot of people’s wishes, and later made them come true.
He was happy to tell us about himself, the history of the Keitaro tracker, its special aspects, and a little bit about its development. We’ve got a great interview here!

Read the interview here: Affiliates talks: Ivan Rud «Keitaro>
The way a call center processes your leads is one of the key aspects when it comes to working with an affiliate network.
This is why the call center work has to be high quality and we ensure you this is our case.

And, to showcase our high level of competence, we suggest you read the transcribed call from our Italian call center and see the relevant Cystinorm script for yourself.

Read the transcript here: THE CALL-CENTER WILL GET IT EIGHT

#Webvork #nutra #affiliatemarketing #callcenter
High approvals and payout rates are our keys to success!

And now you have these keys to yourself. Take a look at the current top 3 leaders of our affiliate network

The first position went to Prostatricum in Austria with a 49% approval rate. Second spot was won over by Cardiobalance. In Czech Republic, the same offer’s approval rate was 47% last week. And the list ends with this falls bestseller Cystinorm. Its approval rate in Italy was 42%.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!
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Here are the first three leading offers of this winter!

The sweet Christmas season is so on right now, everyone is out there looking for presents for their friends and family. And what is a better present than a genuine care after your health? This is why our nutra never loses its value!

This week, the first position on the list was taken over by Artrolux+. This offer’s got a 47% approval rate in Italy.
Second spot hosts Italy as well. The Cystinorm offer showed a 45% approval rate.
Third spot — Cardiobalance, 43%.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin !
⚡️ A browse that won’t give you s away!

AEZAKMI isn’t just a cheat code, it’s a browser that doesn’t give you away and guarantees your anonymity

You can use AEZAKMI to swap virtual machines or several computers with one program while staying unnoticed by anti-fraud systems.

AEZAKMI - антидетект браузер | Конструктор Браузерных Отпечатков.

And, AEZAKMI is now available for all our publishers with a 10% discount under the WEBVORK promo code
⚡️Drive traffic with Webvork this December and get three time more coins!

For the whole month of December, the “Window to Europe” primary sponsor is giving out PRESENTS via tripling your bonus points!

❗️ All you need to do is drive traffic to any Webvork offers and use the subscription accounts service for the whole time you do so

Choosing, you’re up for:
☁️ Over 150 GEOs;
☁️ BM, Fan Page, Ad Accounts for free;
☁️ Fast account replacement;
☁️ Premium proxy;
☁️ And so much more!

Sign up for right away:

All your bonus points will be tripled according to the bonus boost at the end of December, only after data collation among Webvork and

Find the contest details on the website Окно в Европу!

It's Friday, which means that we have a new interview for you.

The guest of our today’s interview is Vitaliy Gavrilov, the owner of the “TriTe” affiliate team. These guys drive traffic to nutra and white offers from TikTok, keeping their ROI at 100-150%. Vitaliy has gone in detail about all the aspects of working with this traffic source and answered a bunch of our questions. If you’ve been tired of Facebook and been thinking about TikTok for quite a while, then this interview is a must-read for you.

Find the interview here: Affiliates talks: Vitaliy Gavrilov “TriTe”
✨ It’s almost Christmas in Europe — the most lavish season of the year for almost all verticals!
This is why you can’t just sit back and do nothing, you need to drive that traffic!

Today’s top approved offers are led by CardioBalance with a 45% approval rate in Italy.
Second spot went to Cystinorm. The offer’s approval rate was 43%.
The third place was won over by the offer that hasn’t been featured on the list for quite a while, however, it is still very relevant! Parazax Complex and 40% in Switzerland.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!
✨ Better safe than sorry!

Having problems with disapproved or trashed leads, doubting that they are being carefully processed?

There’re no difficulties for Webvork regarding this issue – we’re confident in our doings and we do provide you scripts of each of your applications from our call centers!

You can get the records by contacting your personal manager anytime – just ask for it!


The guest of our today’s interview is Ivan Rud, ex-head of technical support at Keitaro, currently head of Inbound Marketing.

Ivan has helped a lot of affiliates, has shared a lot of useful features, and listened to a lot of people’s wishes, and later made them come true.
He was happy to tell us about himself, the history of the Keitaro tracker, its special aspects, and a little bit about its development. We’ve got a great interview here!

Read the interview here: Affiliates talks: Ivan Rud “Keitaro”
⚡️ Moderators will be amazed when they find out…

Find out that Webvork products are of the highest, 100% quality, sold by foreign retailers, so these aren’t just affiliate marketing nutra items.

Consequently, all the products are officially registered and CE marked.

❗️ Pass through ad moderation with the relevant documents.
❗️ Promote the offers through the official Facebook partners

Find the documents here:

Good luck with your launches!
❄️ Fresh as a breezy December morning, our list of top approved offers!

Looks like Austrians decided to get rid of all the parasites and cleanse their bodies before Christmas — Parazax Complex is on the first position
Second spot has CardioBalance with a 44% approval rate in Italy.
Third place went to CannabisVital Oil with 42%.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!
Creative Room — your source of inspiration!

Joint healing products are the seniors of the nutra vertical. Together with weight loss products, joint offers are highly profitable and known among all GEOs. So today, we decided to let you in on one of our top offers – Artrolux+ Cream and tell you about some working approaches for when setting up campaigns with this product.

Enjoy the article: Creative room: Artrolux+ Cream