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Have you already begun making money on the most fall over we’ve got?

Nutra is especially relevant during cold seasons, it can solve such problem as cystitis. October and November are the two months when this disease is at its peak.

The Cystinorm offer will help defeat the symptoms and make you several hundreds of euro

➡️ Offer link: Авторизоваться
• Spain — starting from 30€
• Austria — starting from 32€

Drive traffic with quality offers and great rates

#Webvork #affiliatemarketing

It’s easy to make money during fall! Of course, if you know which offers are worth your time

Prostatricum Plus in Italy has taken the first position today. The offer’s approval rate was 44%.
The second spot went to Onixan, the anti-fungus remedy. In Italy, the offer’s earned a 42% approval rate.
And the third place went to Poland. Prostatricum has been approved up to 40% in this region.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!

Hi everyone!
90% of affiliates have worked or are working with Facebook. But Facebook includes so much: accounts, bans, proxies, VPN, trackers, automated launches, using account tracking services, endless need to use online cards, setting up cloaking services, and so many more intricacies. Long story short, this thing is hard.

This is why today we decided to tell you about working with teaser, or ad networks. Maybe some of you are going to be interested in this “evergreen” traffic source.

Read the article here: What does a beginner affiliate need to know about working with ad networks?

❌ Forget about your billing headaches and real estate expenses!

Webvork is going to solve two of these problems for you
Participating in the “Window to Europe” contest, you have a chance to win an apartment in Europe by driving traffic, and by using the extra.card service for the whole month of October, you can win the apartment THREE TIMES FASTER!

⚡️ In October, we’re going to be giving 3 times more points for all offers to all the extra.card users!

extra.card is a subscription based online bank card service for affiliates.
The subscription includes an unlimited number of cards!

Purchasing a card with no documents required
❕ Card issuing takes less than 5 minutes
Unique BIN numbers
Platinum plastic credit cards
⚙️ 3ds codes, all the sms-messages come to your personal account

Sign up under the link to get your bonus points: buy extra card kyc free for online shoping | онлайн карта для покупок в интернете

All the bonus points will be tripled according to the boost as a result of October strictly after Webvork and extra.card conduct reconciliation check.
Read the contest details here: Окно в Европу!


On October 4th, before the MAC conference, we’ve held a homey event where we gathered our partners and colleagues together

We hope that our event lived up to your expectations, we were able to fit everyone in the Russian Wine restaurant in Moscow. Alcohol and the appetizers were endless and the guest were kept entertained by dancers, a magician and a host✨

But why talk about it when you can see it for yourself how the party actually went!

Link to the album: Facebook

If you liked the event, then find yourself on these photos, post it on your social media accounts and tag Webvork there too:
Login • Instagram
Login • Instagram

Autumn is known for revoking diseases. This is why nutra is especially relevant during this time of the year!
And if you’re still hesitant on whether or not you should start driving nutra traffic, our average approval rates and payouts can help you make the right decision

Last week, Prostatricum Plus in Italy was the absolute leader with a 49% approval rate.
The second spot was taken by our all-purpose oil treatment — CannabisVital Oil. This remedy helps fight insomnia and fatigue, as well as heal joints.
Cardiobance in Italy took the third position with a 44% approval rate.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!

⚡️The last two days of this fall’s special offer!

Diseases tend to act up during fall, especially those that affect joints.
Cold, rainy, and fast-changing weather all negatively impact a human body, so the demand for joint remedies grows higher.
Until October 15th, Webvork increases payouts and bonuses for one of its top joints offers Artrolux+.

The special offer’s GEOs:

Austria— €38 and 20 WC
Czech Republic — €38 and 20 WC
Italy— €39 and 20 WC
Portugal— €32 and 20 WC

Hurry up and drive traffic with increased rates!


Engaging the right audience is a tough yet crucial task. It’s imperative that your product interests someone, and finding the “someone” makes up the best part of testing in affiliate marketing.

Webvork is here to help you! We took target audience data for every offer from the program’s lifetime valid leads report , and now we are ready to provide you with our insights!

Grab target audience data and stats for Parazax Complex. This product removes toxins and waste from the organism, and our insights will make your workflow and thus healthier, too!

Stats: Целевая аудитория Parazax Complex (Целевая аудитория Parazax Complex)

#Webvork #targetaudience #affiliatemarketing
Hi everyone!
Today’s top offers have got two of this year’s new offers and our all time favorite — Prostatricum that’s been showing great results in Poland, its new GEO

Cystinorm, an anti-cystitis remedy has earned a 42% approval rate and the first place on our list. Cardiobalance has taken the second spot with a 41% approval rate.
The same approval rate was also the result of the week for Prostatricum.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!
New GEO — new possibilities!

This truly is a Webvork’s motto and this is why we regularly open new GEOs for the offers that show great performance in other countries.

This time, Keton Aktiv is going to Czech Republic and it has all the chances to like it over there


Offer link: Авторизоваться

Keton Aktiv is a dietary supplement that promotes weight loss and its name is a reference to everyone’s favorite keto diet that allows people to eat everything they love so much

#Webvork #CPA #offers #affiliatemarketing
Did you know that autumn is the time when fungal diseases are relapsed as much as a typical flue?
Increased humidity is perfect for various types of malicious bacteria, including those that provoke bad feet odor and itchiness

Our Onixan offer will help fight this problem, and with new GEOs provided:

✨ Portugal
✨ Czech Republic

Payout rates — from €28 under CPA

Offer link: Авторизоваться

Multiple pre-landing pages with high conversions are all ready to bring you a lot of traffic!

#Webvork #nutra #affiliatemarketing
Affiliate digits

Hi everyone!
Today we decided to tell you about Facebook audiences, how to create them, what you need them for, and how you can use them in your work.

If you’re launching a campaign, targeting people of ageы from 18 to 65+, do not exclude any GEOs, and target both sexes regardless of their age, then we highly recommend you read this article.

Find the article here: Types of Facebook audiences and how you can create them
Let us cheer up your cold autumn days with our high payout and approval rates!

Eretron Aktiv in Austria was the leader of the list last week.
This virility supplement has earned a 47% approval rate.
The second spot went to Prostatricum Plus. In Italy, the offer’s approval rate was 42%.
The third position was earned by Cystinorm in Italy with 40%.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!
ин яз.png
A new and very wealthy GEOs for one of our top offers!

KETON AKTIV is a quality weight loss offer at Webvork. Keto diet products are as popular as ever, all you need to do is not miss out on your opportunity to make income off of this great product and a new a new geo – Switzerland!

Swiss payout rates start from

Offer link: Авторизоваться

For your convenience, we provide you with free search semantics and translations for your creatives. Just contact your personal manager

So, the guest of today’s interview is Timur, the lead developer of the AEZAKMI anti-detect browser.

He’s told us about Facebook’s anti-fraud systems, how anti-detect browsers work, what exactly gets cloaked by these types of browsers, and so much more. The interview is all just pure information, no unnecessary talking included. Hope you like it!

Read the article here: Affiliates talks: Timur «CTO AEZAKMI»
⚡️November 27th, Timur is going to give a speech on the NUTRATECH conference in Sochi.
Don’t miss this event: Nutratech2021 - Sochi
Did you know that November is the month when people tend to get sick the most?
This makes people check up their health more actively and prepare for Christmas and New Year’s, trying to get fitter by maintaining strict diets.

Our today’s top offers don’t have weight loss offers among them but they do have a very high-on-demand Cystinorm for Portugal with an average approval rate of 43% — and this is just the third spot!
The first position went to Eretron Aktiv for Austria with a 49% approval rate.
Prostatricum has taken the second spot. In Czech Republic, this offer’s earned a 48% approval rate.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!
❄️ Winter is coming…

And with it, we’re introducing updated call center working hours.

Starting from October 31st, call centers are shifting to winter time and will work according to these hours:

Germany, Austria, Switzerland:
Mon-Sat 10.00 — 22.00 GMT+3
Sun с 11.00 — 23.00 GMT+3

All other GEOs:

Mon-Sun 11:00 — 23:00 GMT+3

Please take the new call center working hours into consideration when launching you ad campaigns to avoid unpleasant situations!
‍ Creative Room — your source of inspiration!

Hepasanol is a liver supplement and our new offer.
The lifestyle of a 21st-century person often provides increased liver stress: alcohol, fast food, and low-quality ingredients negatively impact liver function.
In this time of the year, before the winter celebrations, we’re just in time for you to see the best Hepasanol practices and how other affiliates work with it
Hope you like it!

Find the article here: Creative room: Hepasanol