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What is the best approach?


New Member
I'm thinking about starting CPA. It was the first few dollars I made online, actually, around $50. I did this years ago with youtube and email submits direct linking in the description. Now that I am a lot smarter and have a little more money to blow, I plan on starting again with Video Marketing and CPA.

"Well, why is this in the SEO Forum?"

Good question. As many of you know, video marketing, article marketing, forum marketing, and most other free methods of marketing require constant work. When you stop making those videos, writing those articles or pumping out those comments, sure, the traffic keeps coming. It dies off really fast though. So I plan on creating a website promoting CPA Offers while I make money with other methods that may also help my SEO efforts.

My goal: I plan on making a steady $50 per day within the next month (I'm a hard worker when I know what I need to do).

My question for you guys, what type of offers convert best on blogs or information websites? Dating? Email/Zip submits? (Keep my goal in mind).

Also, I'm no SEO expert AT ALL. So what type of website should I go for? A simple blog that I post articles to regularly (if so, how regularly?)? A one page website promoting a CPA Offer (I would send the traffic and SEO to this website with article marketing/video marketing/etc.)? A website that I add a page to maybe twice a week with each page promoting a different offer?

I need all my SEO people to tune in here because I know NOTHING about it.

Thanks in advance guys and girls :D,
JaVaun T
Stick to what you enjoy at first as the writing will be natural - i love affiliate and internet marketing so i made a site where i could write about it - a year later its the biggest CPA website online! And your posting on it!

See my point, you wont dry up if you stick to something you love - whats your hobbies?
My question for you guys, what type of offers convert best on blogs or information websites? Dating? Email/Zip submits? (Keep my goal in mind).

Also, I'm no SEO expert AT ALL. So what type of website should I go for? A simple blog that I post articles to regularly (if so, how regularly?)? A one page website promoting a CPA Offer (I would send the traffic and SEO to this website with article marketing/video marketing/etc.)? A website that I add a page to maybe twice a week with each page promoting a different offer?

Stick to what you enjoy at first as the writing will be natural - i love affiliate and internet marketing so i made a site where i could write about it - a year later its the biggest CPA website online! And your posting on it!

See my point, you wont dry up if you stick to something you love - whats your hobbies?

First referring to K´s recommendation set up a website to a topic you are really interested in and that you love :)

To your question about the type of offers: A submit form is easier than a complete registration, of course. But that also depends on the need of people and whether they are really willing to spend money or are only searching for an information.

To your second question: I only can tell you what I´m doing. I set up a WordPress (WP) Blog, one page is the start- or homepage on which I write an article about the offer and link it to the offer itself, the second page in WP is the one on which I insert blog articles, two minimum. These blog articles refer to the main keyword on the startpage, and therefore support and strengthen the startpage.

I hope this helps you a bit :)

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