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Wordpress Presale Landers


Active Member
I know its possible and quite simple - @internalsoul usually helps with these :)

I want to host a presale lander on my wordpress domain, collect email addresses and pass the user off to an affiliate offer thats in the same niche as the list I am building.
Kind of like content locking, but I want the data.

I am new to WP, whats the best and slickest way to grab the emails and pass them on.
I saw in mailchimp that you after sign up, you can send them to a thankyou page which can be defined, but would rather a shorter flow.

Hit the page, enter email and then passed to aff page.

Be careful with MailChimp. I've read that they don't like affiliates. I haven't used them to verify that, just read about it.
I dont particuarly like their setup, its just I have their freebie account setup.

I literally want to stick a field on an LP, and collect an email. I will upload the data myself later, but mailchimp is just a little too messy on this.
@TonyB there are other ARs that offer freebie accounts, up to a certain number.

The two that come immediately to mind: VerticalResponse; Benchmark. I haven't been on their sites for a while but I assume they still have the offer.

Something you want to check though, is the price after you surpass the 2,000 (or whatever they offer) freebies. Could be more expensive to keep it running.

Aweber is the very best autoresponder in my opinion. You can get a 30 day free trial.
Thanks @azgold I have already had a look at a few AR's but I am a Market Hero fan boy, and it suits more to what I need. I am just looking for something while I build the list to begin with.

Literally, if I could remove that 'subscription confirmed step' in mailchimp, I could cope with it. I just want to grab the email (even dump it into a CSV for later) and move them on to the offer.
Im a dumbass, I can do it in Mailchimp if I play with the code. I know I am not exactly playing by their rules, but at least its possible.